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    i heard the takeover will be announced before the game on saturday.

    No, not really.

    i know nothing and nobody.
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    how long is a piece of string their may not have been an announcement on when its going to be announced..
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    Let's concentrate on the football
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    who on here ever concentrates?
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    I heard an announcement from an announcer announce that an announcing announcer would announce an announcement when the announcement announces to the announcer to make the announcement.
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    [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]I heard an announcement from an announcer announce that an announcing announcer would announce an announcement when the announcement announces to the announcer to make the announcement.

    I heard that too !!!
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    [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]I heard an announcement from an announcer announce that an announcing announcer would announce an announcement when the announcement announces to the announcer to make the announcement.

    I heard a similar announcement..... I missed it though because I wasn't concentrating......
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    still trying to concentrate over here
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    Yup, it was just announced.
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    edited August 2009
    Love the way the poster is " 100% reliable" because he always gets the teamsheets right before the game.

    Probably cleans the changing room carsey out on matchdays.
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    surely he'd clean em out the day before?
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    Why don't we ask Gravity to ask Sagan's atomic spirit to ask the OS to sort it out? This Carl Sagan needs to get his sapient socks out and get on with asking the RIGHT questions. What my old Proffesor used to say, 'That might be a question, but is it the right question?' before he sashayed to the pub at 11:30 in his gown.
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    [cite]Posted By: mrbligh[/cite]surely he'd clean em out the day before?

    You watched us in the last couple of years blighty?
    90% of our little soldiers are bricking it before a ball has even been kicked in anger.
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    It does seem that things are moving closer, judging by recent statements from the board and 'intel' from club 'know alls'. However after all the waiting I was finally ready for the season, happy as Parky's journeymen, unwantedmen, yesterday men but mostly (it seems) Charlton men. It seemed liked someone was in control, doing the right thing and saying the right thing. I want a takeover, our club needs a takeover....but a few days before the season starts the most important thing is saturday and then the next game and then the next. It's time to leave the 'gossip' the 'rumours' the 'facts' and make sure the team gets results. So if it happens, lets not have celebrations before the start of the game on saturday (remember the 'cringe' of being crowned champions having just been played off the park by Ipswich?). Lets get to the game, get through the game and get on with the season with (hopefully) a new direction and a new purpose.
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    Tend to agree with Bangkok Dave here, on Saturday, we play the game and get the result...that'll do. Hopefully some kind of positive relationship will begin to bed in between the players and the fans. I want to see players proud and delighted to wear the shirt, and give 100% to stop Wycombe, and squeeze in a goal.
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    Perhaps we should all just sit tight & hope that something happens shortly ?
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Love the way the poster is " 100% reliable" because he always gets the teamsheets right before the game.

    Amongst other things.
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    edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: floydandharvey[/cite]Plus an alien race would have different laws of physics to us etc, so even if they explained their method of propulsion we'd have no way of understanding it. I think Carl Sagen (whoever he is) was being a bit of an idiot even asking, to be honest.
    The pedant in me would like to point out that there is no way an 'alien race' could possibly have 'different laws of physics'. The 'laws of physics' are just that - laws. They are universal and apply to all. What they might have is a different interpretation of the laws of physics, enabling them to think in a different way and thus invent something that we, as humans, haven't thought (or can't think) of which would enable us to travel vast distances across interstellar space in the blink of an eye.

    In addition, they know as much about the f***ing takeover as we do, so its a moot point.
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    edited August 2009
    aliens ate my hampster.
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    "I said, Jane, we've had our fun, we've had our laughs, now got out of my bed"
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    i personally think it does matter, whether people post accurate reports re: takeover. sure, if someone's post is so obviously fabricated, that it's clear it's a joke, then that's fine with me. but fabricated rumours, to a fan desperate for news of incomming buyers / funds to ensure our clubs future, that is to me, no laughing matter.

    i think it's counter productive to say you're in the know or you have a " watergate " type " deep throat " who's feeding you impending info on our clubs future, when quite clearly, the person is only trying to beef up their own personality / staus, that doesn't sit comfortably with me.

    i did leave a sarcastic comment to j block on her a couple of days ago, which as a new poster, was possibly out of order, considering i don't know the person. but when he stated that the takeover was complete and of course since then silence and no further news, that does tend to piss me off.

    if you've got something to say, great, but be accurate and back up your post with facts, not figments of your imagination.

    by the way my mate has a psychic goldfish and he reckons.........................


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    mind you it wasnt actually a hampster more of a cheese sandwich, but the point is valid.
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    Your not related to Sivle nora are you?
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    [cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]by the way my mate has a psychic goldfish and he reckons.........................

    You cant stop there! Come on, we NEED to know what the gold fish reckons!
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    This afternoon! NAILED ON

    some trellis to my fence. FACT!
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    think thats an anagram, im very good at those being dislexic. His real name is Bert Smith.
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    if you want to avoid football chat, banter, rumour, apparent locked on facts, etc then best not logon....
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    Just pray we get some good news that signals the club can attempt to move forward again.

    We as fans who have had a bit of a rough ride deserve it.
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    You spelled Dyslexia wrong... Sorry
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    [cite]Posted By: SpicedAddick[/cite]You spelled Dyslexia wrong... Sorry

    He needs to join the LTP. (The National Dyslexia Society).

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