People who think it's cool to go out with their top button done up on a casual shirt.
Absolutely this. I'm convinced it was started as a piss take, then a load of sheep copied it thinking it looked cool. Looks ridiculous.
It is the fashion equivalent of garlic.
Some poor French peasant accidentally put garlic in a meal and pretended that is what they do 'in the city'. Others copied, trying to be fashionable and then someone from the city saw this new fangled garlic being used in the country and took the idea of it back with them and the cycle perpetuated until garlic invaded cooking all due to a mistake as no one would deliberately use it.
Modern politicians. I know it's very fashionable to label a lot of today's MP's as "Career Politicians" but that is what many of them are. Watching QT tonight the irritant that calls himself Douglas Alexander just sums up all that is wrong in our political system. Before you ask, no I do not have an answer but I do have a question, which I have asked before on here: If a bunch of old, middle class, slightly mad, middle-aged Daily Mail readers can give our staid system such a kick as they did in the Euro Elections why oh why can't we have a collection of young intelligent people to start a new political movement to get rid of the tired parties we have now? Not mad militant types that rioted outside Buckingham Palace last night but sensible, caring young people who must be as tired of our outdated political system as I am but have the energy to do something about it.
Modern politicians. I know it's very fashionable to label a lot of today's MP's as "Career Politicians" but that is what many of them are. Watching QT tonight the irritant that calls himself Douglas Alexander just sums up all that is wrong in our political system. Before you ask, no I do not have an answer but I do have a question, which I have asked before on here: If a bunch of old, middle class, slightly mad, middle-aged Daily Mail readers can give our staid system such a kick as they did in the Euro Elections why oh why can't we have a collection of young intelligent people to start a new political movement to get rid of the tired parties we have now? Not mad militant types that rioted outside Buckingham Palace last night but sensible, caring young people who must be as tired of our outdated political system as I am but have the energy to do something about it.
Because it would take years to make any effect on the political scene and by then they would have become: a bunch of old, middle class, slightly mad, middle-aged Daily Mail readers
Modern politicians. I know it's very fashionable to label a lot of today's MP's as "Career Politicians" but that is what many of them are. Watching QT tonight the irritant that calls himself Douglas Alexander just sums up all that is wrong in our political system. Before you ask, no I do not have an answer but I do have a question, which I have asked before on here: If a bunch of old, middle class, slightly mad, middle-aged Daily Mail readers can give our staid system such a kick as they did in the Euro Elections why oh why can't we have a collection of young intelligent people to start a new political movement to get rid of the tired parties we have now? Not mad militant types that rioted outside Buckingham Palace last night but sensible, caring young people who must be as tired of our outdated political system as I am but have the energy to do something about it.
Because they would be patronised, not listened to (no life experience see) and as someone said above by the time they got it moving they would be middle aged.
And unless they were corrupt or already wealthy they would earn nothing like the money that someone or a group of people with the drive, vision, verve and dedication would or should command
People who think being a parent entitles them to be complete arses or that normal public behaviour/social conventions don't apply to them. Never mind the number of parents who barge obnoxiously large & loudly coloured prams and buggies through queues or crowds of people, there was some horrible woman on the train this morning who was Skyping to her crying baby on loudspeaker. I can tolerate a crying baby that actually there in person, because babies cry, deal with it, but to willingly broadcast that to a train over your crappy phone is stupidly irritating.
People who tag their partner or wife in mundane/boring facebook status's.
'Kev is watching Transformers at home with Kelly'.
A) What a boring status Why tag people in status's who sit next to you and live with you, it goes without saying.
There's a bird on my Facebook who does this all the time but with loads of pointless hashtags it annoys the hell out of me. A typical status from her is:
Eating tomato soup with Dave #eating #tomato #soup #with #Dave
Those who, in a single lane, deciade that they alone are going to regulate the speed of all of the cars behind them by going at an infuriatingly slow speed and allowing a gasp of several hundred yards to open up between them and the next car.
When I'm humming, whistling or giving some other oral rendition of a classic song and someone joins in but gets it completely wrong. Not only is it insulting to me as an artist but it completely ruins the performance. For example, this morning I was delivering a virtuoso do-do-do-do-do-do-do rendition of The Wombats' Let's Dance To Joy Division when Mrs Stig joined in with The Cantina Band Song from Star Wars. Just how can an artiste carry on under such conditions?
Some poor French peasant accidentally put garlic in a meal and pretended that is what they do 'in the city'. Others copied, trying to be fashionable and then someone from the city saw this new fangled garlic being used in the country and took the idea of it back with them and the cycle perpetuated until garlic invaded cooking all due to a mistake as no one would deliberately use it.
Before you ask, no I do not have an answer but I do have a question, which I have asked before on here:
If a bunch of old, middle class, slightly mad, middle-aged Daily Mail readers can give our staid system such a kick as they did in the Euro Elections why oh why can't we have a collection of young intelligent people to start a new political movement to get rid of the tired parties we have now? Not mad militant types that rioted outside Buckingham Palace last night but sensible, caring young people who must be as tired of our outdated political system as I am but have the energy to do something about it.
And unless they were corrupt or already wealthy they would earn nothing like the money that someone or a group of people with the drive, vision, verve and dedication would or should command
'Kev is watching Transformers at home with Kelly'.
A) What a boring status
Eating tomato soup with Dave
Aggressive, self-important gits.
People who shoehorn bad puns into normal conversations.
They need a slap.
Sometimes I'd like to give them one.
Sometimes I'd like to give them one.
Innuendo. It's so last season.
In yourendo
Those who, in a single lane, deciade that they alone are going to regulate the speed of all of the cars behind them by going at an infuriatingly slow speed and allowing a gasp of several hundred yards to open up between them and the next car.
Frankly, lad, you are asking for it.
When the other texts me at midnight saying "are you awake" looking for a lift then tells me she'll get a cab home then (this was about five hours ago)