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A Bonkers Statement from Club - the infamous {...} one



  • MarkyE83 said:

    I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

    Are the grammatical errors kept in on purpose so we assume it's written in a second language or just incompetence? Surely this would of had to have been checked, checked again and then checked some more.

    At first I thought the site had been hacked!

    Glass houses, stones?
    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  • James Reed will be busy on Monday Morning.
  • Rob7Lee said:

    Louis Mendez ‏@LouisMend 54s55 seconds ago Gravesend, South East
    Louis Mendez Retweeted James Windham
    It's not fake. I'm in the press box at a Charlton U21 game and watched it get published #cafc

    That poor media relations lady, even she must realise what a numpty she's now working for....... and just after she's set up a new email address!

    It seriously looked like a drunk fan has hacked the website, I'm gobsmacked.
    I am truly and genuinely shocked and the belated attempt to rectify the 'customer' mistake at this stage?
    Even having been told its not fake I still can't quite believe that a 'business' which is what it purports to be, would allow this unfettered rant with its incredible PS to be published. Not only Katrien Meire's position but surely that also now of Mel Baroni must be untenable. This is melt down stuff!!!!!
    By all accounts, Roland wrote this himself.

  • Are we sure this isn't the same guy who did the Companies House gag? It's f*cking priceless as parody.
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  • Is this the beginning of the end...? I really hope so.
  • Clucking bell! Roland and Katrien have finally jumped the shark. Priceless.
  • edited March 2016
    I think amongst all the excitement and incredulity, we're all forgetting the important issue:

    *I think the difference is also because fans don't see themselves as customers and they go to the restaurants with their families every week and they go to the cinema but if they aren't satisfied with the product will they go and scream to the people in charge of it? No they don't

    Erm yes they do actually... For example I ordered a Pizza Hut the other week, not a top star restaurant but it took over an hour to arrive with me having to phone twice asking where it is.

    I didnt ask for it but a few days later I received an email apologising for the Service with a free £10 voucher
    Can you use it on the lunchtime buffet?
  • WTF is that Belgian twat on?
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  • "Some individuals seem to want the club to fail. This is a confused approach"

    Biggest pisstake in that statement. Symultaneously suggesting we want cafc to fail, and that we are so stupid that we wouldn't understand why that's a bad thing.
  • I think tomorrow morning's "routine" conference call will be a hoot.

    High fives all round, I shouldn't wonder....
  • 'Some individuals'

    Still hanging on to the 2% nonsense i see.
    Has she no shame?

  • What a night to get in late. Gutted!

    Feels too late to post a 'U wot m8'
  • SE7toSG3 said:

    We are reaching the end game now, what a very bizarre turn of events,

    It looks very much RD was not aware of the scale of unrest until Sunday, I suspect tomorrow could be very interesting....

    Indeed from the end of the beginning to the beginning of the end.

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