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Conspiracy theories



  • Addickted said:

    Really - and what laws of physics are you relating to?

    Well not really a law (little exaggeration sorry), but kerosene (or anything else present in planes or buildings) burning/exploding does not reach temperatures required to damage the metal construction of the buildings sufficiently.
  • All i know is:
    - there was no investigation to why the WTC collapsed, only a very extensive one on everything that happened just before

    There have been dozens of investigations as to why the towers collapsed, specifically by;

    the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) who completed and issued its report in May 2002.

    the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) who conducted a more in-depth analysis and reported in August 2002.

    the American Society of Civil Engineers looked intensively at the construction methods and steel used throughout and how it stood up to the temperature and heat of 90,000litres of kerosene

    and the University of California, Berkeley, California - who are still working on the physics of the collapse.

  • Well not really a law (little exaggeration sorry), but kerosene (or anything else present in planes or buildings) burning/exploding does not reach temperatures required to damage the metal construction of the buildings sufficiently.
    i'd be interested to read your papers and research on the subject.
  • i'd be interested to read your papers and research on the subject.
    Others are better at that than me. Just watch that interview i posted earlier? (it is long though)
  • P.s I think Hull City are the Illuminarti

    All the evidence you could ever need is right here

    the greatest video i've ever seen in my life.
  • A guy down the chip shop says he's Elvis.
  • Convinced the Diana crash was dodgy.
    The rest have some unexplainable actions attached to them but that's about it.
    I do find them fascinating though.
  • In the absence of strong religious faith and a general individual powerlessness, I find some sympathy with the idea that humans are more comfortable with the idea that there is a plan (conspiracy) rather than chance, chaos, accident call it what you will.
    remembered this from a couple of years back, some of you may find it interesting, some of you will be persuaded, some of you know the truth.

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  • In the absence of strong religious faith and a general individual powerlessness, I find some sympathy with the idea that humans are more comfortable with the idea that there is a plan (conspiracy) rather than chance, chaos, accident call it what you will.
    remembered this from a couple of years back, some of you may find it interesting, some of you will be persuaded, some of you know the truth.

    or the universe is a harsh, indifferent place.
  • Well not really a law (little exaggeration sorry), but kerosene (or anything else present in planes or buildings) burning/exploding does not reach temperatures required to damage the metal construction of the buildings sufficiently.
    See, here, you are confusing temperature and heat. While they are related, they are not the same.

    Without going into great detail on the laws of physics - (note, both Newtons and Boyles Laws would be of use here) I can assure you the subsequent fire produced distortions in the slender structural steel, which resulted in buckling failures.

    The failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, and loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from non-uniform temperatures in the fire.

  • Indeed it is easy to convince people, especially when science is on the side of the conspiracy theory. Most scientist (and journalists) will however be reluctant to investigate 9/11 as it would be a really bad career choice. And no, i am not a controlled demolition expert, but i do know a few things about it. Also i do not claim to know the truth, i claim to know what is not the truth.
    There is more truth to be found on youtube than in main stream media. Granted you have to cut through a lot of BS. It is not because MSM repeats the official story 10000 times that this suddenly becomes the unquestionable truth.

    Not trusting proven liars without evidence seems common sense to me.
    I don't think 'knowing a few things about it' is enough to question how 1000's died that day just because you've watched a few conspiracy theories on the topic.

    I find it so strange how people like to believe conspiracy theories surrounding governments just because they feel their incompetent/abusive or whatever. In doing so, your giving that incompetent government credit to cover up the biggest incidents in the 21st century
  • ok then if you can assure me... :) Anyway your conclusion is a hypothesis in my opinion.
  • I'm with David Icke. Which makes me mental. But unlike most people who investigate the truth I don't try and convince anyone as to be honest I don't care if people want to keep there eyes shut.

    One day the whole world will see what has been going on for thousands of years, and they will be shocked in my opinion.

    I am what you would call a normal person I get a bit loud when it comes to football. But apart from that I'm paid well and have a nice life. I'm no hippy or nutcase

    I have investigated conspiracy a for over 7 years now, and have been open to both sides of the argument, but most of it is from the horses mouth.

    I don't get involved with petty shit like 9/11 etc.. I look into people like future leaders and past head's of these secret societies etc... And read the books they publish, this is all you need to do, to know what the agenda is.

    aldous huxley
    George Orwell (not just 1984 lol)
    bertrand russell
    Rothschild family
    Windsor family

    All great people to understand first. When you read some of the shit they come out with you soon realise that we are a virus that they want to destroy.

    Anyway good luck to you all.

    Fell free to ridicule and criticise.

    Oh and to be clear I believe the queen is a hybrid lizard humanoid :) more evidence to suggest it is true than not true.

  • C_A_F_C said:
    Conspiracy or not I've never believed Barry George murdered her.
  • Cafc95 said:

    I don't think 'knowing a few things about it' is enough to question how 1000's died that day just because you've watched a few conspiracy theories on the topic.

