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    edited January 2016
    Either they will throw Fraeye to the wolves to appease the mob or we can expect another lecture on how they know what's best for us. The one thing we all hope it is not is another Powerpoint presentation.

    But @supaclive posted a response from the club in another post which will form the basis of the statement:

    " I would hope the activity of Charlton Athletic Football club during the recently open transfer market could be seen as a sign of the determination from management to support the team towards presenting a more competitive display on the pitch and bring the team back to a position more appropriate with the ambition of the club and its supporters."
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    Well this will be momentous.

    Oh wait.
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    News Shopper Sport ‏@NewsShopperSprt 1m1 minute ago
    For those asking, Karel Fraeye's press conference has been moved from this afternoon to tomorrow. #cafc

    He's being given the job on a Permanent basis isnt he... That's all this is to announce!!

    KM has got fed up of the "We want a Manager" chants so they've just decided to change his title to make him look like the Manager!!

    Surely they wouldn't do that. They know our main problem is the fact he couldn't manage to fart on a diet of baked beans let alone manage a championship club.
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    "We're continuing to invest in the team and still believe that Fraeye is the right man for the job"
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    Can we play statement bingo.

    I'll start with "we are still working hard on one or two deals in this transfer window"

    "The board has reiterated its commitment to the club's development"

    Or some other similarly wanky wishy washy phrase
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    News Shopper Sport ‏@NewsShopperSprt 1m1 minute ago
    For those asking, Karel Fraeye's press conference has been moved from this afternoon to tomorrow. #cafc

    The optimist in me wonders if this could be to allow a new appointment time to get his feet under the table. Otherwise why delay the manager's presser by 24 hours?
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    News Shopper Sport ‏@NewsShopperSprt 1m1 minute ago
    For those asking, Karel Fraeye's press conference has been moved from this afternoon to tomorrow. #cafc

    He's being given the job on a Permanent basis isnt he... That's all this is to announce!!

    KM has got fed up of the "We want a Manager" chants so they've just decided to change his title to make him look like the Manager!!

    Surely they wouldn't do that. They know our main problem is the fact he couldn't manage to fart on a diet of baked beans let alone manage a championship club.
    Murray has already done it once before with Phil Parkinson...
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    Can we play statement bingo.

    I'll start with "we are still working hard on one or two deals in this transfer window"

    I reckon it'll be... Okay I admit I was wrong, clearly there are 3% of fans protesting!!
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    Fraeye press day moved to Friday.
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    "Chris Powell has taken over as permanent first team manager and will lead the team out on Saturday"
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    Addicted said:

    It will be an attempt to disrupt the fans protests by creating rifts between opinions. It's the way they work.

    Something along the lines off the below?

    Left side of the protest, your chants were so weak compared to those on the right, yet to those on the right, the people on the left were so much better looking than any of you... Oh and I felt victimised by the lot of you so am playing that card
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    edited January 2016
    Phil Parkinson has been chosen to replace Fraeye. We just need him to leave Bradford.

    Parkinson is currently the sixth longest serving manager in English league football having been with Bradford for 4 and a half years
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    Whatever they say, it will be a load of bull****
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    "Chris Powell has taken over as permanent first team manager and will lead the team out on Saturday"

    KM: Any questions?
    Louis: Yeah which club is Chris Powell now the Manager of and who will he be leading out?
    KM: Errmmm errrr... NEXT Question!!
    Louis: You didnt answer my last question
    KM: As I already answered it, Chris Powell will be the First Team Manager and will lead a team out on Saturday
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    Get ready for the usual bullshit propaganda, sorry, lies from She Who Must Be Obeyed.
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    Has it really taken them 5 days to figure out a response to fans protesting - something which was widely known beforehand and has occurred in the past? Somehow I don't think so.

    I can't see the club not making preparations for their response prior to the protests themselves - even if perhaps the numbers overwhelmed them.

    So were they waiting for something?

    -> The timing of this release coincides with the commentary of Saturdays protest dying down, furthermore - the official CAFC (i.e Twitter) channels haven't acknowledged it yet. Did they want this to pass quietly and go relatively unnoticed?

    -> Has the size of the protests forced their hand in to personnel changes? Ordinarily the regime have demonstrated the ability to fire managers on a whim, perhaps there's been a personnel change at the board level?

    Either way, expect a few platitudes which we've all heard before and maybe a token gesture that has been long overdue - i.e Fraeye is gone. In which case, be thankful that the club will have done something which we can hijack and use to renew interest in our plight.
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    KM: You see that little candle. Let me pour some petrol on it.
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