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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



  • All this talk about letters,contracts anyone actually producing them in court.
    Would have been produced to the Judge before the hearing.
  • Lex Dominus agreement is to buy ESI for £1.
    Has that been said?
  • PE has put money into the club Nimer did not.Say PE wins then sells too TS everyone hapoy?.
    Ultimately yes, but it would be hard to accept that Elliott and Farnell get paid for their shenanigans.
  • Chaisty says that Mihail has submitted an 18-page statement. "When you strip is away, it doesn't say a great deal."
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Jints said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Can LK use the football club, fans ... the season on a whole as part of a defence?

    EG its not just between Elliot and Nimer, the whole club is at stake?
    It's legally nothing to do with football ffs. 
    Disagree. ESI 1 can argue that delay diminishes the asset because of the imminent start of the season and potentially removes the chance of a sale. Therefore an interim injunction should not be awarded.
    But that could be settle with damages at a later point.  

    My point was it doesn't matter legally, if its a football club, a house or a sweet shop.  It's either been sold, has a contract of exclusiveity or it hasn't. 
    That's not what this hearing is about (at least I don't think it is). Breach of contract is normally remedied by damages. ESI 2 have to show that is not an adequate remedy should they be right about the contract and that an injunction is therefore necessary. 
  • Mahail sounds like a stooge going by some of these posts. 
  • This entire case is to decide who gets TS's money. Makes me sick.

    Maybe this is why Thomas is in town, because he thinks that either way, he can still buy the club, this hearing only decides where the money goes perhaps?
    No, this hearing is to decide whether or not there should be another hearing to decide where the money goes. That hearing might not happen until November, by which time TS might have come to his senses!
  • edited September 2020
    Redrobo said:
    Lex Dominus agreement is to buy ESI for £1.
    Has that been said?
    Its a quote from Airman, everything I'm putting in italics is a quote from other people

    Rather than copying a tweet that some may not be able to read
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  • PE has put money into the club Nimer did not.Say PE wins then sells too TS everyone hapoy?.
    Yes, but he doesn't win today - he wins in a few months! TS could walk away. We can't make any signings ........
  • Rossman92 said:
    Jesus don't know why I bother with Twitter. Everyone on there is already acting like the club is gone....... A lot of people don't seem to realize that both sides get to speak in a situation like this

  • MM ain't looking to rosy is he!

    Feels like fcuking amateur hour! 
    MM is one of them. Why the surprise? He just has a different style ie with a virtual smile on his face via twitter.
  • Rossman92 said:
    Jesus don't know why I bother with Twitter. Everyone on there is already acting like the club is gone....... A lot of people don't seem to realize that both sides get to speak in a situation like this
    You've seen reactions though when we're losing in actual games though... This is going to be even worse!!
  • Jints said:
    Chaisty turning to "adequacy of damages" - damages would not be adequate.

    "We will not have the share. It would make it a complete nonsense to have a trial when the shares have already gone."
    Don't understand this unless he is saying that damages not adequate remedy because no way of securing payment against a shell company. 
    You got it. That was the point he was making. What was unsaid of course was that Elliott would like to make a profit on selling on to TS rather than Nimer doing that.
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  • CAFCsayer said:
    Probably blind optimism, but reckon LK has something up her sleeve here... Kept smirking throughout that last bit
    Noticed that as well. Seemed confident!
  • CAFCsayer said:
    Probably blind optimism, but reckon LK has something up her sleeve here... Kept smirking throughout that last bit
  • Croydon said:
    Mihail is a complete joke. No better than the rest of them
    The sensible among us knew that. Others wanted him kept on on the board following an interview last week.
    You do know their lawyer is picking apart Mihails written submission don't you?
  • I don't know what some of you were expecting. That Elliott's lawyer would just stumble over his words and hold up blank pieces of paper? That he'd be a face taped onto a mop? It doesn't matter what this guy says, if our lawyer can show that the deal was never agreed, with evidence, then hopefully that's what the judge will focus on.
    Let's hope so. We have been told by ESI 1 that they have a very strong position. Now is the time to see it.
  • Come on LK BRING IT HOME
  • Chaisty is really stringing out his hourly rate here.  References to how many are on line, what a bore.  Just give the facts in short, sharp, summary.  He doth protest too much me thinks.
  • There is one single, simple decision for the judge: Is there (yes or no) a legally binding agreement for ESI to buy the club from Panorama Magic?
  • Croydon said:
    Mihail is a complete joke. No better than the rest of them
    The sensible among us knew that. Others wanted him kept on on the board following an interview last week.
    You do know their lawyer is picking apart Mihails written submission don't you?
    Depends if the judge agrees with what Chaisty is saying though...
  • Yeah they get paid alot but fuck me I would have to if I had to listen to this kind of shit for hours on end. Get on with it! 
This discussion has been closed.

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