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  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]17 or 19 is a bit of an exaggeration, as some directors are relatively minor shareholders (Ufton, Collins, Grade) or are only directors because they are staff (Waggott, Capelin).

    Yes I do know that Rick.............but you and I hope Large get my drift I think...still a logistic nightmare I've no doubt.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]17 or 19 is a bit of an exaggeration, as some directors are relatively minor shareholders (Ufton, Collins, Grade) or are only directors because they are staff (Waggott, Capelin).

    Yes I do know that Rick.............but you and I hope Large get my drift I think...still a logistic nightmare I've no doubt.

    seeing as you know so much about it when is it going to be concluded ??
  • Not sure i agree with your point Soundas as being a logistical nightmare.

    There may be a swathe of people who sit on the boards, but i can imagine it is only a very few that will have any form of say on decisions relating to this, and equally only a very few (ie those that have undertook loans, or the convertible bond issue) that will get any form of return. Can imagine at times some of those board people have been only marginally less in the dark than me or you.

    Anyone, i'm sure all will be revealed very soon...
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Not sure i agree with your point Soundas as being a logistical nightmare.

    There may be a swathe of people who sit on the boards, but i can imagine it is only a very few that will have any form of say on decisions relating to this, and equally only a very few (ie those that have undertook loans, or the convertible bond issue) that will get any form of return. Can imagine at times some of those board people have been only marginally less in the dark than me or you.

    Anyone, i'm sure all will be revealed very soon...

  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]17 or 19 is a bit of an exaggeration, as some directors are relatively minor shareholders (Ufton, Collins, Grade) or are only directors because they are staff (Waggott, Capelin).

    Yes I do know that Rick.............but you and I hope Large get my drift I think...still a logistic nightmare I've no doubt.

    seeing as you know so much about it when is it going to be concluded ??

    It's not that I know more than anyone else it's just logic Large...........maybe I've over egged it a bit with the numbers I agree but there are certainly numerous persons involved.
  • anyone heard anymore about our fantastic take over
  • As Take That said ''Have a little paaaatience''.
  • I still finding it astounding that it takes 5 months to buy a £200k house, but people on here expect a £30million+ takeover of a large, complicated company, with multiple interested parties, to be completed quickly.

    Now I've said that, those people will get defensive and reference the southampton takeover (they were in admin, only 1 or 2 interested parties and nobody here has a clue how many months of negotiations, etc. happened before we heard about it in the press), or other takeovers that in their expert, all knowing opinion, happened far more quickly.

    Just because you hear about a possible takeover of a club in the press and then it happens a few weeks later doesn't mean that was the start of the process, it's just when a journo had enough info to actually print a story about it. Every takeover takes a lot longer than people on here seem to think, and ours will take longer because it isn't simply a 1 on 1 takeover, but multiple parties competing for it. That obviously necessitates a lot more time for the clubs lawyers to look at all the offers and for the clubs directors to weigh up the various pros and cons of each deal, and of course negotiation time with each interested party.

    So we've got to be patient and this endless stream of uninformed, pessimistic crap from certain posters is really starting to get on my tits.
  • [cite]Posted By: randy andy[/cite]I still finding it astounding that it takes 5 months to buy a £200k house, but people on here expect a £30million+ takeover of a large, complicated company, with multiple interested parties, to be completed quickly.

    Now I've said that, those people will get defensive and reference the southampton takeover (they were in admin, only 1 or 2 interested parties and nobody here has a clue how many months of negotiations, etc. happened before we heard about it in the press), or other takeovers that in their expert, all knowing opinion, happened far more quickly.

    Just because you hear about a possible takeover of a club in the press and then it happens a few weeks later doesn't mean that was the start of the process, it's just when a journo had enough info to actually print a story about it. Every takeover takes a lot longer than people on here seem to think, and ours will take longer because it isn't simply a 1 on 1 takeover, but multiple parties competing for it. That obviously necessitates a lot more time for the clubs lawyers to look at all the offers and for the clubs directors to weigh up the various pros and cons of each deal, and of course negotiation time with each interested party.

    So we've got to be patient and this endless stream of uninformed, pessimistic crap from certain posters is really starting to get on my tits. goes without saying that I agree 101% with all you've just posted.....well said
  • edited August 2009
    How can you agree 101% ? Another exageraration ?

