[cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]I thought her kit was all washed and ironed perfectly
Love it.
[cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]
[cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Bing save your breath matey. Its obviously a quiet Monday for some.... :-)
If that comment is directed at me then you're wrong. I am very busy. However I will always stick up for what I know is right. Keys and Gray were right and 99.9% of men and almost as many women agree.
I am fed up with the loud voiced minority telling me what is right or wrong.
Nowlet's put this to bed.
You're hilarious Chirpy. Why is it that you think that you alone have the right to get all shouty, call everyone else a loud voiced minority, have yourself a spleen busting rant and then tell everyone else to put it to bed? A sure sign of someone who's losing the plot and the argument :-)
Also chirpy - who the f*ck is Richard Keys to pass judgement on this woman running the line? You'd have to assume she's passed various qualifications and done the job before in lower leagues.
[cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Of course the two British mums thing was in the Daily mail
strange that it just happened to be on the NEWS and they were interviewed ---still lets just says its was the Mail who manufactured it up and in fact it didnt happen at all
Yes of course we know in the twilight PC world that some exist in exclusion is ok when its the British its happening to .Sexism is ok when its men who are the victims and in fact only white/ english /men are racist ! Long live positive discrimination in all its forms
never should it be seen as an oxymoron and harriet Harman is god (opps sorry Godess)
I totally agree....
The mail bashing comes from liberal leftys who just use "it come from the mail, so cant be correct" line to hide the fact they either do not understand a subject or they realise they dont have a leg to stand on
p.s. I dont read the daily mail
The support group in question was set up in an area where a lot of migrant workers, who don't speak much English, have arrived in recent years to do the menial, manual jobs that the local p***-taking scum (who have no interest in working a day in their miserable existence) won't. Said support group was designed for - and is run specifically to cater to the needs of - parents for whom English isn't their mother tongue. many of them don't speak English at all (working on farms doesn't really require it). The two women in question deliberately set out to make a point about the group - but succeeded only in making themselves look like fools when it was pointed out to them that there already English parents with children in the support group, and that they were turned away because of a lack of available places in the group due to it being over-subscribed (it's a victim of its own success). The Daily Hate, in it's usual pathetic way, spun this into a 'bloody foreigners coming over here and taking our jobs/houses/playgroup places' story (presumably there weren't any other stories going round that day of schools not calling green blackboards black any more, or bananas not being bent enough for the EU, or vaccines causing autism or some other such shite.)
FFS Leroy you'll be claiming it's not illegal to wear an England shirt in the pub or or that the Queen gawd bless her isn't going to be made to wear a burka at the royal wedding or that McDonalds haven't banned white men from buying happy meals next. It's what they want you to believe.
[cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]Come on someone answer me the tennis question same money less sets for woman...shocking really
This i do agree with, always felt that was ridiculous. But that's not being sexist, it's being realistic. I've no issue with equality and the same pay if they do the same work. You wouldn't expect a woman working 9-1 to earn the same as man working 9-5 so why in tennis.
The no.1 seed Wozniacki has played 4 matches so far in the Aussie open totalling just over 5 hours!
[cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]Come on someone answer me the tennis question same money less sets for woman...shocking really
You can merrily knock one out while a couple of the russian ladies are grunting and running around the court, but it's almost impossible to do so while Andy Murray is on there gurning and bellowing. For that reason they should be paid more. And tennis being over quicker is a good thing
I must admit, I do find the ladies game more enjoyable - but before I am forced to get my coat - I will qualify and say the length of their games is about right - 5 sets can be too much.
Seriously though - you can make 2 arguments for the womens tennis prize money being unfair - firstly there is less strength in depth so fewer hard matches and secondly less sets required to win a tournament. But then you look at the amount of money both male and female tennis players gets and think this isn't really a subject to get too passionate about. Maybe betetr to focus on a living wage for the lower paid is justice motivates you.
I was looking for a quote like that - it was clearly said tongue in cheek as a generalisation - it's what people do. the challenge is to identify and challenge genuine sexism and not sarcastic banter. This isn't the Spanish inquisistion.
