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Match boycott next home match v Sheff Wed



  • It has just dawned upon me how despondent our players must be feeling right now. The likes of Solly, Jackson, Hendo, JBG, Cousins, Diarra etc must think we are a circus. We need to make sure that the players know that we support them.
  • I say no to a total boycott, if fans want to be heard there are effective ways of doing this. Not for social media tho.

    I suspect the West Stand being on club land might be a bit of an issue too.
  • razil said:

    I say no to a total boycott, if fans want to be heard there are effective ways of doing this. Not for social media tho.

    I suspect the West Stand being on club land might be a bit of an issue too.

    Agreed. I said it earlier in the thread but I feel as many of our vocal fans from the North Upper should all migrate to the North Lower to not only generate a better atmosphere to get behind the team which is needed more than ever now but to also generate a better protest as well - a packed North Lower would be louder than a half empty Lower and a half empty Upper.
  • Where's Colin?
  • Where's Colin?

    Reporting back to Roland
    Boycott catering inside ground , programmes and club shop and anti roland pics for the Ipswich game would suffice for now.
  • Out of loyalty to Jackson, Solly, Cousins, Hendo I'll probably go . Fully understand the sentiments though
  • Any protest, mass walk out, arrive 10-15 minutes late to your seat, surely has to be done for the Ipswich game where it will get far more coverage due to it being on tv. Would also agree with people refusing to buy any food/drink from any CAFC catering outlet whilst at the game.

    I don't agree with a complete boycott though as ultimately the players still need support.
  • Having a beer at the ground is the only way to deal with the shit on the pitch!!
  • Any protest, mass walk out, arrive 10-15 minutes late to your seat, surely has to be done for the Ipswich game where it will get far more coverage due to it being on tv. Would also agree with people refusing to buy any food/drink from any CAFC catering outlet whilst at the game.

    I don't agree with a complete boycott though as ultimately the players still need support.

    Jeez I totally forgot the game will be on TV... Too much has happened in the past few weeks regarding Charlton. Thanks for reminding me of that. I'll still watch it.
  • 3PM outside the West Stand on 7th November... This seems to be doing the rounds on Social Media... see you there guys.

    This is Charlton. So it will be raining. I can't protest in the rain.
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  • Agreed the Ipswich game would be better suited from a strategic point of view for protest focus. If people want to protest or boycott the Wednesday game though then that's down to them.

    I've a feeling this will be a long and painful struggle.
  • I'm going to boycott the Ipswich game.....thank you sky!
  • cafctom said:

    Won't happen. Charlton's core fanbase will always go. I might not want to go but still will - why, I can't really explain.

    I'm a bit like this would like to but probably won't
  • We have to keep supporting and we have to keep making our views known. We did when we were exiled to the Ron Noades Donkey Sanctuary and we have to now. But agree we can refuse to buy anything other than a ticket - no food, no programme, no raffle etc - and also while backing players can give both barrels to RD's pathetic puppets at every opportunity
  • Flag Quote
    October 25
    Granpa said:
    This is my Club, and it has been for 60 years. I have endured the good, the bad, the ugly, including owners and Directors including some real tossers. I will die loving and supporting my Club. All this negativity will achieve nothing, except to make you all miserable. Roland and Katrien have got a lot to learn, but I believe they want the best for my Club, so you can stick your banners where the monkeys put their nuts ! I will remain positive, and continue to offer constructive criticism, so will somebody give that ridiculous sofa to a needy charity.

    So we do nothing? Turn up, spend our money, clap and cheer on our woeful team and management structure that are heading into league one?
    Flag Quote

    No, if you read my entry today on another thread you will see that I am advocating positivity rather than negativity. Using our energy to attack Roland with positive actions such as forgetting his failed network of cheap foreign mercanaries, and appointing a British Manager with Championship success proven. Hit him in every way possible that does not harm our Club, he is a peculiar bloke but we are stuck with him. Clog up his email addresses with good advice, show him a good positive attitude.
  • like most people have said, we (including myself) are in a rather difficult situation. boycotting the game in one sense is a good idea and will obviously really highlight to RD how annoyed we are, however ive paid for my season ticket already. RD is laughing all the way to the bank and it wont make one bit of difference whether im there or not. It was like when the Bayern Munich fans protested at the Emirates last week about the price of the tickets, even though they paid the price of it anyway!!

    i will continue to go to games this season to support the players, however i will stop buying food and drink at the ground. i will not be renewing next season, which will be tough as i love going and instead i will start to see my local team - Herne bay FC - instead.

