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General things that Annoy you



  • I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but people who do not indicate.
  • McBobbin said:

    Homeopathy. Actually, alternative 'medicine' in general, but Homeopathy specifically. The most ludicrous nonsense ever invented, yet somehow we're, as taxpayers, funding this woo-woo shit on the NHS

    Is this the practice whereby you distill water down to the nth degree until it's just, errr water?
    Homeopathy is the practice that gives you a very small dose of the condition you wish to prevent, that dose theoretically stimulating antibodies to ward off infections, etc. I believe that a major study a few years ago exposed homeopathy to be nothing but a farrago of mumbo-jumbo. HRH Jug-Ears believes in it, bless him.

    not even that. It's based on the flawed principle that like cures like, so the "active ingredient" is something that gives similar symptoms e.g. something that makes you feel sick to cure nausea. It wouldn't provoke an immune response against your condition which is highly specific anyway. also, if you have a particular disease, your body will be fighting it. no need to give it further grief. This is all by-the-by. The treatment is diluted to the point of having hardly a drop in it, and at its most "potent", has nothing in it at all. It is nothing but water.

    In double-blind controlled experiments (of which there are many, often neatly combined into meta-analysis that are statistically very significant) homeopathy is found to be no better than placebo. In other words, the treatment does sod all. The placebo effect is interesting, and I actually think there may be a case for placebo based treatments in some cases... but homeopathy is utter cack.
    Great! A neat summary, ten times better than what I was feebly trying to express.

  • Just heard that the policing bill for the Balcomb drilling protests has reached an estimated 3/4 of a million pounds and that the police commissioner responsible is going to ask the government/tax payer to cover the extra cost. Why don't they sent the bill to Godzilla drilling company. They would send the bill in if it was a football club wouldn't they!
  • MeebaumAzanitch Member
    August 19
    Just heard that the policing bill for the Balcomb drilling protests has reached an estimated 3/4 of a million pounds and that the police commissioner responsible is going to ask the government/tax payer to cover the extra cost. Why don't they sent the bill to Godzilla drilling company. They would send the bill in if it was a football club wouldn't they!

    Don't agree I get absolutely sick of these "Rent a crowds" who turn up at anything and create trouble. Everyone is complaining about the cost of energy and when we have an opportunity to potentially generate cheap sources of fuel the tree huggers start protesting. If they want to sit in the cold and dark fine f**k off somewhere remote and let the rest of us get on with our lives.
  • Sorry daveaddick, I think you missed the point I was making about the police and businesses and football clubs.
  • Probably did mate just get wound up with the bloody Greens and tree huggers but take your point although the drilling company are going about their lawful business and all the problems are being caused by the usual rent a mob. Agree with your sentiment but I don't see why the drilling company should pay either.
  • Can't we just burn the ecomentalists for fuel?
  • PeterGage said:

    2. People you cant/wont wait their turn to be served in a pub.
    3. Drivers who don't indicate.

    Couldn't agree more with these two!
  • Whilst nimbyism is undoubtedly a big problem (though not as bad as the BANANA brigade), I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest if it was your garden that was at risk of collapsing into a sodding great hole so that energy companies can maximise their profits, you might take a slightly different view.
  • Extraneous noise made by selfish, inconsiderate people everywhere. People banging doors and having LOUD conversations late at night outside my window; idiots shouting to one another across the room in a pub. Pipe down, you bastards!
  • Sponsored links:

  • Homeopathy. Actually, alternative 'medicine' in general, but Homeopathy specifically. The most ludicrous nonsense ever invented, yet somehow we're, as taxpayers, funding this woo-woo shit on the NHS

    Another good call. A scientist comes up with a theory and does everything he or she can to prove it wrong.

    Alternative medicine people come up with a theory and use coincidence to back up their claims. Idiots.
  • Mosquitos. We're in Portugal and there's a plague of them that descend at about 8pm. Currently got about 20 bites all over me.
  • Whilst nimbyism is undoubtedly a big problem (though not as bad as the BANANA brigade), I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest if it was your garden that was at risk of collapsing into a sodding great hole so that energy companies can maximise their profits, you might take a slightly different view.

