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New fiver not suitable for vegetarians.



  • iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    So what's you opinion on people who raise their own meat. Or takes it from the wild?
  • iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    So what's you opinion on people who raise their own meat. Or takes it from the wild?
    You on porn hub again mate?
    Theres a few lumps of meat on there that I wouldn't touch
  • .....well probably not
  • iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    no animals are bred/killed to make the £5 note so...
    Yes Dave!
  • edited December 2016

    iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    no animals are bred/killed to make the £5 note so...
    Indeed. Veggies would apparently rather that all the useful (and natural, non-cruelty) waste products from animal slaughter be dumped in a sea or river, just like all the chemicals and waste used to manufacture or import all the unnatural non-meat produce you see in supermarkets all year round.
  • seth plum said:

    Animals need to eat too I get that, I suppose a plague of locusts can wipe out an entire crop in extreme circumstances, but it is probably possible to exist in harmony with animals even if we have to share the stuff we grow with them.
    I read that it takes an acre and a half to feed a carnivore for a year, but a third of an acre to feed a vegetarian.
    I don't know how accurate those figures are, but I would suggest they're not far off.

    What I'm saying is, as soon as any animal is killed to promote the growth of these crops, the entire theory behind it is blown to bits. And IMO, you would not be able to grow crops on the scale you are suggesting without controlling animals.

    Also, what about conservation? Deer need to be controlled to promote a healthy population and a healthy country side. Rabbits will get out of control if left. What would happen to these animals?
    Yeah those rabbits seem to be getting immune to myxomatosis now.

  • Oh I know, we could encourage birds of prey...

    Except they might kill the odd sheep.
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  • seth plum said:

    Animals need to eat too I get that, I suppose a plague of locusts can wipe out an entire crop in extreme circumstances, but it is probably possible to exist in harmony with animals even if we have to share the stuff we grow with them.
    I read that it takes an acre and a half to feed a carnivore for a year, but a third of an acre to feed a vegetarian.
    I don't know how accurate those figures are, but I would suggest they're not far off.

    What I'm saying is, as soon as any animal is killed to promote the growth of these crops, the entire theory behind it is blown to bits. And IMO, you would not be able to grow crops on the scale you are suggesting without controlling animals.

    Also, what about conservation? Deer need to be controlled to promote a healthy population and a healthy country side. Rabbits will get out of control if left. What would happen to these animals?
    Yeah those rabbits seem to be getting immune to myxomatosis now.

    Yeah and what a waste of rabbits that was and still is
  • Pretty disgusting. Can't even eat them after.
  • Wonder why she didn't buy a load of cheaper smaller ones and let them go?
  • Probably been caught again already. Sop.
  • iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    no animals are bred/killed to make the £5 note so...
    They were bred to be exploited in one way or another. So I find it problematic. And against my principles.
    That's all.
  • Fiiish said:

    iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    no animals are bred/killed to make the £5 note so...
    Indeed. Veggies would apparently rather that all the useful (and natural, non-cruelty) waste products from animal slaughter be dumped in a sea or river, just like all the chemicals and waste used to manufacture or import all the unnatural non-meat produce you see in supermarkets all year round.
    No we'd rather no animals are killed for meat or for products that could be made without the by products of the meat industry.
  • LuckyReds said:

    A little bit of perspective is required here: courtesy of Vice:

    - There's less than 100 parts per million, or 0.01%, of the note containing tallow.
    - 0.01% of a given £5 is approximately 0.00007g.
    - You can take 40kg of tallow from a single cow.
    - There will be 239,000,000 £5 notes in circulation; requiring 23kg of Tallow, or just over half of one cow.

    Yet despite the fact that it's HALF A COW that will providing the Tallow for 239,000,000 £5 notes, the petition online has got over 100,000 signatures.

    Meanwhile, petitions calling for action which will actually have a real impact for animal rights and stop barbaric actions are struggling to gain anywhere near that:

    - ending the badger cull (63,000 signatures),
    - increasing the maximum sentence for animal cruelty (51,000 sigs)
    - shutting down the UKs domestic ivory trade (71,000 sigs)

    I suspect many of those people who signed the petition need to take a little look at themselves and, after feeling suitably embarrassed, consider directing their energy somewhere more suitable. This is nothing more than manufactured outrage.

