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You sure this Microphone is off? Andy Gray Sacked.



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    I know I'm a bit off the pace here but I note that back in post 33 Henry Irving said 'Each of us should be judged on our own ability to perform that role, not pre-judged as being suitable or not suitable on grounds of gender.' - So should we therefore be accepting mixed gender football? I reckon Kelly Smith could hold her own in a few teams.

    I do not see why it should be wrong for all partcipants in a sport (including officials) to be of only one gender. Would we all be mortally offended if women playing a sport wanted only female officials? I very much doubt it.

    And while I'm at it do we all complain of sexism when we're accused of having man flu?

    Personally I think the whole thing has been blown out of all proportion. I'm sure we can all think of occasions where we have said politically incorrect things during an unguarded moment.

    The real scumbag is the person who leaked a private conversation.
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    [cite]Posted By: Lincsaddick[/cite]Karen Brady has worked for years for 2 men who made millions by selling soft porn and sexy knickers, basques, nurses uniforms etc (YES, I have had a butchers at the catalogue). Read her column. She depicts most men as silly bufoons who all think that Karen is soooo clever and sexy, ahhhh bless 'em, except that is for LORD (luv a duck cor blimey) Sugar, such a clever multi millionaire tack and rubbish dealer. She is naught but a flash bird on the make. I'll say no more as I wont risk a libel/slander situation.
    I dont hear her complain about TV advertising where in many cases men are portrayed as idiotic husbands, boyfriends or as incompetent little boys.

    Andy Gray sacked??!! .. Quite ridiculous .. although he has blotted his copybook quite a few times over the years. I guess he'll be replaced by the blander than bland .. Pleat? Hoddle? .. my choice? .. Don Goodman

    Did you hear her compain about this incident or call for the sacking?
    I'm fairly sure both Karen and Sian have broad enough shoulders to take it.
    That has no impact on whether or not the comments were acceptable or whether the sentence fit the crime.
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    Perhaps Emma can replace Andy Gray?
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    i think you will find Richard Hairy Hands Keys did a bit of commentating in th late 80's. On our CBS video of the 88/89 season he commentates on our 4-0 defeat at Nottingham Forest on the last day of the season and proceeded to get the names of half our players wrong! I thought he used to be on TVAM at the same time, then he popped up on $ky and the rest is history!
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    Just cancelled my Sky subscription. Been with them since 1990, got it for West Indies v England. Young Lions Are Gonna Roar and all that.......

    Bird on phone said loads and loads of cancelled subs since the sacking.
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    edited January 2011
    Shame.Andy Burtons biggest night of the year coming up as well.
    Transfer window closing night will never be the same again. ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]Just cancelled my Sky subscription. Been with them since 1990, got it for West Indies v England. Young Lions Are Gonna Roar and all that.......

    Bird on phone said loads and loads of cancelled subs since the sacking.

    Are you joking?
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    He was only sacked half an hour ago lol surely can't be true
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    edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Martomoto[/cite]
    The real scumbag is the person who leaked a private conversation.

    Or his Big Big bosses that told him to do it.

    Gray should have been watching his back.Only got himself to blame.
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    edited January 2011
    Pig ignorant comment----100% agree--a sacking plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ----what a total load of tosh.

    still in the real world - ---- VAT is 20%----a few hundred thousand more on the dole que(plus Andy Gary)---and no end to the pain in sight, Still lets not offend anyone with a silly coment.--bolloxxx or no bollox.
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    [cite]Posted By: Martomoto[/cite]I reckon Kelly Smith could hold her own in a few teams.

    a few sunday teams maybe
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    Well I hope those that are happy get a new presenter they deserve. Maybe that useless female commentator that done a few games on MOTD. Get a grip.

    What a load of feminist twaddle that was. What happened to a bit of blokey banter?
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    Here's the new front man for Football for 'Blokey Banter' types

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    Rumors that ESPN are going in for him already at a bigger salary than what he was on at Sky, good result for Gray.
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    Over reaction if you ask me.
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    Oh no!

