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West ham almost certain to go down



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    Barnet is a London club which is also in Herts
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    Are Watford a London club (I think I've asked that before!)?
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    Are Watford a London club (I think I've asked that before!)?

    They are in the London Borough of Watford.
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    edited May 2011


    They are in the London Borough of Watford.

    No such place. Maybe you're thinking of Walford...........?
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    Nice to see the Appy Hammers sign off with a performance for their fans.
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    Carlton Cole turns up at Upton Park with a back pack. With a worried look the security guard asks him what he's got in the bag. 

    Cole replies, "Some porno DVD's, counterfeit match tickets, hooky replica kit, some drugs and a gun". 

    "Phewww, that's ok", says the security guard, "I thought you'd brought your boots!!!

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    Charltons postal area is SE7. South East london. Cant be much more to it than that.
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    Its only 8,500 years since Kent was joined to France, so maybe Charlton are a French team?
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    Yeah but are we a Gondwanaland club or a team from Laurasia?
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    As you well know Cordo, we were all Pangeans, until the Wimbledon esque split
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    We are stardust, we are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the Garden.
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    Bollocks. Got all excited when I saw where this thread had ended up and was going to post: 'Semedo - wooooah, Semedo - wooooah... he comes from Pangaea... he only hates Gondwanaland...' but Cordoban beat me to it. Curse you and your oddly incongruous knowledge of archaic continental drift.
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    Curse you and your oddly incongruous knowledge of archaic continental drift.

    Leroy I am not sure wether to be flattered or insulted by this remark!

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    Henry - Been on the Matthew Southern Comfort?
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    Curse you and your oddly incongruous knowledge of archaic continental drift.

    Leroy I am not sure wether to be flattered or insulted by this remark!

    Believe me, as a geologist, that's a compliment :)
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    Curse you and your oddly incongruous knowledge of archaic continental drift.

    Leroy I am not sure wether to be flattered or insulted by this remark!

    Believe me, as a geologist, that's a compliment :)
    Yeah but a compliment from you ......... !
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    Oh jesus christ.

    Charlton are a SOUTH LONDON club.

    Some people are fucking deluded.

    Well that's not true either - we are a South East London Club. It's just easier singing South London. :-)
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    We are more East than South actually. Look at a map of London.
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    We are more East than South actually. Look at a map of London.
    Exactly! Certainly not South ;-)
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    All a bit hair splitting isn't it? The S in SE7 is good enough isn't it or shall we set up a fans capital diagram split into eighths - that way we would be in ES7 so we would be east london. Millwall are nomads like Arsenal really but i think they both qualify for full squatter / asylum rights now. 
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    My point is that the hysteria that erupts when someone like Gary Lineker describes us V WHU as an East London derby is ridiculous. Geographically, and that doesn't mean the Post Office's convienent little codes, Lineker is correct.


    Get over it!

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    My point is that the hysteria that erupts when someone like Gary Lineker describes us V WHU as an East London derby is ridiculous. Geographically, and that doesn't mean the Post Office's convienent little codes, Lineker is correct.


    Get over it!

    All this argument over South, East London. I prefer Kent, its a lot easier. :-)
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    have they gone yet?
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    Chirpy and Bing are spot on.  The centre of London is Charing Cross - that's where all the road distances are measured from.  Looking at a map I'd guess the Charlton is about 2km south and 10km east of Charing Cross.  Is it East then?  Of course it bloody is.
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    I'm not buying it.
    There's a freaking great river between us, always has been.
    Those East End cockneys are a different breed to us Sarf Londoners.
    Bollocks to geography
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    have they gone yet?
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    I'm not buying it.
    There's a freaking great river between us, always has been.
    Those East End cockneys are a different breed to us Sarf Londoners.
    Bollocks to geography
    By that logic then Mudchute is north of Rotherhithe and Pimlico is north of Southwark.  Is that really what you expect us to believe? 
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    If the Thames were a straight line you could use it as a North/South divide. But it's not. Chelsea north of the Thames but SW London.

    As for Cockneys, you can be a Cockney from S London, indeed with the way the City is now there are more residential areas within the sound of Bow bells south of the Thames than to the east. Bow church is in Bow Lane, off Cheapside in the City.

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    Are West Ham down yet?

    What, no appeals?

    And how can they claim to be WEST Ham, when Ham is a lovely village in Kent. Or Wiltshire. Or something
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    Hair splitting! On this forum? How dare you?!

    Sir, choose your weapon.

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