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The Final - BBC or ITV



  • BBC all day long
  • BBC all day

    Lineker, Shearer, Rio and Frank

    I actually don’t mind the pundits on itv it’s just the commentary and adverts that drive me insane.

    they even managed to cut to an ad break last night as Kane was presenting the danish a shirt for Ericsson 
  • It's the adverts that piss me off most. The pundits are good ( apart from a personal dislike of Neville lol ) love the looks Keene gives when someone says something he dislikes.

  • wmcf123 said:
    I don’t think even the people who work for ITV will want to watch it on ITV.  Trouble is you have to suffer Danny Murphy on BBC - that’s the only downside. 
    What about Lineker and Shearer ? ITV build up and no sound for commentary for me .
    Personally I like both of them so no problem for me.
  • Put Keane in a dungeon and Wright on BBC commentary and its a done deal. 
  • AndyG said:
    BBC for me although I will be gutted if Wrighty smacks Roy live on TV and i miss it 😂😂
    If that happens it could be the last thing Wrighty ever does! 
  • Another for the Beeb.,,them adverts are so annoying,cutting off all the way through the celebration’s is so wrong in many ways…
  • Beeb for me as well
  • I'd rather watch it on RAI Sport than watch ITV.

    BBC Obviously. 
  • Sponsored links:

  • BBC for me.
  • BBC hands down. 
  • BBC.
    Can you imagine if you had watched '66 on ITV and missed "some people are on the pitch......"
  • BBC with the 5Live commentary 
  • BBC, of course.

    Matterface was awful last night.  "Denmark are a member of staff down... they've got 9. Erm, 10. 10.  9 outfield" & I enjoyed him saying go out, celebrate however you want, let the kids stay up and party" etc before someone clearly reminded him in his ear he probably shouldn't say that with social distancing rules around!
    Couldn’t believe that when the six minutes overtime came up he never once mentioned it.......the first reference he made of any overtime was to say there were three and a half minutes left......two and a half minutes since it was first shown!🤨
  • BBC if watching on telly. Love the Stella line up Linekar, Shearer Rio
  • Rothko said:
    BBC with the 5Live commentary 
    If Murphy is on, that is a very good shout.
  • edited July 2021
    BBC .  Roy Keane apart , ITV is excruciating to watch. 
  • BBC, of course.

    Matterface was awful last night.  "Denmark are a member of staff down... they've got 9. Erm, 10. 10.  9 outfield" & I enjoyed him saying go out, celebrate however you want, let the kids stay up and party" etc before someone clearly reminded him in his ear he probably shouldn't say that with social distancing rules around!
    Don't even think the game had finished at that point.  The way he kept tempting fate as if we'd already won with daft comments was a wind up.. bit like the Keegan 'theres only one winner now' comment
  • Sponsored links:

  • BBC for moi.📺
  • I wish all decisions were this easy!

    The British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • BBC.  Because it is the British Broadcasting Corporation.  And it is better.
  • BBC 
  • BBC

    Always try and avoid ITV if at all possible
  • Looks like we have finally found something everyone can agree with on this board 😉
  • ITV- fed up with my hard earned paying smarmy Lineker’s wages 
  • BBC, of course.

    Matterface was awful last night.  "Denmark are a member of staff down... they've got 9. Erm, 10. 10.  9 outfield" & I enjoyed him saying go out, celebrate however you want, let the kids stay up and party" etc before someone clearly reminded him in his ear he probably shouldn't say that with social distancing rules around!
    And he called Walker Sterling more than once and mixed up his Harry’s too and his commentary is so inane. BBC hands down.
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