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and now in paris



  • You can leave the UK on freight train without even showing your passport, getting back across you show it but only just really through a window
  • You can leave the UK on freight train without even showing your passport, getting back across you show it but only just really through a window

    Handy if you're a crate of frozen sausages!
  • edited January 2015

    Edit - about GHs post not Soapys.
  • Spot on, Henry.
  • so whats the answer ?

    my point is our tolerance is used against us.

    Freedom of worship is being used by the radicals to separate their "society" from the rest. They can radicalise people by separating them from the main stream----so its either inclusion into BRITISH society or exclusion by the pandering to every request because it might offend Islam ?

    Prayer rooms shouldnt be called "prayer rooms" ---they are "quiet rooms" which can be used by all.

    Could my suggestions offend muslims --i m sure they might---but id rather offend 2million than murder one

  • flaged ? what a spinless jelly fish u are
  • so whats the answer ?

    my point is our tolerance is used against us.

    Freedom of worship is being used by the radicals to separate their "society" from the rest. They can radicalise people by separating them from the main stream----so its either inclusion into BRITISH society or exclusion by the pandering to every request because it might offend Islam ?

    Prayer rooms shouldnt be called "prayer rooms" ---they are "quiet rooms" which can be used by all.

    Could my suggestions offend muslims --i m sure they might---but id rather offend 2million than murder one

    If tolerance is used against us you suggest we become intolerant ? I don't want to become what they are. I want to combat terrorism as much as anyone but not at the complete expense of my hard won rights and freedoms.

  • not intolerant SHG less tolerant. Freedom of worship yes within the boundaries of what British society is ,not changing it.
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  • not intolerant SHG less tolerant. Freedom of worship yes within the boundaries of what British society is ,not changing it.

    But british society is an inclusive concept isn't it ? British Jews, British Muslims, British whatever.

    Our "British culture" has been subject to change and influence by other cultures since forever. Long may that continue in my view.

    It's violence and intolerance that needs to be rooted out not someone's wish not to eat pork or only eat fish on Fridays.

  • so the answer is what ?

    understand you dont like my thoughts on the matter(any matter come to that) but i dont see ANY ideas etc being put forward.

  • I'd like to see 'hard labour' bought back for convicted terrorists.

    And then have them working soley on upgrading the Country's sewerage system.
  • so the answer is what ?

    understand you dont like my thoughts on the matter(any matter come to that) but i dont see ANY ideas etc being put forward.

    Before you get offended because I dare to disagree with you read back and see that I agreed with some of your points and disagreed with others. Freedom of speech I think it is called.

    I don't think there are any simple, one line answers to this or most problems.

    But just because I don't have an instant solution doesn't mean I have to agree with you badly thought out and counter-productive suggestions. Sorry to offend you.
  • So abolish freedom of speech/worship with, mostly freedom of speech/worship? Yeah that will definitely work.
  • Complex problems rarely have simple answers.
  • edited January 2015
    When i was in my early twenties (a while ago)
    i worked with a Hindu guy who Thought the Britsh goverment was crazy for allowing so many
    muslims into the country when their views were the polar opposite of the indigenous population.
    He painted a picture similar to the IRA threat of the 70's.
    i thought he was just bias against Muslims, but the horror stories have unfolded before our eyes here and in Europe.
    That why the 99% of decent Muslims must keep condemning the Few,
    Or else the silence will be deafening.
    Being told about the Enemy within has always resonated with me ever since.
  • so the answer is what ?

    understand you dont like my thoughts on the matter(any matter come to that) but i dont see ANY ideas etc being put forward.

    Well I'm not sure where you get that idea but hey.

    To be honest if I had the solutions I wouldn't be sitting here at lunchtime working for the NHS.

    what I do know though is that more intolerance, hate, blame, and religion is not the answer.

  • cant see where i have said i was offended ?

    where have i said abolish freedom of speech ? and have said three time freedom of worship has to be protected ?
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  • When i was in my early twenties (a while ago)
    i worked with a Hindu guy who Thought the Britsh goverment was crazy for allowing so many
    muslims into the country when their views were the polar opposite of the indigenous population.
    He painted a picture similar to the IRA threat of the 70's.
    i thought he was just bias against Muslims, but the horror stories have unfolded before our eyes here and in Europe.
    That why the 99% of decent Muslims must keep condemning the Few,
    Or else the silence will be deafening.
    Being told about the Enemy within has always resonated with me ever since.

    A Hindu not liking a Muslim shocker. Next you'll be telling me Jewish people aren't fond of them either.
  • so the answer is what ?

    understand you dont like my thoughts on the matter(any matter come to that) but i dont see ANY ideas etc being put forward.

    if the answer was easy to get to, it would already be fixed.

    The solution isn't a quick fix lets restrict religion, it's a much more long term solution - look at the IRA situation, it took a very long time for any kind of peaceful solution.

    We can start off by not actually invading countries, holding the state of israel accountable for crimes against the palestinian people rather than shrugging our shoulders and throwing them more money. Essentially remove any reason for a young british muslim to take up arms against their own country. This war against terrorism is the result of decades of shoddy foreign policy towards the middle east. And we're now paying the price.
  • One of the coppers shot was a Muslim.

    On another note, one of my mates was working at Stratford tube station last week. Even though there was a queue the ticket office shut so all of them could pray to Mecca. Why is that tolerated?
  • flaged ? what a spinless jelly fish u are

    Alright when you do it to me though GH?
  • flaged ? what a spinless jelly fish u are

    You know how offended some people get.

  • said why idid it and havnt flagged anyone in months and months go ask admin
  • I'm with you mate.
  • so the answer is what ?

    understand you dont like my thoughts on the matter(any matter come to that) but i dont see ANY ideas etc being put forward.

    Theer isn't an answer. This isn't a maths question.
  • WayneK said:

    One of the coppers shot was a Muslim.

    On another note, one of my mates was working at Stratford tube station last week. Even though there was a queue the ticket office shut so all of them could pray to Mecca. Why is that tolerated?

    On another note, one of my Islamic chums was working at Wakefield Bus station last week. Even though there was a queue, the ticket office shut so all of the Yorkshirmen could have a tea break. Why is that tolerated?

  • I think we are all struggling to find an answer but in truth, I don't think there is one other than to continue our daily lives as normal. Revenge hate crimes will only draw more people into the extremists murderous hands, that is what they want, surely it is up to us not to help them in any way?
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