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The Football League "without Charlton Athletic" Show



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    Isn't that how you pronounce 'Yehra'? Hence 'Beyesteros' not 'Ballast-ear-os'? Can a linguist settle this one?
    Generally speaking, in Spanish a double L should be pronounced as a "ya" sort of sound.
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    how do you pronounce paella?
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    turns out manish is a Leicester fan, so thats why we get barely any coverage, he cant stand the sight of kermorgant..haha
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    Have to say it again, poor coverage, yesterday was a big occassion at the club, and the fact that the 'smurfs' made the breakfast news made it a colourful and good news story. Nothing against the other teams going for promotion or relegation, but the lack of overall coverage has been very poor seeing that we reached 101 points.
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    how do you pronounce paella?
    Paeya - double L is always a y sound in Spanish.
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    I suppose in their defence, you can say the way we have walked this league has been a bit boring but that hasn't stopped clubs like Man Utd getting coverage in similar circumstances. I think over the course of the season, their coverage of us has been generally poor.
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    We were visiting a friend in Dublin last week, and he commented about how little coverage we'd got on this programme through the season. He's not a Charlton fan - just watches out for us, and had been struck by it, so it's not just us being one-eyed.

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    Yes, Weegie, that's my feeling, it is not just us, although I accept that it is a thankless task, trying to 'cover' 72 clubs. Overall I think they should give up. On the one hand Sky's Goals Express does the basics faster, and reaches a lot of the audience as it is on SSN. On the other the BBC duplicates anyway with Late Kick Off. I reckon the answer is to beef up Late Kick Off ; make it 45 minutes or even an hour, and leave the goals coverage to Sky.
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    I don't know if the BBC is continuing with the Football League Show but l think it's fine. Next season, it could return to ITV with just a hour slot complete with adverts, so be careful with what you wish for!

    All this outcry with wanting more coverage, only shows what a arrogant bunch of fans Charlton may now have?
    I don't think that is entirely fair, Guinness and Offy call it right, at no time this season have we got as much fuss as the Wendies on Saturday, or the Huddersfield record run.
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    Arrogant no way. We ran away with the hardest league to get out of in England, our manager is an erradite well respected and cultured member of the football community and not a total gobshite. I would of expected a more balanced share of the pitiful amount of League One coverage than we got. No arrogance there VBL, just fact.
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    edited May 2012
    all clubs could make compelling arguments as to why they should get featured more. fact of the matter is that the rest of the universe views it as a 2 bob league and have zero interest. it's like who the fuck watches the league 2 summary?

    i don't think our coverage is a shocking as so many on here are wetting themselves about, but thankfully we are out of this wank division now anyway.

    onwards and upwards
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    My preference would be a seperate show for each division. BBC have enough channels these days without over-filling their listings, and if they couldn't fit them all in, there's always BBC iplayer which probably 99% of the population have access to these days.....................
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    Absolute joke today. Next to no time given for us, even though we were lifting the trophy. Also, was it Taylor who did the overhead kick to set up Haynes? They gave it to Morrison...
    It was Morrison...
    Definitely Taylor just rewatched it.
    Yeah, just rewatched it too. It was Taylor. Apologies. :-)
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    I'm a little baffled about this whole 'coverage' thing.

    The very best coverage you got was being there first hand, experiencing something that comes very very rarely to our club.

    Do you really think supporters of Crawley, Plymouth, Swindon etc etc are that bothered about seeing the celebrations for OUR day, on OUR occasion?

    If another club had won promotion three weeks ago then I would probably be bored of hearing about them by now if they were featured each week.
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    What really peed me off was they couldn't even get a front on view of us lifting the cup, it was almost from behind! They can't even show them some respect!
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    edited May 2012
    They've just announced that the Beeb has done a 3 year deal to keep this show. Oh well, look at the bright side; it would have been equally as bad if ITV had got it (probably).
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    edited May 2012
    We weren't on it at all tonight, absolutely ridiculous.
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    I was just about to start a new thread. I am f*cking incredulous over this !
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    all clubs could make compelling arguments as to why they should get featured more. fact of the matter is that the rest of the universe views it as a 2 bob league and have zero interest. it's like who the fuck watches the league 2 summary?

    i don't think our coverage is a shocking as so many on here are wetting themselves about, but thankfully we are out of this wank division now anyway.

    onwards and upwards

    No one is asking for more coverage than other teams, just the same - fair - amount.
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    I think if you win the league, yes, you expect a little more coverage!
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    how do you pronounce paella?
    Not sure exactly how you pronounce it but I usually find this does the job in when in spain:

    Oi manuel, paella and dos beers while you're at it.
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    Late kick off made up for the lack of coverage from the FLS. I personally can't wait to see it all again on the DVD. Shame its not in glorious HD though!
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    First DVD for quite a few years that is worth buying!!!
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    I don't think DVD's were around the last time I bought an end of season highlights package!
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    Well at least this year they dont have to beg for money to get a shambles of a season documented :)
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    Under the new deal the BBC will no longer provide separate video clips of every Football League game online - however, the Football League Show will be available to watch as 'catch-up' on the BBC iPlayer."

    what a load of shite!
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    I ordered a couple od dvds yesterday (one for a mates b/day) but they still didn't know when they're going to be out.......................................
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    Under the new deal the BBC will no longer provide separate video clips of every Football League game online - however, the Football League Show will be available to watch as 'catch-up' on the BBC iPlayer."

    what a load of shite!
    Sky do the same highlights

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    I ordered a couple od dvds yesterday (one for a mates b/day) but they still didn't know when they're going to be out.......................................
    The editing has been completed this week - it now has to go out to be authored and the menus inserted, then the finished content is sent abroad for duplication. Realistically, it will be another four weeks minimum before we receive it at The Valley.
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    Yes, Weegie, that's my feeling, it is not just us, although I accept that it is a thankless task, trying to 'cover' 72 clubs. Overall I think they should give up. On the one hand Sky's Goals Express does the basics faster, and reaches a lot of the audience as it is on SSN. On the other the BBC duplicates anyway with Late Kick Off. I reckon the answer is to beef up Late Kick Off ; make it 45 minutes or even an hour, and leave the goals coverage to Sky.
    Sky Sports News is a premium channel these days. I doubt if the BBC would extend the local opt-out for Late Kick-Off, as it's not just extending one programme but all of the different editions. Easy to pick holes and LKO is a bit lightweight for my taste, but on balance I think the BBC have done quite well by the FL, certainly much better than ITV ever did. We'll get more coverage in the Championship anyway.
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