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  • Will be any moment now u watch, we had to cut back our sky tv package due to being skint lost sky sports and sports news so no doubt georgie thompson will be wearing nothing but an addicks home shirt spread eagle outside the west stand reporting on the world breaking takeover news..... any updates glady welcomed... :-(
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Will be any moment now u watch, we had to cut back our sky tv package due to being skint lost sky sports and sports news so no doubt georgie thompson will be wearing nothing but an addicks home shirt spread eagle outside the west stand reporting on the world breaking takeover news..... any updates glady welcomed... :-(

    Adam I await your usual picture to back up your post!
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]How can you agree 101% ?


    Your right mog.......sorry matey, I agree with you 102%!!
  • [cite]Posted By: randy andy[/cite]I still finding it astounding that it takes 5 months to buy a £200k house, but people on here expect a £30million+ takeover of a large, complicated company, with multiple interested parties, to be completed quickly.

    Now I've said that, those people will get defensive and reference the southampton takeover (they were in admin, only 1 or 2 interested parties and nobody here has a clue how many months of negotiations, etc. happened before we heard about it in the press), or other takeovers that in their expert, all knowing opinion, happened far more quickly.

    Just because you hear about a possible takeover of a club in the press and then it happens a few weeks later doesn't mean that was the start of the process, it's just when a journo had enough info to actually print a story about it. Every takeover takes a lot longer than people on here seem to think, and ours will take longer because it isn't simply a 1 on 1 takeover, but multiple parties competing for it. That obviously necessitates a lot more time for the clubs lawyers to look at all the offers and for the clubs directors to weigh up the various pros and cons of each deal, and of course negotiation time with each interested party.

    So we've got to be patient and this endless stream of uninformed, pessimistic crap from certain posters is really starting to get on my tits.

    endless streams of uninformed, optimistic crap from certain posters is really getting on my tits.
  • edited August 2009 right you are there Large............Oh the irony.
  • Boys, boys !!! Let's have a little decorum on here please !!

    Only kidding - but PLEASE let it all be over soon . I'm running out of tablets.....
  • well another day has passed? Assume there will be a big announcement on the pitch. someone text me will you as i shall be by the seaside for the next 9 days.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: randy andy[/cite]I still finding it astounding that it takes 5 months to buy a £200k house, but people on here expect a £30million+ takeover of a large, complicated company, with multiple interested parties, to be completed quickly.

    Now I've said that, those people will get defensive and reference the southampton takeover (they were in admin, only 1 or 2 interested parties and nobody here has a clue how many months of negotiations, etc. happened before we heard about it in the press), or other takeovers that in their expert, all knowing opinion, happened far more quickly.

    Just because you hear about a possible takeover of a club in the press and then it happens a few weeks later doesn't mean that was the start of the process, it's just when a journo had enough info to actually print a story about it. Every takeover takes a lot longer than people on here seem to think, and ours will take longer because it isn't simply a 1 on 1 takeover, but multiple parties competing for it. That obviously necessitates a lot more time for the clubs lawyers to look at all the offers and for the clubs directors to weigh up the various pros and cons of each deal, and of course negotiation time with each interested party.

    So we've got to be patient and this endless stream of uninformed, pessimistic crap from certain posters is really starting to get on my tits.

    endless streams of uninformed, optimistic crap from certain posters is really getting on my tits.

    Dont read the topic then Large. When something does happen Im sure someone will be good enough to let you know
  • middle of next week i reckon
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]middle of next week i reckon[/quote]

    d so u reckon thursday its a take on not a takeover
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  • [cite]Posted By: boogica[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]middle of next week i reckon

    d so u reckon thursday its a take on not a takeover

    more weds than thurs J and i think it will be take on yes
  • The important thing is that this hasn't dragged on very long and there has been absolutely no mis information spread on this thread.
    It would be awful if we'd had over a thousand post and still been absolutely none the wiser...

