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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Back in April we were set to merge with Glasgow Rangers according to rumours and this was never denied by the club

    Maybe it is taking a long time to get the clearance from UEFA, FA, SFA etc which is why it has been dragging on.

    sure it wasn't Stafford Rangers ? We'd get to the Conference or wherever they are quicker that way.
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    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Back in April we were set to merge with Glasgow Rangers according to rumours and this was never denied by the club

    Maybe it is taking a long time to get the clearance from UEFA, FA, SFA etc which is why it has been dragging on.

    sure it wasn't Stafford Rangers ? We'd get to the Conference or wherever they are quicker that way.

    Henry did nod me the wink on this way back then, so I believe it is genuine.
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    Wot no takeover?
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Back in April we were set to merge with Glasgow Rangers according to rumours and this was never denied by the club

    Maybe it is taking a long time to get the clearance from UEFA, FA, SFA etc which is why it has been dragging on.

    sure it wasn't Stafford Rangers ? We'd get to the Conference or wherever they are quicker that way.

    Henry did nod me the wink on this way back then, so I believe it is genuine.

    Back in April the club didn`t say anything at all.
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    [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]Wot no takeover?
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    Going to the Valley at lunchtime, will have a scout to see if I notice anyone or anything unusual in the car park/vicinity (apart from Christensen repairing the pot holes)
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Going to the Valley at lunchtime, will have a scout to see if I notice anyone or anything unusual in the car park/vicinity (apart from Christensen repairing the pot holes)

    In that case I'll go to the training ground. That way we've got the bases covered
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Going to the Valley at lunchtime, will have a scout to see if I notice anyone or anything unusual in the car park/vicinity (apart from Christensen repairing the pot holes)

    In that case I'll go to the training ground. That way we've got the bases covered

    Whose going to cover the Lib & Cons club?
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Going to the Valley at lunchtime, will have a scout to see if I notice anyone or anything unusual in the car park/vicinity (apart from Christensen repairing the pot holes)

    In that case I'll go to the training ground. That way we've got the bases covered

    Whose going to cover the Lib & Cons club?

    1905 reporting for duty. I will do an hour in the lib and then and hour in the con till about 9 ish, when it will be time for my tea (or when I have fallen over)......
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    this takeover thread sure is bob bob bobbing, along..
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    [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Going to the Valley at lunchtime, will have a scout to see if I notice anyone or anything unusual in the car park/vicinity (apart from Christensen repairing the pot holes)

    In that case I'll go to the training ground. That way we've got the bases covered

    Whose going to cover the Lib & Cons club?

    1905 reporting for duty. I will do an hour in the lib and then and hour in the con till about 9 ish, when it will be time for my tea (or when I have fallen over)......

    Right, I went down the training ground and it was deserted apart from about a dozen or so seagulls. No doubt about it Eric Cantona is involved in this takeover.
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    aye but the team are training at the valley so I think it was always going to be a wasted journey..

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    So no one at the training ground, that's unusual, doesn't the manager normally do his weekly press conference there? Also training at the Valley is unusual. So everyone's at the Valley. Now I don't want to jump to conclusions but.................
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    I'm not sure its that unusual, start of the season and all, prob haven't played much on the hallowed turf
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    It's been a tradition that there has been a training session at the Valley before the season starts goign back years
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    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]It's been a tradition that there has been a training session at the Valley before the season starts goign back years
    Hope I didn't start in Aug -06 otherwise we are in big sh.t
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    I am now Llera's official stalker, he had to stop to let me in the car park, Chris Dickson was parked right in front of me, so they were definitely training there today, car park was packed, and saw a few people in big cars with club ties pulling in as I left.
    Popped into the club shop before I left and Llera was in there trying to get new boots and buying the new home shirt, got his autograph for my son.
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]I am now Llera's official stalker, he had to stop to let me in the car park, Chris Dickson was parked right in front of me, so they were definitely training there today, car park was packed, and saw a few people in big cars with club ties pulling in as I left.
    Popped into the club shop before I left and Llera was in there trying to get new boots and buying the new home shirt, got his autograph for my son.

    Players have to buy their boots in the Club shop? What is the world coming to....?
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    LOL you can just imagine them all queuing up
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    edited August 2009
    Yes yes yes......................................... but any white Luton Vans with Dartford Motors written all over them?
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    still no official news then... i can't really understand why they'd delay announcing it if it was done. Announce it early and shift some extra tickets for saturday i would have thought. oh well.
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    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Yes yes yes......................................... but any white Luton Vans with Dartford Motors written all over them?

    Why do you think he had to go to The Valley? ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Yes yes yes......................................... but any white Luton Vans with Dartford Motors written all over them?

    Why do you think he had to go to The Valley? ;-)

    Damn, foiled again.

    He was asking the retail guy (Chris?) about a new model of boots that Joma have just released and could he get them etc.
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    I now believe the deal has been done, fully, and no announcement will take place until after the transfer window closes at the earliest - this is so we can maintain our bargaining position which might be damaged if we were now perceived to have more cash. This is signalled by retention of key players (Bailey now named as captain) despite big money offers from other clubs (like Chelsea) and what will follow is more reports of interest from Charlton and hijacking of deals.

    This all points to a softly softly approach, although whether this is major Arab type money will remain to be seen, regardless the approach will be modest at least at first as the current crop with some tinkering around the edges is seen as strong enough to gain promotion.
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    Very quiet in the Lib Club. Only other drinker is Youds - apparently he has been in there for 48 hours. I asked him whether he knew about the consotium buy out and he threw a punch. Going to try the Con Club......
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    [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]Very quiet in the Lib Club. Only other drinker is Youds - apparently he has been in there for 48 hours. I asked him whether he knew about the consotium buy out and he threw a punch. Going to try the Con Club......

    They dont open until 4pm, LOL
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    Not anounced I imagine because its not done yet. No other explanation.
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    got his autograph for my son.

    They all say that ; - )
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    Just waiting for the Cheque to clear.....
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]I now believe the deal has been done, fully, and no announcement will take place until after the transfer window closes at the earliest - this is so we can maintain our bargaining position which might be damaged if we were now perceived to have more cash. This is signalled by retention of key players (Bailey now named as captain) despite big money offers from other clubs (like Chelsea) and what will follow is more reports of interest from Charlton and hijacking of deals.

    This all points to a softly softly approach, although whether this is major Arab type money will remain to be seen, regardless the approach will be modest at least at first as the current crop with some tinkering around the edges is seen as strong enough to gain promotion.

    It would be great to think that but could it really be kept quiet until then. The one thing that's been bothering me during this whole suspended state is that there are no real concrete rumours at all as to the potential buyer's identity (apart from Varney 'brokered') - notwithstanding NDAs it seems unusual. Maybe we've learnt from the Zabeel experience and everyone's become expert in keeping mum but it's nagging at me.
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