Tennis - look at the time they play - a lot of people get paid per hour and the women’s game in general takes the same time to play as the men’s game due to the number of aces V rallies.
I am a Press Officer and I spend more time correct inaccuracies and misleading information in the Daily Mail than ALL the other media outlets put together (local, national newspaper, radio etc etc) and have even had a journo from there explain away an inaccuracies by stating 'We take a different view of the truth than other newspapers.'
I am female, I am not a feminist, I understand the offside rule more than many men I know. I attend more football matches than man men I know and can talk about it with more accuracy than many men I know.
I can also take a joke and laughed along with suggestions that Andy etc should be replaced by busty females.
What was said was not a joke and should not be written off as one.
After the apology and one match ban I expect lessons to have been learnt and wil think no more of it.
i also notice that my questions about the banishment of the 'PC brigade' went unanswered.
I am not sure about women being linos of refs for that matter,
perhaps if we had a wet t shirt compartition and the winner could cut the oranges at half time ?
this would increase the moral in the home dressing room, and keep the woman busy as she could do the washing up after
Im not a sexist im a realist
Love it.
You're hilarious Chirpy. Why is it that you think that you alone have the right to get all shouty, call everyone else a loud voiced minority, have yourself a spleen busting rant and then tell everyone else to put it to bed? A sure sign of someone who's losing the plot and the argument :-)
What football qualifications does Keys have?
Look, if a female assistent/ref is good enough, then why should they not be allowed to do the job?
What does it matter if the assistent is male/female?
I obviously live in a different world to you - The real one.
I totally agree there mate, if they want the prize money to be the same, then they should play the same amount as the men....
FFS Leroy you'll be claiming it's not illegal to wear an England shirt in the pub or or that the Queen gawd bless her isn't going to be made to wear a burka at the royal wedding or that McDonalds haven't banned white men from buying happy meals next. It's what they want you to believe.
And if she's got big tits it's a bonus
There was a 4 hour match the other day, went to 16-14 or something in the 3rd set. I bet that was exciting.
This i do agree with, always felt that was ridiculous. But that's not being sexist, it's being realistic. I've no issue with equality and the same pay if they do the same work. You wouldn't expect a woman working 9-1 to earn the same as man working 9-5 so why in tennis.
The no.1 seed Wozniacki has played 4 matches so far in the Aussie open totalling just over 5 hours!
Seriously though - you can make 2 arguments for the womens tennis prize money being unfair - firstly there is less strength in depth so fewer hard matches and secondly less sets required to win a tournament. But then you look at the amount of money both male and female tennis players gets and think this isn't really a subject to get too passionate about. Maybe betetr to focus on a living wage for the lower paid is justice motivates you.
Was thinking the same thing.
Tennis - look at the time they play - a lot of people get paid per hour and the women’s game in general takes the same time to play as the men’s game due to the number of aces V rallies.
I am a Press Officer and I spend more time correct inaccuracies and misleading information in the Daily Mail than ALL the other media outlets put together (local, national newspaper, radio etc etc) and have even had a journo from there explain away an inaccuracies by stating 'We take a different view of the truth than other newspapers.'
I am female, I am not a feminist, I understand the offside rule more than many men I know. I attend more football matches than man men I know and can talk about it with more accuracy than many men I know.
I can also take a joke and laughed along with suggestions that Andy etc should be replaced by busty females.
What was said was not a joke and should not be written off as one.
After the apology and one match ban I expect lessons to have been learnt and wil think no more of it.
i also notice that my questions about the banishment of the 'PC brigade' went unanswered.
I see the BBC are lapping it up.Wish they'd follow suit and do the bloody same with messrs Hansen, Lawrenson and Lineker.
perhaps if we had a wet t shirt compartition and the winner could cut the oranges at half time ?
this would increase the moral in the home dressing room, and keep the woman busy as she could do the washing up after
Im not a sexist im a realist
So why do they keep trying to interfere with man sports? They'll be playing cricket next.
Do me a favour. The refs in most sports are male.