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  • It'll be announced just after the Transfer Window Closes it is the Charlton way :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]The Targett family, what a happy bunch

    never met one, must be cheery if you say so.
  • It has happened already. Can we start speculating on the next takeover now. I was told that the relatives of former owners the gliksteins will be taking over to reclaim their rightful inheritance in 2025.

  • Seems lots of other takeovers moving forward, Pompey today (Sulieman not Storrie), Newcastle (Moat bid in plus major interest arriving today from US consortium rumoured to be AEG), Carson Yeung nearly tied deal up for Birmingham.

    Still waiting for some form of news for us... I personally am quite amused by the wind ups, I look at the title and the threads author then I try and call it best either way.
  • You will have my comments down as written in stone and be preparing for the re appearance of the gliksteins then?
  • edited August 2009
    [quote][cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]You will have my comments down as written in stone and be preparing for the re appearance of the gliksteins then?[/quote]

    Absolutely, plus you used the word FACT, well FFAACCTT meaning its clearly true ;)
  • Quite a few people who think there in the know on this site are starting to look rather silly saying this takeover was to be announced monday then wednesday .
    How much do they know ?
    My awnser sweet FA
  • edited August 2009
    Since the last post above 43 mins ago, this thread has dropped to ninth on the CL main page. Sorry, but I simply cannot allow this to happen...
  • Parky quoted in The London Papers tonight saying something along the lines of "we're in a great position now to sign new players"

    Must be something to do with the new yoga routine he's on ?
  • 21 September
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  • I have been round and round in circles and tied up in knots with this effing takeover. I have believed and disbelieved in equal measure. On monday I was convinced it was this week. Today I am convinced it won`t be for weeks if ever. No doubt either tomorrow or friday I will read a post and flip that on it`s head again. Its fricking doing my head in. I know the advice will be chill and be patient if it happens it hapens blah blah blah but for me its the most important thing on the Charlton agenda so I can`t chill or be patient. Thats it.
  • Chill! Be patient!
  • I just knew someone would !
  • Agreed, chill and be patient SHG.
  • Don't worry, tomorrow's the day!
  • lol..................bast8rds !!!!!!
  • To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
    To the last syllable of recorded time;
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

    According to Macbeth. Maybe Parky knows more than he did...
  • Don't worry Nigel, this old warhorse has seen plenty of rivals and 'one-hit wonders' come and go but it's unfailingly bounced back every time. In fact it re-took the top spot 3 or four times last night and there's little sign of it's popularity waining yet a while .In fact I'm considering putting money on it to be the Christmas no.1. If I can get Cliff or Slade to do a couple of posts it's a cert! Though I suppose there's just a chance it won't be around in 4 months time.
  • Yeah, but he also said:

    Lay on Macduff
    and cursed be him that first cries,
    hold ! enough !

    So I don't know what to believe.
  • Well, there was a length board meeting at The Valley today. For whatever that's worth.
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  • I'm with you March, this could still be no 1 at Christmas. Its certainly the fastest moving thread. EVER, on this site.
  • [cite]Posted By: American_Addick[/cite] there was a length board meeting at The Valley today.

    ??? You show me yours Derek, and i'll show you mine
  • What is a length board meeting? Did they have to get the tape measure out?
  • I think it very unfair that although this thread has performed and continues to perform very well that AFKA has never offered it a STICKY. I think that admin are clearly anti the takeover and for all we know are the cause of its failure to materialise. Don`t say I didn`t tell you.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I think it very unfair that although this thread has performed and continues to perform very well that AFKA has never offered it a STICKY. I think that admin are clearly anti the takeover and for all we know are the cause of its failure to materialise. Don`t say I didn`t tell you.

    I think AFKA ,like the rest of us, has lost the will to live regarding the big T/O
  • I agree, though as afka is part of the talks I suppose he can't be seen to be taking sides on here, what with confidentiality and all that.
  • perhaps they were "inching" nearer to completion of the takeover
  • A measured offer takes time
  • [cite]Posted By: American_Addick[/cite]Well, there was a length board meeting at The Valley today. For whatever that's worth.

    sorry but AA has that wrong. It was in fact a lengthy bored meeting.
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Valiantphil[/cite]Yeah, but he also said:

    Lay on Macduff
    and cursed be him that first cries,
    hold ! enough !

    So I don't know what to believe.

    You see in all thy postings thou've missed the plot

    "There will never a Takeover be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against the board"
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