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  • There been times that I thought I couldn’t last for long
    But now I think I’m able to carry on
    It’s been a long, a long time coming
    But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

    - Sam Cooke
  • 'Many rivers to cross'...Jimmy Cliff
    'Neither a borrower nor a lender be'...William Shakespeare
    'Pardew is a cnut'...D H Lawrence
  • [cite]'Pardew is a cnut'...D H Lawrence

    Personal favourite.
  • been in a meeting the last two hours, have I missed it ? Is the new owner a Yank or an Arab ?
  • Whats going to be the heading when something really happens?....I just want to know where to look.
  • [cite]Posted By: east terrace peanuts[/cite]Whats going to be the heading when something really happens?....I just want to know where to look.

    Gary Sargeant Deal Finalised!
  • F5, F5, F5...and nothing.

    Bored now.
  • SEVEN days and counting till the window closes. Time enough to make those much needed signings ? Lets hope so.
  • So you've got your tax return, there's one name you should learn....................................
  • Sponsored links:

  • Gary Sargeant? Really?? it?

    Aghh annoying poxy song!!!! Geddit out me head!!
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]SEVEN days and counting till the window closes. Time enough to make those much needed signings ? Lets hope so.

    If it doesn't happen now we are well fooked.

    Llera will resemble Tutenkamen by the end of the season!
  • 050510_tutankhamun_vmed3p.widec.jpg
    Llera 2010??
  • No STICKY at the top of the page, I think something is about to happen, or not.
  • No STICKY at the top of the page, I think something is about to happen, or not.
  • No STICKY at the top of the page, I think something is about to happen, or not.
  • Just found this on a website:
    ليس هناك انباء عن استيلاء على تشارلتون

    This includes the key phrases تشارلتون اثليتيك (Charlton Athletic) and استيلاء (takeover).
  • Thats fantastic news Chizz............... ليس هناك انباء عن استيلاء على تشارلتون = No news of the Charlton Athletic takeover
  • الحقيقة
  • أعتقد أننا يجب أن يبذل كل وظيفة في المستقبل بشأن هذا الموضوع في اللغة العربية لجعل الملاك الجدد يشعرون بأنهم موضع ترحيب
  • Sponsored links:

  • الفتى المشاغب
  • edited August 2009
    Apparently the takeover has been completed and was due to be announced on Friday to coincide with the celebration of the Ramadan holiday that evening 21st August. However, due to an administration error at the club who didn't realise that it started being observed from the sunset of the previous evening it had to be cancelled. It has been decided to now make the announcement at the end of the holiday on Saturday 19th September after the Norwich City away game. FACT
  • [cite]Posted By: Imnot Athletic[/cite]أعتقد أننا يجب أن يبذل كل وظيفة في المستقبل بشأن هذا الموضوع في اللغة العربية لجعل الملاك الجدد يشعرون بأنهم موضع ترحيب
    أتفق تماما. الأميركيون

    مثل الناطقين باللغة العربية بعد ذلك؟
  • بلا شك
  • هذا الموضوع كما هو الآن سخيفة كما انه سيصدره من أي وقت مضى الذهاب الى الحصول على وربما ما لا طائل منه
  • No STICKY at the top of the page, I think something is about to happen, or not.
  • Taken from today's edition of The Dubai Evening Standard........or so I'm given to understand!
  • Feels good. I can see why you posted it 3 times.
  • can some of you smart arses translate this stuff or is it just a load of old bollocks as usual?
  • [cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]can some of you smart arses translate this stuff or is it just a load of old bollocks as usual?

    I translated it and it Is a load of old Bollcks.
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