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***Jose Riga... New Charlton Manager (again)***



  • Oakster said:

    That great end of season run ironically started with a win at Huddersfield, 5 wins and 3 draws from the last 8 games - highlight was the 6-0 win at Barnsley.

    First win under Riga was at home against Bournemouth (injury time goal from Dervite).

    The 6-0 against Barnsley was the previous season under Powell. Riga lost 2-1 at home to Barnsley.
  • Pleased with this newS, he is his own man and I suspect this may well have been a stumbling block to his continuity as manager last time,
    Welcome back and Good Luck Jose.
  • Probably the best appointment we could hope for all the time Duchatelet is in control. The sad fact is that despite fancying himself as a visionary, the guy can't see further than his own nose. It's a pity he can't see as far as Katy's nose, then we'd have a whole world of managers to choose from.

    Good luck Jose, you're gonna need it. I hope I'm wrong, but I have a terrible feeling that by the end of the season any goodwill the fans have towards you may have fizzled out.

    Step up the protests against this ridiculous regime.
  • Oakster said:

    That great end of season run ironically started with a win at Huddersfield, 5 wins and 3 draws from the last 8 games - highlight was the 6-0 win at Barnsley.

    This was Powell's first season in the Championship, started with a home win against Bolton (came back from 2-0 down)
  • Bring back Damian Matthews and Andy Hughes as first team coaches. Go go go!
  • Mixed opinions about Riga coming in but the thing that really pisses me off is yet again the club said in their statement yesterday that they were interviewing candidates and searching for a new manager and half a day later Riga is appointed. Surely they knew or had a good idea the job was gonna be his so why say all this bullshit in the statement about serving for a manager
  • I have nothing against Riga and would have been happy for him to have stayed on last time as he did a decent job. I truly wish him luck this time around. He will get my support, as will the team but this is a huge risk he is taking and if it goes tits up then God knows what will happen.
    However, it changes nothing as we still have the same regime in charge and the protests must continue as we still have the cancerous growth eating at our club. If Roly thinks this appointment will appease us then he is in for a real shock.
  • edited January 2016
    I think Riga is the best we could hope for in the current situation. I like him, and believe he does "get" our club. I wish him the best of luck, and if he can perform a second miracle and keep us up, hopefully he will keep his job when the new owner takes over. I keep hoping one will in time for next season. He and the team will have my support though not the regime.
  • Why did it take 14 matches to come up with this decision?
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  • edited January 2016
    Posting without reading the reaction: Let's face it, he's the best we could expect in the circumstances. Which British Manager with any sort of track record is going to work with Duchatelet?

    Welcome back, Jose. You should have been given a contract in the first place some 20 odd months ago. You have my support for now but the fight goes on.

    #DuchateletOUT #MeireOUT #MurrayOUT #WeWantOurClubBack #SupportTheTeamNotTheRegime
  • So the silver fox sooth fans' disquiet (not) and provide some maturity and experience for our young team (I hope). Methinks a month too late, but still at least he may have worked some leverage with the regime in taking the role on again and will be left to do what is necessary for survival in this league. Am intrigued that chairman is quoted in announcement and not our esteemed CEO. Maybe Riga only deals with the main man directly.
  • Hay not my first choice by far but he is the best we can expect on the money Roland is willing to spend.the best manager we've had under Roland He done a good job last time the players seemed to like him and I thought the football was good.although when we did lose under him it seemed to always be 3-0. I don't think he will keep us up I don't think Ferguson would.but let's give him a go at bringing us straight back. Hope he gets harriot scoring again. And gives him new contract
  • You think all our recent managers have a timeshare in Tenerife and are just waiting for there next turn at Charlton....?
  • Firmly believe this is best option, despite he was/is part of the despicable network, we need championship football next season & is known and liked by some of our current squad.
  • Incredible that Jose Riga is trending in the UK on Twitter..!
  • An 18 month contract is supposed to show a bit of stability, but he'll be sacked by Christmas if we screw up in the summer transfer window, and results go down the pan, its all a bit too predictable.
  • Hope we are going to be efficient again.
  • complete and utter piss take,made to divide fans in my opinion
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  • what go around comes around.

    I'm pleased For Jose that he accepted a 18 months contract.
    I would have lost all respect for the man if he had accepted a 5 month contract again.

    Every one in The Football world; well 99.9% knows that The Duchatelet way Can't work in the top Two divisions of the most competitive League on the Planet,
    (Germany's not too shabby). The fair play was a sham and RD was naive to believe it.

    Jose could even get on with Tony Watt ! (done deal ?)

    Unlike others who have posted on here I DON'T want CAFC to be relegated to prove a point.

    I hope that we support Riga and the team to the end of the season but continue to step up the protests on the Hapless Owner and CEO.

    Never thought i'd compare Football with another Business, But when they are clueless at the top it deflates the employers who lose all motivation.

    Sounds familiar ?
  • Can anybody tidy up the circumstances of his leaving Metz?
    Why did he leave, and was it before or after Fraeye started with us?
  • As ridiculous as it all is I am happy with the appointment. Who better to keep us up than someone who has already done it once? He is also a very likeable guy, good luck Jose!

    Notice how when we had a totally incapable coach, the protests picked up the most steam and publicity? Hence why they've played it safe with one a fans, such as yourself, will really like again. Don't fall into traps, wish him luck and hope we stay up for all you like; but don't be happy with this appointment, it's not happened because RD wants to it's happened because he's been pressured into feeling he has to.
    I'm still 100% against the regime, that doesn't mean that this isn't the right appointment though. I like Riga and rate him as a manager, RD however must go unless he changes his plan completely.
  • seth plum said:

    Can anybody tidy up the circumstances of his leaving Metz?
    Why did he leave, and was it before or after Fraeye started with us?

    Sacked just before Christmas, sorry Mutual consent
  • I had a brief glimmer of hope from them "backing down" over the Ujpest manager that we might see the start of some actual real changes under RD.

    That is obviously not the case, Riga may be the most likely of RD trusted managers to bring some minor success under the current football business plan but he is not a change of that plan.

    I really can't be bothered with all this anymore, that is sadly me done for a while.
  • So disheartened and worn out with all of this bollocks going on, it's difficult so sum up the energy to say F*&K OFF YOU BELGIAN TWATS !!!!
  • These clowns will think they have pacified the natives.

    Give it ten games and we are still in the brown stuff and he'll be getting pelters.

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