    Where on earth will they find another too-big-for-his-boots ex player to, ahem, analyse the beautiful game?
    Where should they start looking> I mean who would wabt to do that job for that salary?

    Keys should go too as he is the one who phones up guests who disagree with him after the show to play the bertie big bollocks.
    If I worked under that regime I would leak the tapes, but its far more likely to be a case of constructive dismissal - he was set up like a kipper.
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    Makes the case of him sueing News International all the more interesting.

    Still i'm just waiting for one of his colleagues to mention "he's not that kind of commentater next monday night football"
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    How do you get to copy a 'quote' on here?

    I reckon AG was told by his bosses to grovel, eat humble pie and apologise all at the same time and he told them to stuff it down their trousers.
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    He deserves to go for the Charlotte Jackson incident alone
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    Is there anyone who seriously enjoys Jackie Oakley's hysterical commentaries on 5 Live Sports Extra? .. errrrr excluding you ladies that is
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    [cite]Posted By: Lincsaddick[/cite]Is there anyone who seriously enjoys Jackie Oakley's hysterical commentaries on 5 Live Sports Extra? .. errrrr excluding you ladies that is

    But Jackie Oakley is held to far higher standards then male commentators
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    I can barely think of more than a handful of commentators I like man, woman or martian... most of them are annoying, have their own conversation agenda that doesn't relate to the game and are ill-informed
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    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]He deserves to go for the Charlotte Jackson incident alone

    Yep. The world has moved on but not apparently if you are certain ex footballers. I believe that Rodney Marsh left Talksh*te because of blatant sexist behaviour.

    As for people quitting Sky because of this, I'm thinking of joining............only joking, I'm far too much of a pale pinko to want to line the pockets of Murdoch............:-)
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    Sky are big supporters of the female cause.

    Who's this week Soccerette?

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    [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]
    Keys should go too as he is the one who phones up guests who disagree with him after the show to play the bertie big bollocks.

    It was rumoured he was on shaky ground at the start of the season when Ben Shepherd was hired. Can only see him lasting another season at most before Mr Shepherd has enough experience to be the main man.

    As for Gray, hard to feel sympathy for him. He's been set up like a kipper as you say; but what did he expect when he sued his own employer? Plus the guy has been paid £20k a week to watch and analyse football; which he has done for 12 years or so. Call me envious but I can't have much sympathy for that!
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    Can't believe Burton was pulled for tonight's game, he did feck all in all fairness. If Redknapp replaces Gray then I'd rather have Gray back, as for commentary, give me Alan Smith or Big Sam anyday.
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    edited January 2011
    Those who think that having an woman referee in the Premier League is tokenism or daft should have listened to the FA bloke who was on Hawkesbie and Jacobs this afternoon. The woman in question has had to go through exactly the same training as men and is there absolutely on merit.

    I think this whole episode is sad but necessary. It has exposed the stupidity of the position taken against woman's equality in this area. I feel sorry for the assistant referee because she has gone about climbing the refereeing ladder on merit and reached the top level yet she is now the story and has to pull out of tonight's match.
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    Jim Beglin. I like his commentary.

    As for all you manly men who are so agreived at the sacking over just hearty banter. Would you find it so amusing if it were your aimed at your wife/daughter/sister?

    As for really do talk tripe don't you.
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    I listen this morning to Alan Brazil spouting absolute b*llocks on Talksh*te. He was trotting out the oft repeated nonsense that unless you have played the game, you can't judge whether for example, a tackle was honest but mistimed, or dangerous. This he used for justifying a position that the current crop of women referees can't possibly make the right decisions and thus should not be in the role.
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    [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]As for really do talk tripe don't you.

    I really enjoyed the line
    [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]Bird on phone said

    That kind of summed it up for me.
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