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    I've heard that the takeover has gone through, unfortunately the news was released at a Bromley Addicks meeting so unfortunately no one's allowed to talk about it.
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    Well good news if it is true......
    However, like DA9 I think the valuation against debt is likely to be a write off, or very little.

    Will we ever know the exact amount, I fear not........

    The valuation of £50 million always seemed based on optomistic land valuations from a couple of years back. Probably what all the arguing has been about over the past few weeks.

    Really feel a new broom is needed to galvanise the club and supporters, despite the major contribution that the chairman has played in the past.

    Time for a new 'vision' and one based on sound appreciation of where we are today.
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    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]I've heard that the takeover has gone through, unfortunately the news was released at a Bromley Addicks meeting so unfortunately no one's allowed to talk about it.

    Cheer up BFR :-)
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    So tomorrow might finally arrive then?
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    its probably 1 person on here refusing to sell his one share that's been holding the deal up for months..
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    [cite]Posted By: cfgs[/cite]So tomorrow might finally arrive then?

    I've always maintained that the takeover will happen mañana
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]its probably 1 person on here refusing to sell his one share that's been holding the deal up for months..
    Look, I haven't said I won't sell. It's just that I can remember where I put the certificate...
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    Charlton takeover imminent/days away on 5th June + 6th July and now 7th August.

    Anyone else see a pattern forming here?

    Expect to here more ramblings from the South London guess on the 8th September. ;-)
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    WSS said October and he's not been proved wrong yet.
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    Shall we do a sweepstake on the announcement date of the Takeover/Collapse of Takeover then ?

    I'll take Wednesday 12th August then !
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    Curbs = November...........
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    edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]Shall we do a sweepstake on the announcement date of the Takeover/Collapse of Takeover then ?

    I'll take Wednesday 12th August then !

    Isn't that called insider knowledge?

    What time?
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]Shall we do a sweepstake on the announcement date of the Takeover/Collapse of Takeover then ?

    I'll take Wednesday 12th August then !

    Isn't that called insider knowledge?

    What time?

    No it's called best Guess which is what everyone else has been posting for the last six months. No-one really knows do they when it's gonna happen ?
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    I'll take this afternoon in the sweepstake.....

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    Friday afternoons are pivotal..
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    10 October
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    edited August 2009
    Just spoken to Peter Varney and of course he wouldn't comment, but said that if it's in the SLP then it must be true. He seemed happy and relaxed so I'll take it as a done deal.
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    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Just spoken to Peter Varney and of course he wouldn't comment, but said that if it's in the SLP then it must be true. He seemed happy and relaxed so I'll take it as a done deal.

    thats coz he is with me in the coffee shops in amsterdam we are thinking about signing Rommerdahl didnt seem such a good idea before we came in here and ate this special cake
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Just spoken to Peter Varney and of course he wouldn't comment, but said that if it's in the SLP then it must be true. He seemed happy and relaxed so I'll take it as a done deal.

    thats coz he is with me in the coffee shops in amsterdam we are thinking about signing Rommerdahl didnt seem such a good idea before we came in here and ate this special cake

    No, I did actually speak to him at the community event in Bromley.
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    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Just spoken to Peter Varney and of course he wouldn't comment, but said that if it's in the SLP then it must be true. He seemed happy and relaxed so I'll take it as a done deal.

    thats coz he is with me in the coffee shops in amsterdam we are thinking about signing Rommerdahl didnt seem such a good idea before we came in here and ate this special cake

    No, I did actually speak to him at the community event in Bromley.

    Ha Ha
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    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Just spoken to Peter Varney and of course he wouldn't comment, but said that if it's in the SLP then it must be true. He seemed happy and relaxed so I'll take it as a done deal.

    thats coz he is with me in the coffee shops in amsterdam we are thinking about signing Rommerdahl didnt seem such a good idea before we came in here and ate this special cake

    No, I did actually speak to him at the community event in Bromley.

    Are you accusing mr nth london of being dishonest??????
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    edited August 2009
    NLA has just admitted that he's stoned out of his mind. So much so that he thinks he's in Amsterdam with Peter Varney when he actually sitting next to the Regents canal in Hackney with some winos : - )

    There was a Grand Slam event in Bromley today. Peter Varney lives in Bromley (all true Charlton fans do), Covered End Lives in Bromley, The new owners live near Bromley so it all adds up.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    There was a Grand Slam event in Bromley today. Peter Varney lives in Bromley (all true Charlton fans do), Covered End Lives in Bromley, The new owners live near Bromley so it all adds up.

    I've got a BR post code. Does that count?
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]NLA has just admitted that he's stoned out of his mind. So much so that he thinks he's in Amsterdam with Peter Varney when he actually sitting next to the Regents canal in Hackney with some winos : - )

    There was a Grand Slam event in Bromley today. Peter Varney lives in Bromley (all true Charlton fans do), Covered End Lives in Bromley, The new owners live near Bromley so it all adds up.

    thas were you are both wrong

    Dazzler has been provided with make up and a suit and is in Bromley pretending to be PV so he can assinate Henners whilst me and the real PV have a great aliby cos we are mash up and with some busty beauties

    just dont tell Irving
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    There was a Grand Slam event in Bromley today.Peter Varney lives in Bromley (all true Charlton fans do),Covered End Lives in Bromley, The new owners live near Bromley so it all adds up.

    I've got a BR post code. Does that count?

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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    There was a Grand Slam event in Bromley today.Peter Varney lives in Bromley (all true Charlton fans do),Covered End Lives in Bromley, The new owners live near Bromley so it all adds up.

    I've got a BR post code. Does that count?


    Swanley doesn't count!
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    pity the fool that opens this thread expecting something tangible/legible/relevant to the subject...

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    Don't worry DA9, we both know that Johnny come lately, plastic supporters have a BR postcode.

    All real supporters have a DA postcode!
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    [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]All real supporters have a SE7 postcode!

    I agree.
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    Can't wait to see your barnet tomorrow!
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