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    I heard it will be announced at the Norwich game???
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]Does anyone know if the announcement will be made today or do we have to wait until tomorrow?

    I'll bet its neither
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    I heard only that it's close....but we've been there before of course...fingers crossed we really do appear to be getting somewhere at long last......let's just hope we're getting into bed with the right people....i.e.people who are in it for the long haul!
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    I've never commented on the takeover and I dont intend to start now
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    Wake me up when it's happened, please

    I'll believe it when it's on the O/S (Irving, 2009)
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    [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]I've never commented on the takeover and I dont intend to start now

    Now you've finally decided to, does this mean you know something?
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    [cite]Posted By: Pavo[/cite]Most interesting quote in PP's press briefing yesterday for me was:

    "In terms of our recruitment we're behind where we want to be, but some things are taken out of your control as a manager and you have to deal with the hand you're given. We haven't sold anyone, apart Mark Hudson, and although we haven't added as many as we'd like at this stage, it will happen."

    IT WILL HAPPEN. Those seem like very positive words to me, not it MAY happen, it WILL happen.

    Anyone read Dawning of New Era on the back of the SLP this morning. A matter of days now until it is announced apparantly. We'll see but if it is the case, it will be a welcome boost and so early in the season that we'll have plenty of time to make the most of it if Parky preapres the players and team in the right way.

    so the SLP don't really know either.
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    The SLP also states that Van Gogh was inspired by South London, yeah right.
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    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]I've never commented on the takeover and I dont intend to start now

    Now you've finally decided to, does this mean you know something?
    It must be really close now, even Shag's talking about it.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]I've never commented on the takeover and I dont intend to start now[/quote]

    Come on Shag, what do you know?

    your comments have been noted with interest
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    Oh, and Dickson was driving a BMW X5, and Llera...................a battered old Ford Focus.............wages must have been bad at MK Dons.
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    Please refer to my previous comments friends - at this stage it would be illegal to make any further reference
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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Oh, and Dickson was driving a BMW X5, and Llera...................a battered old Ford Focus.............wages must have been bad at MK Dons.

    Question: which player is the poser .....?

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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]Oh, and Dickson was driving a BMW X5, and Llera...................a battered old Ford Focus.............wages must have been bad at MK Dons.

    Was it Fortune who had an absolute banger during the Prem years???
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    edited August 2009
    Clive Mendonca used to drive a maroon Ford Escort 1.6 LS
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    well, I was told...

    Oh you wouldn't believe it anyway so why bother
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    edited August 2009
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    Taken from SLP:

    CHARLTON are set to have new owners next week - ending four months of negotiating.

    We exclusively revealed in April that the club’s former chief executive Peter Varney was fronting a group of wealthy businessmen looking to buy the Addicks.

    And it now looks likely a deal will be rubberstamped within a matter of days. At times the prospect of an agreement being reached has been in real doubt - but negotiations have taken major steps forward in the past couple of weeks.
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    Good news that we are getting positive reports over a takeover instead of bad news :-)
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    Mr Newsshopper - did you notice SLP claim the exclusive? ;-)

    "We exclusively revealed in April ..."
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    it's nice to read. hopefully it's information from a good source, and not reaction to the online hype that's led to this story.

    still not getting too excited though...
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    edited August 2009
    much more important than the potential takeover itself.... if and when one is confirmed, please can we have a new thread?
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    Well let's hope that turns out to be the case but the SLP is not the OS : - )
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]Well let's hope that turns out to be the case but the SLP is not the OS : - )
    Didn't you once say "I'll believe it when I read it on the South London Press website"

    I'm sure you did.
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    I wonder where the £30M figure came from and what it means (if anything) - hopefully that's £30M to spend on new players - just don't give it to Dowie!
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    They will probably end up actually paying a nominal amount, ie £1, and then take on the debt, normally the way is it not?
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    would be massive PR if they could announce it tomorrow and wheel out the new owner at h/t.
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    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]would be massive PR if they could announce it tomorrow and wheel out the new owner at h/t.

    I was wondering that but don't know if it would be too much of a distraction for the team. I'm hoping for an announcement after a good win and then we can have a good week in the glow of a win and the Club being stable.
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