    Principles are principles. If you know there are animal products in something and you don't want to use animal products it doesn't actually matter how much is used.
  • iainment said:

    Fiiish said:

    iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    no animals are bred/killed to make the £5 note so...
    Indeed. Veggies would apparently rather that all the useful (and natural, non-cruelty) waste products from animal slaughter be dumped in a sea or river, just like all the chemicals and waste used to manufacture or import all the unnatural non-meat produce you see in supermarkets all year round.
    No we'd rather no animals are killed for meat or for products that could be made without the by products of the meat industry.
    Surely though you must see that that attitude means you (and I mean vegetarianism as a movement rather than you individually) are giving up achievable small wins in the vain hope of an impossible big win?
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  • iainment said:

    LuckyReds said:

    A little bit of perspective is required here: courtesy of Vice:

    - There's less than 100 parts per million, or 0.01%, of the note containing tallow.
    - 0.01% of a given £5 is approximately 0.00007g.
    - You can take 40kg of tallow from a single cow.
    - There will be 239,000,000 £5 notes in circulation; requiring 23kg of Tallow, or just over half of one cow.

    Yet despite the fact that it's HALF A COW that will providing the Tallow for 239,000,000 £5 notes, the petition online has got over 100,000 signatures.

    Meanwhile, petitions calling for action which will actually have a real impact for animal rights and stop barbaric actions are struggling to gain anywhere near that:

    - ending the badger cull (63,000 signatures),
    - increasing the maximum sentence for animal cruelty (51,000 sigs)
    - shutting down the UKs domestic ivory trade (71,000 sigs)

    I suspect many of those people who signed the petition need to take a little look at themselves and, after feeling suitably embarrassed, consider directing their energy somewhere more suitable. This is nothing more than manufactured outrage.

    Principles are principles. If you know there are animal products in something and you don't want to use animal products it doesn't actually matter how much is used.
    If principles are principles, how can you justify keeping 4 cats?
  • iainment said:

    Hex said:

    Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?

    They weren't bred to create petrol so I don't see it as the same issue.
    In the same way some people will only eat meat from stuff like roadkill. But boycott farmed animal products.
    So what's you opinion on people who raise their own meat. Or takes it from the wild?
    I don't agree with raising animals to eat them. I don't agree with eating wild animals.
    I think people who do either aren't in any way better than people who consume meat from butchers or consume other animal products.
    But I understand that's a minority view.
  • edited December 2016
    seth plum said:

    Fiiish said:

    All these city folk coming up with pie in the sky solutions of how we can all live in harmony with Mother Earth and live off quinoa reminds me of stories of evacuees who had to go to the countryside and their hosts were astonished that they had never seen where meat, dairy or eggs had come from. Totally clueless as far as how important livestock agriculture is.

    Animals are hardy and natural. The products we get from them are renewable and biodegradable, as are any waste products. The synthetic materials, and other meat-free substitutes, are not, or their production produces undesirable waste products or other problems. Also, crops are much more susceptible to blight and disease as well as the seasons. When we are warned every other week that we are approaching a crisis in terms of food, global warming, or pollution, we'd be utter fools to play god and think we can create all the food and products we need from factories. If another war comes, guess what will be one of the first things to be attacked or bombed? Or if we rely on crops for our food, it makes them very susceptible to being poisoned/destroyed by terrorists.

    Just like Brexit, there is a good reason why barely any experts put their name to this idea. Going against nature and completely transforming the global agriculture cycle just because a handful of people think it is immoral to teach kids songs like Old MacDonald then feed them beef is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard.

    I said it felt weird, not that is was immoral. I have also recognised how much of a minority view I hold.
    There is a debate to be had regarding livestock agriculture verses crop agriculture and I doubt the conclusions to that debate are clear cut. I wonder how many carnivores from either the cities or countryside would do the slaughtering themselves.
    The playing god reference you make can work both ways in my view. Anyway I repeat we are simply going round in circles as we always do every few months when vegetarianism is brought up on Charlton Life.
    The carnivores dominate, just like the Trump voters or the brexiters or the Manchester United supporters, or the right wing media (IMHO) or the rich football club owners, and as such I am resigned to being in the minority in most things.
    Perhaps I'm splitting hairs but Trump voters were not the majority and as many there are of Manchester United supporters they are they are not the majority. As for Brexit. I'll give you that one.

  • iainment said:

    LuckyReds said:

    A little bit of perspective is required here: courtesy of Vice:

    - There's less than 100 parts per million, or 0.01%, of the note containing tallow.
    - 0.01% of a given £5 is approximately 0.00007g.
    - You can take 40kg of tallow from a single cow.
    - There will be 239,000,000 £5 notes in circulation; requiring 23kg of Tallow, or just over half of one cow.

    Yet despite the fact that it's HALF A COW that will providing the Tallow for 239,000,000 £5 notes, the petition online has got over 100,000 signatures.

