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    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: 1905[/cite]Very quiet in the Lib Club. Only other drinker is Youds - apparently he has been in there for 48 hours. I asked him whether he knew about the consotium buy out and he threw a punch. Going to try the Con Club......

    They dont open until 4pm, LOL

    Try telling Youds that!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    got his autograph for my son.

    They all say that ; - )

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    Agree that it seems inconceivable that nothing with regard to the buyers has leaked. Imho opinion I see nothing that convinces me that any deal has been finalised. Talks ongoing still is my guess.
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    I don't really see what you mean about it being inconceivable. We know talks are ongoing and we don't know who the club are talking to, so the identities haven't been leaked. Am i missing something? Why is it a concern that identities are unknown when we do know that negotiations are happening?

    Notts' suggestion we've learned after zabeel seems likely to me. although i seem to remember that time we wanted to keep it quiet but went public to keep them happy .
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    I am optimistic, and as far as keeping it quiet goes, if it is for the long term benefit of the club, then it has to be done.

    I can satisfy myself with knowing that key players (whom I now expected to be gone) are still here and that to me is like having new signings (I hope they are still here at the end of the transfer window, mind). As we appear to have largely held the squad together, we should be in a strong position this season. I suspect that additions will be made in a quiet way - and I can see the sense in that.

    Announcements would be nice, but if its best not to do that now - I understand and can live with it.
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    [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]I am optimistic, and as far as keeping it quiet goes, if it is for the long term benefit of the club, then it has to be done.

    I can satisfy myself with knowing that key players (whom I now expected to be gone) are still here and that to me is like having new signings (I hope they are still here at the end of the transfer window, mind). As we appear to have largely held the squad together, we should be in a strong position this season. I suspect that additions will be made in a quiet way - and I can see the sense in that.

    Announcements would be nice, but if its best not to do that now - I understand and can live with it.

    A spot on, well reasoned post, imo.
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]I now believe the deal has been done, fully, and no announcement will take place until after the transfer window closes at the earliest - this is so we can maintain our bargaining position which might be damaged if we were now perceived to have more cash. This is signalled by retention of key players (Bailey now named as captain) despite big money offers from other clubs (like Chelsea) and what will follow is more reports of interest from Charlton and hijacking of deals.

    This all points to a softly softly approach, although whether this is major Arab type money will remain to be seen, regardless the approach will be modest at least at first as the current crop with some tinkering around the edges is seen as strong enough to gain promotion.

    I think you could be correct.

    Gray, Bailey and Shelvey may all have gone if there was no takeover.

    We are now rumoured to be after Puncheon and Kandol who would cost fees.
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    add to that new coach, and Kins retained. Dailys wages can't be too low either.
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    So is the hold-up that we have to wait for Newcastle to be sold before Ashley can come up with the cash for us?

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    ha ha no its already done - not Ashley - things are starting to happen...
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    edited August 2009
    well how about this , i herd the reason that its all taking so much time is the main player buying into us is actually involved with another club and has to cut his ties with them first. ----------------------------------"no one likes us --no one likes us " how very very very true.
    . to be honest i made it up .
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    How funny would that be....
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Agree that it seems inconceivable that nothing with regard to the buyers has leaked.[/quote]

    The reason is that the car park was repaired and the moles can't get out
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    My guess is that there have been offers and counter offers ongoing for some months...some if not all falling by the wayside and others taking up the cudgel.....each deal taking up time, hundreds of phone calls, dozens and dozens of meeting/some formal some's very easy to see why it's taking so long and why little concrete info has been many parties have been involved.....I suspect Peter Varneys head is just about ready to spin off!
    If you think it's been a tough time for us fans, as we eagerly await some tangible info, imagine what it's been like for the main players in all this!
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    its off
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    Interesting: latest article on OS from Parky suggests Fortune and Hollands future at the club are still not finalised - suggests more cash deffo flowing.
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    razil where are you getting your info from or are you picking it out of the air
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    [cite]Posted By: itsmyball[/cite]razil where are you getting your info from or are you picking it out of the air

    I would guess the OS but that is only based on

    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Interesting: latest article on OS
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: itsmyball[/cite]razil where are you getting your info from or are you picking it out of the air

    I would guess the OS but that is only based on

    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Interesting: latest article on OS

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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: itsmyball[/cite]razil where are you getting your info from or are you picking it out of the air

    I would guess the OS but that is only based on

    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Interesting: latest article on OS


    I have my sources... (the OS)
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    edited August 2009
    [quote][cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Interesting: latest article on OS from Parky suggests Fortune and Hollands future at the club are still not finalised - suggests more cash deffo flowing.[/quote]

    There must be an argument for Fortune, if he has not managed to sort out a club and we need a centre half, for him to work on a month to month contract, in a similar way to Leaburn, in his last 18 months at the club. If Llera or Dailly are injured on Saturday we are shafted.
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    seriously tho it probably all says one major thing, and that is we are not on the verge of bankruptcy and that must be a good thing (but don't quote me).
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite](but don't quote me)

    Stop me!!!!

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    can't see how the takeover is done. If so we'd be able to sign Puncheon at least but Parky says his hands are still tied and that everything is still up in the air.
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    It's on, it's off....

    Normal service is resumed, i.e confusion reigns supreme!
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    Well he can't say he's got loads of funds if it hasn't been announced yet. Would give it away a bit.
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    Does anyone know if the announcement will be made today or do we have to wait until tomorrow?
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    If Parky`s hands are still tied then we now have 24 days to cut the rope.
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    Most interesting quote in PP's press briefing yesterday for me was:

    "In terms of our recruitment we're behind where we want to be, but some things are taken out of your control as a manager and you have to deal with the hand you're given. We haven't sold anyone, apart Mark Hudson, and although we haven't added as many as we'd like at this stage, it will happen."

    IT WILL HAPPEN. Those seem like very positive words to me, not it MAY happen, it WILL happen.

    Anyone read Dawning of New Era on the back of the SLP this morning. A matter of days now until it is announced apparantly. We'll see but if it is the case, it will be a welcome boost and so early in the season that we'll have plenty of time to make the most of it if Parky preapres the players and team in the right way.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chizz[/cite]Does anyone know if the announcement will be made today or do we have to wait until tomorrow?

    the answer will always be tomorrow until it's announced;-0
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