    Take your point Leroy and I could understand if it was the locals who were protesting but what I do object to is the unwashed, anarchist brigade who hijack every issue like this. They are not interested in the arguments for or against basically because they don't believe in anything except causing trouble. On a side note their is little evidence that fracking causes any real problems with land slips etc. The so called "earthquake" in Lancashire was one of the normal tremours we get in this country and could not be attributed to the fracking experiment that was taking place.
  • Mosquitos. We're in Portugal and there's a plague of them that descend at about 8pm. Currently got about 20 bites all over me.

    Skin so Soft mate, or industrial strength repellant. More importantly, why haven't you been over to Albufeira to say hello and share a beer? :-)

  • Whilst nimbyism is undoubtedly a big problem (though not as bad as the BANANA brigade), I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest if it was your garden that was at risk of collapsing into a sodding great hole so that energy companies can maximise their profits, you might take a slightly different view.

    Take your point Leroy and I could understand if it was the locals who were protesting but what I do object to is the unwashed, anarchist brigade who hijack every issue like this. They are not interested in the arguments for or against basically because they don't believe in anything except causing trouble. On a side note their is little evidence that fracking causes any real problems with land slips etc. The so called "earthquake" in Lancashire was one of the normal tremours we get in this country and could not be attributed to the fracking experiment that was taking place.

    So the locals are welcoming it with open arms then?

    In fairness it sounds like you have done hours of research reading the Daily Mail to come to your sweeping conclusions Dave.

  • People who continually blame the Daily Mail for everything.
  • edited August 2013

    Whilst nimbyism is undoubtedly a big problem (though not as bad as the BANANA brigade), I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest if it was your garden that was at risk of collapsing into a sodding great hole so that energy companies can maximise their profits, you might take a slightly different view.

    Take your point Leroy and I could understand if it was the locals who were protesting but what I do object to is the unwashed, anarchist brigade who hijack every issue like this. They are not interested in the arguments for or against basically because they don't believe in anything except causing trouble. On a side note their is little evidence that fracking causes any real problems with land slips etc. The so called "earthquake" in Lancashire was one of the normal tremours we get in this country and could not be attributed to the fracking experiment that was taking place.

    So the locals are welcoming it with open arms then?

    In fairness it sounds like you have done hours of research reading the Daily Mail to come to your sweeping conclusions Dave.

  • Interesting article on fracking seems current regulations aren't enough to stop natural gas getting into drinking water. Not sure how that would effect things in the UK, as out water all get treated. Be interested to see how it effects the local ecosystems. I'm all for securing our energy supplies, but the tree huggers do seem to have a point.
  • Stop it, you will upset the right wing door mats McB.
  • I am all for preserving our countryside but I also recognise the need to secure our energy supplies.

    Relying on 'renewable energy' isn't going to work in the short term as it is unreliable and inefficient. If we don't at least look into the possibility of securing new supplies of oil and gas, we are going to fall behind other countries economically. If we could have our own supply of oil and gas it will make us less reliant on unstable middle eastern countries. Perhaps we need a new thread on this subject as it is so important.

    The mob at Balcombe at the moment seem to think they speak for everyone - they certainly don't.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Homeopathy. Actually, alternative 'medicine' in general, but Homeopathy specifically. The most ludicrous nonsense ever invented, yet somehow we're, as taxpayers, funding this woo-woo shit on the NHS

    Is this the practice whereby you distill water down to the nth degree until it's just, errr water?
  • Stop it, you will upset the right wing door mats McB.

    A constructive addition to the debate once more!

    As posted above:
  • Fracking is a huge issue here in Oz, many folks think its a great idea - as long as its happening someplace a long way from them!

    Fracking is a very sensitive issue, it pits HUGE money from the energy companies against farmers (those that dont sell out to energy firms) and local residents and environmentalist types.

    Truth is Conservative, Labour, LibDem or UKIP love Fracking because it is huge potential revenue source so, basically, the locals can go get f-----d as far as parliament is concerned.
  • And a row of zeds was what then Len?
  • And a row of zeds was what then Len?

    Fair dos although I did add a link rather than just snipe
  • Thank you, cordiality is restored. :-)
  • Can we get back on topic please?

    People who don't queue at bus stops.
  • People who have to stay on topic.
  • Milburnesque cricket spectators invading the pitch
  • Attention seekers
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!