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famous people you have met



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    Come on then how many of you are going to admit meeting this guy off the telly 😉

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    T_C_E said:

    Come on then how many of you are going to admit meeting this guy off the telly 😉

    Well I have !!!
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    Patrick McGoohan (The Prisoner) was our cousin (twice removed) on our Mums side.
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    edited July 2023
    Karl Howman from Brush Strokes, I saw him in the Churchill Theatre in Bromley.
    Was in the bar during the interval and asked him to sign the ticket, knowing he was Charlton from memory I asked him to sign it "Roland Out".  That created conversation and he was very chatty and pleasant.
    Had you been to see Mary Poppins by any chance?
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    edited July 2023
    I once danced with a woman who danced with a man who danced with The Princess of Wales.
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    Was it Camilla?
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    I served Anthony Costa once when I worked at Wickes - his Mrs is a right sort. They bought some chain link wiring because their dog kept getting out of the garden. Served Kush from Eastenders a couple of times but I didn't know at the time until a couple of the older ladies came running up to me afterwards like a bunch of teenage girls asking what he was like - I was baffled and still am to be honest. 

    Oh and I was the next bowling aisle over from Nick Berry once. He didn't get a strike. 

    Its probably not enough to start a new thread but i'd love to hear if anyone has met any lower tier famous people than me in a more mundane way? kind of a "bottom trumps" kind of deal!?

    When I was about 9 or 10, I was very, very close to being killed by Alfie Bass.  Fortunately, he managed to stop his Bentley just in time.

    I also met Michael Caine a few times. (No, not that one but the professional racing driver of the same name).  Nice bloke and a hero of mine for being someone capable of actually taming the TVR Speed 12. 

    Andrew Bailey - always comes across as a bit snooty on TV but is actually a really nice bloke. Which cannot be said of his two predecessors as Governor of the BoE. (He's probably a bit rubbish at his job though).

    My neighbour - one of the most charming people you could wish to meet -  played the character Nicky di Marco on Eastenders for a few years.  She volunteered to do my shopping for me during lockdown which was nice.

    Finally, if we had a "celebrities you have no recollection of knowing" category, according to my best mate, who remembers everything, I was friends with Siouxsie Sioux. I think she was probably just called Susan back then and she was a regular at the Apples & Pears off the Old Kent Road and the Fox Under The Hill.  I can't remember her at all.

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    Patrick McGoohan (The Prisoner) was our cousin (twice removed) on our Mums side.
    From Leitrim.
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    Aside from various football people etc, went camping with Jilted John years back. 
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    Gribbo said:
    My brother used to work with, and still friends with, Boy George's brother
    His sisters husband is an addick 
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    Patrick McGoohan (The Prisoner) was our cousin (twice removed) on our Mums side.
    From Leitrim.
    Yep, our Grandmother on our Mums side. He’s from their family 😎
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    Frank Harper, Greenhithe & Swanscombe British Legion club, on a few occasions, nothing like his on screen personas, his daughter works at the Kings Head in Bexley village 
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    We used to camp outside Radio 1 in the early 80’s hoping to get a glimpse of DJ’s & bands (often when we should have been at school oops).
    Bruno Brooks had just started and I had no idea what he looked like.
    My mate told me BB was in the lobby & to go in & get his autograph. 
    Me being not shy in coming forward, bounded inside & walked up to a Geezer who I thought looked like a radio DJ & asked for his autograph.
    The fella looked at me & as he pointed to what I thought was one of the ‘little people’ he replied, ‘you better ask him as he’s Bruno Brooks’. 
    Honestly, he was titchy tiny 😂😂😂😂
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    Muhammad Ali in his later years. Got Geoff Hurst's autograph when he opened a shop in Lewisham, Alpats I think it was but could be way off the mark. Lost the autograph tho.
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    I danced with Sandy Shaw, in around “71/72 at a disco in Margate.
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    Aside from various football people etc, went camping with Jilted John years back. 
    Gordon, is that you?
    No Gordon is a moron.
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    We used to camp outside Radio 1 in the early 80’s hoping to get a glimpse of DJ’s & bands (often when we should have been at school oops).
    Bruno Brooks had just started and I had no idea what he looked like.
    My mate told me BB was in the lobby & to go in & get his autograph. 
    Me being not shy in coming forward, bounded inside & walked up to a Geezer who I thought looked like a radio DJ & asked for his autograph.
    The fella looked at me & as he pointed to what I thought was one of the ‘little people’ he replied, ‘you better ask him as he’s Bruno Brooks’. 
    Honestly, he was titchy tiny 😂😂😂😂
    Hanging around Radio 1 early 80’s - you were lucky not to end up being ‘entertained’ in an entirely different way !!!
    Looking back now, we all had opportunities to misbehave. But thankfully we were a good bunch of mates and we always went home together.
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    I bumped in to the late Jill Dando while shopping in Vienna, 1996 ish. She was there for the Vienna ball and ended up famously dancing with Cliff Richard.

    She was absolutely stunning and was more than happy to have a chat with me and the wife.

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    red10 said:
    Muhammad Ali in his later years. Got Geoff Hurst's autograph when he opened a shop in Lewisham, Alpats I think it was but could be way off the mark. Lost the autograph tho.
    I met Ali at a book signing in the early 90’s. Only time I’ve been really starstruck 
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    I remember a mate of mine’s story about Billy Idol.
    His Dad owned a tool hire company in Blackheath. 
    My pal bowls in to pick up a Kango and some bits and pieces..
    Leaning on the counter is a callow youth, my gets his order and says to said youth , “Do something useful give me a hand “ 
    Which to his credit he does.
    It was only much later that he was told that was William Broard or Billy Idol.
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    hawksmoor said:
    I’ve probably told this a million times on this thread but I once played football with Woody Harrelson..
    Tom Dolby used to play for the ITN team I ran in the 80s. You’d hear the opposition going, ‘that full back looks a bit like Tom Dolby.’
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    JamesSeed said:
    hawksmoor said:
    I’ve probably told this a million times on this thread but I once played football with Woody Harrelson..
    Tom Dolby used to play for the ITN team I ran in the 80s. You’d hear the opposition going, ‘that full back looks a bit like Tom Dolby.’
    That time Thomas Dolby nearly scored, was it ‘close but no cigar’. Sorry, not the most well-known Dolby song.
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    Saw Steve Ryder today at the Festival of Speed.
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    Nearly meeting Ray Winstone at the BFI is as close as I come.

    This yr they had Nil By Mouth on as it was 25th Anniversary. Ray Winstone and Charlie Creed Miles one of the other actors in it did q and a after. I tried to get his autograph, but loads of autograph hunters were up to their usual tricks of barging through everyone aggressively, so I didn't get it, but I did stand next to him. I count that as meeting lol.

    It's either that or Stuart Fleetwood in Virgin Active.
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    I always drag this one out when people don't realise exactly what they see isn't really real... here is Uncle Albert talking posh 
    Even more so with Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney Trotter). You’d never think it was the same person when you hear him talk in real life.

    By all accounts, also very very shy.
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    Dalai Lama
    Lisa Stanfield
    Kim Deal
    Jimmy Pursey
    Tony Blair
    The Breeders
    The Amps
    Kieith Richards
    Robin Knox Johnston
    Gerry Adams
    Bertie Ahern ( As Taoiseach)
    Kofi Annan
    Michael Martin (As Taoiseach)
    Went on the piss with Hoppo and three Irish Rugby internationals but I neither care nor know who they were.

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