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  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Everyone knows 10 is actually 2 in binary.........

    3hrs 24 and counting
    Other way around... 10 is 1010, in binary

  • Also thanks for that Large Addick
  • yes but benny do you know who Rick Everitt is?
  • Yes mate ive seen his name in the programmes before couldnt say what he does now though.
  • I'm fairly new to here as well and I didn't know he was/is Rick Everitt.........learn something new every day
  • Seen as newbs are admitting to not knowing that he was/is Rick Everitt... think i'd better stick my hand up too!
  • [cite]Posted By: Addicky[/cite]Seen as newbs are admitting to not knowing that he was/is Rick Everitt... think i'd better stick my hand up too!

    Stick your hand up where !!!!!!!!!!
  • This is far more interesting now this thread is talking about names.

    Ben Hill eh ! Not after the TV show I take it? :-)
  • What can I say my mum and dad have a sense of humour! :-) but no dont think it was intentionally after the great man himself!
  • [cite]Posted By: Bennyhill[/cite]What can I say my mum and dad have a sense of humour! :-) but no dont think it was intentionally after the great man himself!

    be thankful they didn't name you Fred Scuttle
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  • Quite unbelievably.......... there is a district in central Jakarta called Ben Hil!
  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Everyone knows 10 is actually 2 in binary.........

    3hrs 24 and counting

    have i missed something? is there an announcement today?
  • [cite]Posted By: carlsberg[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Everyone knows 10 is actually 2 in binary.........

    3hrs 24 and counting

    have i missed something? is there an announcement today?

    there is going to be an announcement some day so why not today. In truth no-one knows. I think it'll be tomorrow.
  • It will be 5 o'clock.

    Give or take 12 hours.

    And on a day ending in Y

  • I heard it was going to be announced on the 33rd of Julember...
  • I heard from a very reliable source that next Wednesday there will NOT BE a takeover announcement.
  • How much in the kitty now ?
  • It's the Charlton Way to do it on the pitch before a Home game, can someone let me know what happens at 2.55pm Saturday as I'll still be in the pub.
  • meanwhile at Newcastle Ashby spoke to Moat about 7/10 days ago and the sale is expected to be completed today. Why is ours dragging so, so long .....
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]meanwhile at Newcastle Ashby spoke to Moat about 7/10 days ago and the sale is expected to be completed today. Why is ours dragging so, so long ..... many more times...............there have been (and possibly STILL ARE) several interested parties, not just one! Some have taken things right down to the wire and then pulled out....we don't know why....ask Peter Varney.
    Simple as that.
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  • while were on names, i used to work with a Jo King (you must be joking - funny not!) any other strange names out there?

    somehow it wouldnt be charlton if we'd sorted out a billionaire and got it finalised in a week.
  • When & If we get taken over how long before someone complains that we have not signed Kaka or Ronaldo ?

    We are nearly there now surely, better to be patient & wait for the right result than rush it & err well let's not even think about that eh !
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]meanwhile at Newcastle Ashby spoke to Moat about 7/10 days ago and the sale is expected to be completed today. Why is ours dragging so, so long ..... many more times...............there have been (and possibly STILL ARE) several interested parties, not just one! Some have taken things right down to the wire and then pulled out....we don't know why....ask Peter Varney.
    Simple as that.

    but to what extent are they interested in Charlton, that is what is starting to concern me. We need to strenghten the squad now. We have made a great start to the season. Fans for once are upbeat. This needs sorting now. If it drags on another week there must be a danger of the squad actaully being weakened with sales. If those interested have Charlton at heart then get round a table and thrash out a deal. A buyer, a seller, how fecking hard can it be ?
  • Given that another thread mentions that the directors may be on holiday at the moment, I would imagine it would be quite hard to conclude any deal, Large!
  • Large.......when you have so many folk involved with so many different agendas it's a total nightmare!
  • [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Given that another thread mentions that the directors may be on holiday at the moment, I would imagine it would be quite hard to conclude any deal, Large!

    think as someone said on the other thread their holidays are a bit less important than the sale of the Club. If you were waiting for them all to be in the country at this time of the year you'd have to wait weeks. Someone, somewhere would have to break their holiday to get it done.
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Large.......when you have so many folk involved with so many different agendas it's a total nightmare!

    that is what you are assuming
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: The Prince-e-Paul[/cite]while were on names, i used to work with a Jo King (you must be joking - funny not!) any other strange names out there?


    There is an electronics company in Sussex by the name of Wayne Kerr, and I think there's a six foot something built like a brick khazi rugby playing lock forward by the same name.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]meanwhile at Newcastle Ashby spoke to Moat about 7/10 days ago and the sale is expected to be completed today. Why is ours dragging so, so long ..... many more times...............there have been (and possibly STILL ARE) several interested parties, not just one! Some have taken things right down to the wire and then pulled out....we don't know why....ask Peter Varney.
    Simple as that.

    but to what extent are they interested in Charlton, that is what is starting to concern me. We need to strenghten the squad now. We have made a great start to the season. Fans for once are upbeat. This needs sorting now. If it drags on another week there must be a danger of the squad actaully being weakened with sales. If those interested have Charlton at heart then get round a table and thrash out a deal. A buyer, a seller, how fecking hard can it be ?
    Large - Do you honestly not think theyre trying to push it through to allow us to do this or do you think theyre justing letting it drag on because theyre unaware of the factors you speak of?
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Given that another thread mentions that the directors may be on holiday at the moment, I would imagine it would be quite hard to conclude any deal, Large!

    think as someone said on the other thread their holidays are a bit less important than the sale of the Club. If you were waiting for them all to be in the country at this time of the year you'd have to wait weeks. Someone, somewhere would have to break their holiday to get it done.
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Large.......when you have so many folk involved with so many different agendas it's a total nightmare!

    that is what you are assuming

    Large.....jeez fella....surely you MUST realise that there are 17 or maybe even 19 directors plus the folk in the takeover parties all to be notified, their opinions sought and opinions addressed, the fact that they possibly have to contact their lawyers and financial advisers and all report back to PV and his team re offers and counter offers.....Large wake up matey please........believe me it's a nightmare.
    I fail to see how you or 'anyone' else could possibly see it as simple!
    And those are just 'some' of the things I can think of off the top of my head.
  • 17 or 19 is a bit of an exaggeration, as some directors are relatively minor shareholders (Ufton, Collins, Grade) or are only directors because they are staff (Waggott, Capelin).
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