    18th of June: Charlton fan says he’s heard of a takeover and Paul Ince will be the new gaffer (Carly hopes it happens soon and SuperClive hopes it happens tomorrow)…
    5th of July: valley man hears from “an inside source” that the big announcement will be made on the 23rd (Valley McCoist says he’ll believe it when he sees it on the Official Site, Henry agrees)…
    7th of July: Britain’s press reports a takeover being led by Peter Varney and the board cancel their Q&A session with the fans (and spark a row about how much debt the club has).
    9th, 10th and 11th of July: Many dates are declared as the date for the announcement (Henry comments that he’ll wait for news on the OS).
    30th of July: Valley McCoist is quoted as saying “Manana”, LeaburnForEngland says next few days (or the one after).
    1st of August: J Block announces TAKEOVER COMPLETE (VmcC says “Manana”, bigstemarra joins the I’ll believe it when it’s on the OS brigade).(Poster CAFC123 on 606 loses all former credibility.)
    5th of August: H. Irving takes the (now famous) Carl Sagen approach. (The Truth is Out There). Also Chizz and I offend dyslexics everywhere (safe enough to do that in print though right?).
    6th of August: Takeover definitely to be completed on this day. DA9, VMcC and 1905 initiate military like plan to be there when it happens, wherever “there” is.
    7th of August: South London Press announces new owners to be installed “in a matter of days” (Henry says he’ll believe it when it’s on the OS, ValleyMcC maintains his stance on “Manana”) CoveredEnd speaks to Peter Varney who confirms that the SLP is never EVER wrong.
    9th of August: Daily Mail confirms suspicion that AEG are involved in the takeover and it will be completed soon. BigRedEvil reveals that the real buyers are from South Africa and the takeover will be completed within a week. (sillav nitram fears that the club might have to go to the vet).
    10th of August: Lewis Coaches reveals that the takeover is “this close” to being completed. Fanny Fanackapan says that the TAKEOVER will be announced tomorrow (she doesn’t wish to be shot).
    11th of August: WSS confirms Fanny’s rumour. 3.30 is the time.(Weegie Addick takes the news with a grain of salt and will believe it when he sees it on the OS.) AFKA bursts the bubble and saves VMcC a half days wages. (Miserable Old-ish Git learns how to use the F5 button.)
    14th of August: Valiantphil puts his neck on the line and says the takeover will be announced today. (Does that mean he gets his head chopped off if the deal doesn’t go through on the 14th of August?).
    15th of August: Swisdom reveals that the takeover is being delayed by the death of Michael Jackson.
    16th of August: Simon Davey reveals that the Takeover should have been completed yesterday (it wasn’t). However WSS (now devoid of takeover credibility) insists that a takeover involving PV, Curbs and Middle Eastern Money … Fans Forum confirms that it knows nothing.
    18th of August: C. Walsh’sLoveChild confirms that the T/O will be completed on Thursday and announced in time for the Warsaw match. (But more importantly Henry likes Cardigans).
    19th of August: The ever reliable LeaburnForEngland reveals that one of the members of the consotium has pulled out and the T/O will be announced on Friday at 2.45. Redvalleyeast and ChirpyRed confirmed the Friday date.
    20th of August: RodneyCharltonTrotta moves the date of the announcement to Saturday. Airman Brown said “10” and the rumour mill went insane.

    Guh, it's been a long three months.
  • reckon it will definately be 3 weeks on monday.
  • might even be monday or tuesday
  • Great summary Spiced.
  • 21st of August: boogica reckons three weeks on monday whereas NLA says early next week. (H Irving will believe it when he sees it on the OS).

  • d it might even be morning afternoon or evening next week
  • [cite]Posted By: LoOkOuT[/cite]Great summary Spiced.

    Just stressing a point LoOkOuT. we probably know nothing.
    every day we come on here and are given hope, the next day our hopes are dashed.
    Meanwhile one injury could ruin the season if we don't get some cover in AND we're running out of time.
  • spiced great summary as long as the take over.
  • BREAKING NEWS!!! Andy Gray has signed for Barnsley, surely this is an indication that the takeover is either done and dusted or has gone up in flames. I really hope it has gone through as our side needs strengthening. Some food for thought when discussing the amount of money on offer if the takeover is successfull. i have a feeling the people behind it are wealthy as i dont think the board would sell the club just for the new owners to wipe out the clubs debts and have no money after that.if thats what they where looking for they would have looked towards new investorsnot a group to buy the club outright.
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