    I'd gladly join in on any other protests other fans have suggested like sitting in silence for a certain amount of time after kick, showing banners etc

    such a shame how our club has fallen so low after our fantastic league one season only a few years back
  • In my view supporting the team is supporting the Belgians. If you have to go then go to protest.

    The black and white scarves important in that.
  • My question about all this stuff is, how much will Charlton Life be able to instigate this? I mean, the proportion of visitors to this site compared to the crowd at the game... will enough of us do this, and spread the word, to actually have an effect? Doesn't it need to spread further than this site?
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    My question about all this stuff is, how much will Charlton Life be able to instigate this? I mean, the proportion of visitors to this site compared to the crowd at the game... will enough of us do this, and spread the word, to actually have an effect? Doesn't it need to spread further than this site?

    The only sure fire way to reach enough Charlton fans is to get out there and talk to them at the game. That means raising volunteers for the Sheffield Weds game, printing several thousand copies of literature explaining the goals of whatever it is your planning and the method your going to use to achieve them (boycott etc.

    Charlton Life is a good starting point and for batting ideas around, but you won't achieve anything sat behind your keyboard.
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  • JiMMy 85 said:

    My question about all this stuff is, how much will Charlton Life be able to instigate this? I mean, the proportion of visitors to this site compared to the crowd at the game... will enough of us do this, and spread the word, to actually have an effect? Doesn't it need to spread further than this site?

    It will get to more supporters than any other medium. I think the membership numbers on here are quite high (something like 5,000?), plus people share stuff from here onto Facebook, Twitter, etc. We organised our own political party not that long ago without any social media. If enough people buy into a boycott/protest then world will get around, no problem.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    My question about all this stuff is, how much will Charlton Life be able to instigate this? I mean, the proportion of visitors to this site compared to the crowd at the game... will enough of us do this, and spread the word, to actually have an effect? Doesn't it need to spread further than this site?

    Anything on the internet / socia media now sees huge cross-over and anything that gets traction will certainly spell very quickly to all fans who are active in some form of online monitoring of Charlton news / issues. For example, if something proved popular on here, someone would post it on the Charlton Facebook group, that would then get talked about on Twitter etc.

    What role we should play is an entirely different matter. As i expressed back in Jan around the Woolwich meeting, 'Forums' do not / should not have opinions imo. There is no such thing as 'CL are saying etc'. It is the people who use the forums that have opinions, and a forum should just be there to facilitate that and provide the platform. If someone wanted to write an article on why Roland is destroying our Club, we would (if we thought it was a good piece) pin it at the top of our Forum. If someone equally wrote an article offering the opposite view, we would treat it exactly the same. I think everyone is very clear where i particularly stand on things, but that is not a CL view, that's just my own view.

    Back in January, there was every view possible on the Charlton situation being offered and debated, exactly how it should be. How could someone ever 'represent' that under an agreed collective?

    The weight of opinion is currently much more in agreement (bar one or two that i'm really not convinced of their sincerity) which makes the overall backdrop a little different. Fundamentally though, as i said the other day, i'd like to think those who sincerely have a different view are given the opportunity to raise and debate that view.
  • CAFCsayer said:

    A 200ft "Fuck off Roland" banner should do the trick

    While I agree with the sentiment, no camera will focus on banners that are offensive/obscene. Likewise, chanting "Luzon/Fraey/Rolands a wanker, get out of our club" or something similar will not be picked up on by commentators or anyone else. Look at the protest that the Bayern fans made at that arsenal game last week, that was given massive airspace during the commentary. If any matchday protest is to be given media attention it has to be peaceful/non abusive. Much as I would like to start a chant of "F88k off back to Belgium", this would be faded out, so not highlighting our feelings to a wider audience. On a separaet note, is the Ipswich game on the box then?
  • edited October 2015
    Don't give him any more of your hard earned money. He knows that your loyalty to the club lines his pockets.
  • Boycott won't work if the team performs. One win and a draw and you are back to this!
    Best you wear your Fulham scarves!
  • I think the idea of a protest at the Ipswich game is best. Either all walking in late or standing up and turning our backs on the pitch would be a great idea. Banners are also a good idea but no profanities so the TV can broadcast. If we can get this organized I would be more than happy to help in whatever way I can.
  • I think the idea of a protest at the Ipswich game is best. Either all walking in late or standing up and turning our backs on the pitch would be a great idea. Banners are also a good idea but no profanities so the TV can broadcast. If we can get this organized I would be more than happy to help in whatever way I can.

    I would not make banners the main point in any protest at home, I seem to remember last season people at them taken away at home.
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Roland Out Forever!