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Rob Elliot (Signed for Newcastle for Undisclosed Fee)



  • Hopefully Newcastle will be fined £100k for making the transfer bid public knowledge ( to be paid to us of course ;0 )
  • If Powell knew about the bid - the agreement was not to disclose it? He was caught either way if he acknowledged the bid he broke an agreement - if he said there was not a bid he misled the fans? In my view Powell has done nothing wrong - Pardew is in the wrong here.
  • Perhaps he didn't consider it a bid, just a p*ss take
  • Being that Robbie Elliot is a Charlton fan perhaps he would agree to the following:

    We sell him to Newcastle for 100,000. Robbie agrees to somehow cause discontent in the dressing room (maybe by sleping with someone else's wife) to hasten their relegation and therefore further ruin Pardew's reputation. We sign him back on loan whilst waiting for his contract to run out which would be good for Robbie as his wages will surely be higher. When his contract runs out we get him back on a free. So in the end Robbie stays where he is but earns more money and we get one back on Pardew.
  • @SheffieldRed that's a far more sensible way of looking at it.
  • To be honest KHA I am surprised that anyone believes anything said in football, certainly very little can be taken at face value and it is a world of spin.  If you go through a number of statements that have come out of our club over the last 24 months then repeatedly there have been half truths and untruths, from as Large pointed out elsewhere "Parkie will be sacked to "Parkie won't be sacked" to "Our budget is almost as low as Rochdales" to "There will be significant investment".  Whatever the truths and lies, it really is what goes on the green stuff that counts, whether we believe CP or not or the spivs does not really matter its getting promotion that really counts. 
  • Agreed. CP is a legend, but he is now a manager, and as such I'll take everything he says with a pinch of salt... Just modern football's way, really
  • Can't be bothered to read through all this. Not sure why Pardews gettin all the shit for this offer. Yes .he's a twat but have any if you been in a sports direct store before?
  • edited August 2011
    Nah, I got a job. ; )
  • Perhaps he didn't consider it a bid, just a p*ss take
    If Powell values Elliot in the 250-500k range then he would regard a 100k offer as a p*ss take, especially coming from Pardew. In the interview that I saw on CAFCPlayer, he said that there had been contact but that it was still at an embryonic stage. He's hardly going to say "we've had an offer, but Pardew was taking the p*ss" especially if they were hoping that Newcastle would improve their offer.
    I think Powell has done nothing wrong here and has tried to keep it all as low key as possible, I certainly wouldn't accuse him of being a liar.
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  • pardews bid of 100k is imo nowhere near as insulting as lennie lawrences bid for robert lee of 250k when he knew how desperate we were to receive funds to help our move back to the valley
  • Judging by, Pardew has scored an own goal. Lots of derision about a  penny pinching "best and final offer' of £100K for a league 1 goalie, together with references to the "Cockney puppet" and £5 vouchers from SportsDirect. Quite a smart move by Charlton to disclose the derisory level of offer. You can't blame any club for squeezing out the best deal, but if Pardew went public contrary to what was agreed, he and Ashley deserve all the derision they get from their own fans. The complaint to the Premier League is an effective vehicle for venting that.

    I expect Elliot will play today and we'll have to see what transpires over the next 11 days. I reckon we're after £200K for him in order to cover off the Hamer fee and a bit on top.
  • I've never been Elliot's biggest fan mainly because we never replaced Deano and I believe teams should break the bank for a top class keeper and he should be one of the best players in the side. Having said that his first few games this season I have been well impressed and if he carrys that form on I couldn't care less about how he's been up till now. Dont forget 25 is still young for a goalkeeper so he can still get better

  • KHA

          "but we now have a player that has a year left and has been accused of
    lying by the manager that has been proved to have lied to the fans"

    Can you tell me where Powell accused Elliot of lying?
  • Who really gives 2 toots if people have lied take the dough or hold out for a few quid more, sell him we have touted him he has touted himself, he isn't that good a keeper move him and anyone else who isn't 100% on being here

  • Looks like Rob is starting today according to his latest tweet
  • edited August 2011

          "but we now have a player that has a year left and has been accused of
    lying by the manager that has been proved to have lied to the fans"

    Can you tell me where Powell accused Elliot of lying?
    Rob says (on twitter) that he offered to take a pay cut and Powell says he asked for a pay increase that would have seen his wages comparable with the Premier League. I'm not going to be drawn into symantics about the language, but taking those two statements together, they cannot both be true. Thus both of them are implying that the other is lying.

    Maybe Rob did ask for £8k a week. Maybe Powell was kept in the dark about the offer. Maybe the offer was rejected by Slater who proceeded to shred the written offer then went away for a couple of days, didn't tell anyone where he was going and left his phone at home.

    Maybe I've jumped the gun a little, but if the manager states that no offer has been received when one has been rejected irrespective as to the intentions and/or the motives of the manager then it is not true. Maybe he didn't intend to lie, maybe he didn't know he was lying, but that is not what the club is now saying. They are just throwing their toys out of the pram because Pardew didn't keep the secret.

  • Couldn't care less of Powell is lying or not. He is a legend of Charlton, OPardew is a tw*t, enough said.
  • Is it better that Hamer starts today while all this is going on?
  • Don't know Boggzy. Part of me says don't change a winning team, and is Hamer totally fit? But however good a keeper Elliot is, this whole business will be on his mind. You could always split the difference and play Sullivan instead!
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  • edited August 2011

     When a transfer happens we have an undisclosed fee.

     When we have an un-transfer we have a disclosed fee.

  • edited August 2011

    Possibly Rob did ask for £8K per week, and maybe his "pay cut" was to reduce his demands to lets say £5K per week in the negotiations.  If that is the case (and I like everyone else on here do not know) then that is not taking a pay cut, it is just reducing your demands.  It also seems strange to me that if CP wanted to freeze him out as has been suggested, he would have put him on the bench, rather that in the first team.

    I would think that a manager accusing one of his players of lying, would not engender team spirit, and it seems that we have plenty of that at the moment, so I think you are way off mark.

    Charlton also asked that Newcastle keep the offer quiet, so why would CP then blurt it out to a local paper?  He did after all say that it was in its embryonic stages.
  • Airman Brown on the Charlton Mailing List:

    "The offer was made and rejected before today. We have only publicised it today because Pardew misrepresented the situation to the media."
  • Blimey is that mailing list still running ! More to the point is Colin Sans still spouting bullshit on there? !
  • The P.O. list.. ;)
  • £12k a week. No wonder he doesn't want to sign a new contract with us. I think I'd be willing to work for Pardew for £12 a week.
  • £12k a week. No wonder he doesn't want to sign a new contract with us. I think I'd be willing to work for Pardew for £12 a week.
    £12 a week? You are cheap aint you mate!

  • Is this the same Daily Mail who in last Thursdays edition said that he had signed a three year deal for Newcastle and was looking forward to working with Andy Woodman again?
  • Or is this Newcastle trying to unsettle him by leaking the wage offer to the Daily Mail?
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