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You sure this Microphone is off? Andy Gray Sacked.



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    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]I listen this morning to Alan Brazil spouting absolute b*llocks on Talksh*te. He was trotting out the oft repeated nonsense that unless you have played the game, you can't judge whether for example, a tackle was honest but mistimed, or dangerous. This he used for justifying a position that the current crop of women referees can't possibly make the right decisions and thus should not be in the role.

    A friend of mine has a teenage daughter who has been football mad since she was about 6 - she plays at every opportunity she gets - I don't know about the current crop, but the future crop of refs could well have played at least as much as their male counterparts.
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    [cite]Posted By: Lincsaddick[/cite]Is there anyone who seriously enjoys Jackie Oakley's hysterical commentaries on 5 Live Sports Extra? .. errrrr excluding you ladies that is
    Who's Jackie Oakley?
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    I think Georgie Thompson is great.
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    edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]I think Georgie Thompson is great.
    and Rachel Wyse and Charlie Webster and Millie Clode and Charlotte Jackson and Hayley McQueen and Kelly Cates and Di Stewart and Laura Esposto and Kay Murray.

    To be fair though, most of them have all been involved and participated in sport and I'm sure their good looks had no impact in terms of them getting the jobs.
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    To be fair though, most of them have all been involved and participated in sport and I'm sure their good looks had no impact in terms of them getting the jobs.

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    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]I listen this morning to Alan Brazil spouting absolute b*llocks on Talksh*te. He was trotting out the oft repeated nonsense that unless you have played the game, you can't judge whether for example, a tackle was honest but mistimed, or dangerous. This he used for justifying a position that the current crop of women referees can't possibly make the right decisions and thus should not be in the role.

    You should hear Robbie Savage on 606. If he disagrees with anyone he just continuously shouts "YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME SO YOU WOULDN'T KNOW" at them until they hang up.
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]I think Georgie Thompson is great.
    and Rachel Wyse and Charlie Webster and Millie Clode and Charlotte Jackson and Hayley McQueen and Kelly Cates and Di Stewart and Laura Esposto and Kay Murray.

    To be fair though, most of them have all been involved and participated in sport and I'm sure their good looks had no impact in terms of them getting the jobs.

    Schoolboy error here.No mention of Natalie Sawyer.
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    I can't help thinking that if this had happened 2 years in, instead of 12, Gray would not have been sacked. I get the feeling this was just the excuse they needed.
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    I'm unsure whether Gray should have been sacked or not but I do feel that Sky are being very hypocritical.

    Every female presenter on SSN is clearly designed to appeal to men with the possible exception of the very capable Claire Tompkinson who gets tucked away in the 3am slot.The two ladies who bring the darts players out and the associated wayhay!!! and wolf whistling are being used as sex objects. Soccerette has already been mentioned.

    If Sky is unhappy with Gray for what he's said then it must redefine itself because at the moment it's a blokey, blokey broadcasting service.
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    carly burn, no sports background she worked up from a runner at Sky.

    Plus she's married to Sam Matterface who has a really annoying voice.
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    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]I listen this morning to Alan Brazil spouting absolute b*llocks on Talksh*te. He was trotting out the oft repeated nonsense that unless you have played the game, you can't judge whether for example, a tackle was honest but mistimed, or dangerous. This he used for justifying a position that the current crop of women referees can't possibly make the right decisions and thus should not be in the role.

    As much as i hate Brazil i do find him mildly entertaining on talksport.
    Perhaps they should think about sacking Ronnie Irani.A man who probably thinks the offside rule is part of a cars M.O.T,and replacing him with Gray.
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    [[/quote]You should hear Robbie Savage on 606. If he disagrees with anyone he just continuously shouts "YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME SO YOU WOULDN'T KNOW" at them until they hang up.
    What are the Beeb doing employing this buffoon? I'd rather listen to Karn Brady or Jackie Oakley ... well almost
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]I listen this morning to Alan Brazil spouting absolute b*llocks on Talksh*te. He was trotting out the oft repeated nonsense that unless you have played the game, you can't judge whether for example, a tackle was honest but mistimed, or dangerous. This he used for justifying a position that the current crop of women referees can't possibly make the right decisions and thus should not be in the role.

    As much as i hate Brazil i do find him mildly entertaining on talksport.
    Perhaps they should think about sacking Ronnie Irani.A man who probably thinks the offside rule is part of a cars M.O.T,and replacing him with Gray.

    Talksport is very much a likely destination for Gray I reckon, they love a presenter with a bit of history. Got loads of them.
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    [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite].

    As for all you manly men who are so agreived at the sacking over just hearty banter. Would you find it so amusing if it were your aimed at your wife/daughter/sister?

    1: Yes, I would and she probably would too.