    Meanwhile, petitions calling for action which will actually have a real impact for animal rights and stop barbaric actions are struggling to gain anywhere near that:

    - ending the badger cull (63,000 signatures),
    - increasing the maximum sentence for animal cruelty (51,000 sigs)
    - shutting down the UKs domestic ivory trade (71,000 sigs)

    I suspect many of those people who signed the petition need to take a little look at themselves and, after feeling suitably embarrassed, consider directing their energy somewhere more suitable. This is nothing more than manufactured outrage.

    Principles are principles. If you know there are animal products in something and you don't want to use animal products it doesn't actually matter how much is used.
    If principles are principles, how can you justify keeping 4 cats?
    They can't choose to be any different. I can. Am I supposed to put them down for acting like cats?
    Like everyone I am a mass of contradictions but as I said before I wasn't vegetarian when we got the cats and I will keep them until they die. They are part of the family.
  • iainment said:

    iainment said:

    LuckyReds said:

    A little bit of perspective is required here: courtesy of Vice:

    - There's less than 100 parts per million, or 0.01%, of the note containing tallow.
    - 0.01% of a given £5 is approximately 0.00007g.
    - You can take 40kg of tallow from a single cow.
    - There will be 239,000,000 £5 notes in circulation; requiring 23kg of Tallow, or just over half of one cow.

    Yet despite the fact that it's HALF A COW that will providing the Tallow for 239,000,000 £5 notes, the petition online has got over 100,000 signatures.

    Meanwhile, petitions calling for action which will actually have a real impact for animal rights and stop barbaric actions are struggling to gain anywhere near that:

    - ending the badger cull (63,000 signatures),
    - increasing the maximum sentence for animal cruelty (51,000 sigs)
    - shutting down the UKs domestic ivory trade (71,000 sigs)

    I suspect many of those people who signed the petition need to take a little look at themselves and, after feeling suitably embarrassed, consider directing their energy somewhere more suitable. This is nothing more than manufactured outrage.

    Principles are principles. If you know there are animal products in something and you don't want to use animal products it doesn't actually matter how much is used.
    If principles are principles, how can you justify keeping 4 cats?
    They can't choose to be any different. I can. Am I supposed to put them down for acting like cats?
    Like everyone I am a mass of contradictions but as I said before I wasn't vegetarian when we got the cats and I will keep them until they die. They are part of the family.
    I'd say that handling a fiver with a miniscule amount of animal fat in it, is far less against vegetarian principles than sponsoring 4 cats every day.
  • iainment said:

    iainment said:

    LuckyReds said:

    A little bit of perspective is required here: courtesy of Vice:

    - There's less than 100 parts per million, or 0.01%, of the note containing tallow.
    - 0.01% of a given £5 is approximately 0.00007g.
    - You can take 40kg of tallow from a single cow.
    - There will be 239,000,000 £5 notes in circulation; requiring 23kg of Tallow, or just over half of one cow.

    Yet despite the fact that it's HALF A COW that will providing the Tallow for 239,000,000 £5 notes, the petition online has got over 100,000 signatures.

    Meanwhile, petitions calling for action which will actually have a real impact for animal rights and stop barbaric actions are struggling to gain anywhere near that:

    - ending the badger cull (63,000 signatures),
    - increasing the maximum sentence for animal cruelty (51,000 sigs)
    - shutting down the UKs domestic ivory trade (71,000 sigs)

    I suspect many of those people who signed the petition need to take a little look at themselves and, after feeling suitably embarrassed, consider directing their energy somewhere more suitable. This is nothing more than manufactured outrage.

    Principles are principles. If you know there are animal products in something and you don't want to use animal products it doesn't actually matter how much is used.
    If principles are principles, how can you justify keeping 4 cats?
    They can't choose to be any different. I can. Am I supposed to put them down for acting like cats?
    Like everyone I am a mass of contradictions but as I said before I wasn't vegetarian when we got the cats and I will keep them until they die. They are part of the family.
    You could eat them ;0)

  • Seriously though @iainment. Would you get another pet once your cats have gone ?
  • @iainment - I respect you for flying the plant powered flag, more power to you. Reading through all this justifies my reasons for not commenting as I just can't be arsed with responding to the same old bullshit that gets used everytime there's a thread like this.
  • Seriously though @iainment. Would you get another pet once your cats have gone ?

    I don't know. If I did I'd think carefully about their diet. So probably not cats.
  • Just copied this off a Facebook pal

    "Assorted idiotic arseholes. Absorbent paper banknotes are often covered in 'measurable' amounts of, bacon, chicken, mutton & beef fat, cocaine, real shit & crawling in dodgy bacteria."

    No offence intended, his words not mine...

    That's a point, they won't bloody work will they. That's completely passed me by
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