    I find it so strange how people like to believe conspiracy theories surrounding governments just because they feel their incompetent/abusive or whatever. In doing so, your giving that incompetent government credit to cover up the biggest incidents in the 21st century
    Right. Well i believe i can question anything i want. You should try it, it's a healthy attitude.
    But i don't need to convince anyone so i will stop posting now.
  • Right. Well i believe i can question anything i want. You should try it, it's a healthy attitude.
    But i don't need to convince anyone so i will stop posting now.
    You on the davidicke forum? Drop me a pm if u are.
  • Conspiracy theories drive me nuts it's all rubbish. It's just a means for stupid people to sound intelligent....discuss
  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    I'm with David Icke. Which makes me mental. But unlike most people who investigate the truth I don't try and convince anyone as to be honest I don't care if people want to keep there eyes shut.

    One day the whole world will see what has been going on for thousands of years, and they will be shocked in my opinion.

    I am what you would call a normal person I get a bit loud when it comes to football. But apart from that I'm paid well and have a nice life. I'm no hippy or nutcase

    I have investigated conspiracy a for over 7 years now, and have been open to both sides of the argument, but most of it is from the horses mouth.

    I don't get involved with petty shit like 9/11 etc.. I look into people like future leaders and past head's of these secret societies etc... And read the books they publish, this is all you need to do, to know what the agenda is.

    aldous huxley
    George Orwell (not just 1984 lol)
    bertrand russell
    Rothschild family
    Windsor family

    All great people to understand first. When you read some of the shit they come out with you soon realise that we are a virus that they want to destroy.

    Anyway good luck to you all.

    Fell free to ridicule and criticise.

    Oh and to be clear I believe the queen is a hybrid lizard humanoid :) more evidence to suggest it is true than not true.

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  • And heres my two cents, i think the Americans knew something was going to happen but not exactly what. Could say the exact same thing regarding Pearl Harbour, there is documented proof the American's knew something was going to take place there hence moving the fleet out.

    As they say theres some truth in everything.
  • redcarter said:

    Hi Rolland!
  • Well not really a law (little exaggeration sorry), but kerosene (or anything else present in planes or buildings) burning/exploding does not reach temperatures required to damage the metal construction of the buildings sufficiently.
    Oh it can.
    You dont have to heat steel a great deal for it to start losing its properties. A simple way to look at this, look at a blacksmiths forge, coal and a draught drawn through it. The steel can get near white hot (approx.1200C). Way before that at about 450/500C steel will lose an incredible amount of strength, at this temperature it would not even be a dull red.

    With gallons of aviation alight sucking in oxygen you get high temperatures.

    (I'm a mechanical engineer)

  • And heres my two cents, i think the Americans knew something was going to happen but not exactly what. Could say the exact same thing regarding Pearl Harbour, there is documented proof the American's knew something was going to take place there hence moving the fleet out.

    As they say theres some truth in everything.

    oh for sure, i wouldn't be surprised if the british government knew something was very fishy before 7/7.

    Right. Well i believe i can question anything i want. You should try it, it's a healthy attitude.
    But i don't need to convince anyone so i will stop posting now.
    it is indeed a healthy attitude, you should look into questioning the accuracy and validity of conspiracy theories as well.
  • Whether you are interested, or hate them there are a few things to look at, especially 9/11.

    I won't put it on here as I know conspiracy theories agitate some. Plus I will end up getting abuse! Lol

    However to those interested, Pm me.
  • Well not really a law (little exaggeration sorry), but kerosene (or anything else present in planes or buildings) burning/exploding does not reach temperatures required to damage the metal construction of the buildings sufficiently.
    And smashing a plane into the building wouldn't damage metal construction either?
  • And smashing a plane into the building wouldn't damage metal construction either?
    Funnily enough - very little. Don't forget the aircraft were made of aluminium.

    The Towers had more than 1,000 times the mass of the aircraft and had been designed to resist wind loads of 30 times the weight of the aircraft. The outer perimeter columns were only stressed 1/3 of their allowable design at impact.

    The fires were the thing that caused the real damage.

  • edited August 2014
    There are numerous accounts of weaker buildings burning hotter and longer and not collapsing, also theses are not the first planes to crash into buildings they didn't collapse

    The bin laden family left the USA some days before 9/11 after years of living there.

    Can't remember who but someone took out a massive insurance on both buildings weeks before 9/11

    All this is actual fact. These are the main points I couldn't get past.

    But a man in a cave done it, the same man who hid for over a decade. Go and shoot someone in the head and see if you can hide for over a decade, no matter who you are you aren't as high profile as he was. They had him on every radar. He also worked for the CIA during the gulf war, also declassified by the US government.

    As I said In my other post 9/11 is a drop in the ocean so don't really care.

    And for those who say the us government wouldn't kill thousands of people.

    This is above government and the same bloodlines killed millions in wars dating back thousands of years. it is still happening today.

    Remember rothschilds paid for both sides of ww1 and ww2.

    They are not human and they feed on fear. That's the biggest emotion in the world.

    Terror terror fear fear!

  • Hahaha FFS.
  • What annoys me more than anything is that the given explanation is by far the most likely scenario.

    Some spotty teenager who has managed to figure out YouTube has absolutely zero credibility.
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