    2: She probably give it back two-fold.
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    If you look up the offside law it does not say the ball has to be played FORWARD, loads of people, men and women, think it does, but it doesn't.
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    nothing wrong with a little banter - this didn't sound like banter to me, they were serious in their sexist views.
    Anyway why get worked up about a half-wit losing his job after milking it for allegedly £20k a week over a decade?
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    Offside position
    It is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.
    A player is in an offside position if:
    • he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the
    second-last opponent
    A player is not in an offside position if:
    • he is in his own half of the fi eld of play or
    • he is level with the second-last opponent or
    • he is level with the last two opponents
    A player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment the ball
    touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion of the referee,
    involved in active play by:
    • interfering with play or
    • interfering with an opponent or
    • gaining an advantage by being in that position
    No offence
    There is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from:
    • a goal kick
    • a throw-in
    • a corner kick
    Infringements and sanctions
    In the event of an offside offence, the referee awards an indirect free kick
    to the opposing team to be taken from the place where the infringement
    occurred (see Law 13 – Position of free kick).
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    Agree Stone. My wife and daughters would have the poise and grace that comes with good breeding to laugh off such a remark. Then after stalking Gray and Monkey boy to a convenient place, kick them squarely in the bollocks.
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    I'm shocked at some of the love for Andy Gray here, I'm delighted he has gone. Take a P45 son.
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    Gray will turn up at talksport towers pretty soon I reckon
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    edited January 2011
    Am I the only one who is sick of the whole palarver anyway. A bunch of has beens sit around 'discussing' things, and making judgements looking at replays. I prefer any attempt to engage with the perspective from a paying customers point of view....there was a brilliant moment on Late Kick Off, last night when an interviewed Daggers fan, gutted at the last minute loss, was interrupted by happy MKDons fans, and almost without taking a breath he broke into # I'm Dag-nam till I die #....far better than watching the overpaid, patronising us from their hermetically sealed comfort zones. Someone needs to make an imaginative break from the concept of pundits and breath fresh life into the thing. By the way I have never subscribed to Sky, so if non-punditry is already happening there, I wouldn't know.
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    Maybe it's unfair, maybe he was set up by the conversation being leaked, I really don't know. On the other hand I really didn't like the guy so it's hard to feel overly sympathetic either way. As far as I'm on concerned, it's done, finished, everyone move on, and good luck to anyone who wants to become a pro referee regardless of gender. I know I wouldn't want that kind of abuse every week!
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    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]Sky are big supporters of the female cause.

    Who's this week Soccerette?



    and who said jim beglin ffs?!
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    Am I the only one who is sick of the whole palarver anyway. A bunch of has beens sit around 'discussing' things, and making judgements looking at replays. I prefer any attempt to engage with the perspective from a paying customers point of view....there was a brilliant moment on Late Kick Off, last night when an interviewed Daggers fan, gutted at the last minute loss, was interrupted by happy MKDons fans, and almost without taking a breath he broke into # I'm Dag-nam till I die#....far better than watching the overpaid, patronising us from their hermetically sealed comfort zones. Someone needs to make an imaginative break from the concept of pundits and breathe fresh life into the thing. By the way I have never subscribed to Sky, so if non-punditry is already happening there, I wouldn't know.

    Well said. Punditry is a nice sinecure usually for failed managers. Graham Taylor on Radio 5 .. never loses a game. Hoddle, Gullit, Souness .. FIFA Gameboy managers of the year. Redknapp Junior? .. such a nice boy .. how DID he get that job.

    Will say though that Don Goodman, Sky's football league pundit is excellent; knowledgable, concise, well spoken .. he could be the new Andy Gray
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    At my work if a man said to a girl 'here tuck this in for me love' and she made a complaint, he would get the tin tack. She doesn't seem to have lodged a complaint about Andy Gray though and so it's a bit strange that it's come out of the woodwork now.

    I haven't watched Sky for years but Keys was dreadful. I think he got the job because he was ideal for the newbies, He had to have Andy Gray explain every little thing to him like a schoolboy.
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    Do i feel sorry for Gray ? not really he is in the media and when you get broadcast saying knobish stuff it has a big ripple---but FFS ------pro footballers respect women sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much dont they ? i mean they wouldt shag their mates wives at a drop of a hat ? or gag the media when they do the dirty with their sister in law ? how about the old spit roast ? yes indeed much worse to say some oooooooooooooooooo so naughty non PC hogwash.

    So in a facist society they get mates to grass up mates and family to grass up family in todays UK we get people to run and tell for being non PC.

    Good call re Goodman he comes over (can i say that---wouldnt want to offend?) very well, but how about Kamara ? although does get a tad excited.
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    Is it right that a man is warned about his conduct, then sacked following new evidence about somthing that happened prior to the initial warning?

    "You naughty boy, don't ever do that again, this is your last warning! ... oh, you did it last month aswell. well dont say we didnt warn you, there's the door"

    Anyway, is it really a good thing to have female officials?

    Of course noone is doubting their ability to learn and administer the rules of the game as well as any man can, but part of the experience of attending football matches is, arguably, the "banter" with the officials. They make a tight call, we barrack them, sometimes they have a laugh along with us. I feel this aspect of the game would be lost with female officials, not necessarily because of any inability on their part to take the abuse, but because the majority of fans would be uninclined to shout at a woman.

    And another thing: comparing the issues of racism and sexism is simply wrong. There are clear differences between the two sexes. Why is sport so male dominated? Why do you never see a female trainspotter? Why do women prefer shopping? Women that enter the world of football are, by and large, mimicking male culture. You could argue that these patterns of behavioural differences result solely from the social conditioning we all undergo as children. But you'd be wrong. Boy gorrillas play with sticks as weapons, girl gorrillas play with sticks as dolls. There are inherant differences between males and females, aside from the obvious ones of body shape and function. Comparing the contrast between blacks and whites with the contrast between man and woman is a completely rubbish, lazy, and insulting, argument.
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    Bedsaddick can i just say that anyone who says... "Women linesmen . What next , women driving cars??" and thinks that's funny deserves all of their corner darkened for having such a weak sense of humour.

    The really arent the full ticket are you curb-it?
    By making that ignorant statement you have just shown it is you who has zero sence of humour.
    Now go away son.
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    [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]
    Bedsaddick can i just say that anyone who says... "Women linesmen . What next , women driving cars??" and thinks that's funny deserves all of their corner darkened for having such a weak sense of humour.

    The really arent the full ticket are you curb-it?
    By making that ignorant statement you have just shown it is you who has zero sence of humour.
    Now go away son.

    Oh dear.............
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