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Ohhhhh Jeremy Corrrrrrbyn



  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
  • Leuth said:

    At every Masonic chapter over the last month: "We've gotta tell them Corbyn will be even worse"

    "Verily, my worshipful friend"

  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
  • bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.


    (Apart of course from Corbyn living in Corbyn Tower Park Lane with Steamy Daniel )
  • bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
  • bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Quod erat demonstrandum
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  • stonemuse said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Quod erat demonstrandum
    "The people called the romans they go the house" ?
  • edited December 2018

    stonemuse said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Quod erat demonstrandum
    "The people called the romans they go the house" ?
    Pedant :wink:

    That's Romani ite domum ... bloody Monty Python ignoramuses
  • bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.
  • seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.
    Took them a long time to be 'aware'
  • stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.
    Took them a long time to be 'aware'
    I accept your point .
    One would hope any awareness and reaction was swifter.
    Large organisations tend to be cumbersome.

  • edited December 2018
    seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.

    They WERE aware. It was THEIR dossier. They did NOTHING. In fact they did WORSE than NOTHING.

    They HID the dossier and didn't inform the victims of the THREATS.

    They only took action when the DOSSIER was LEAKED to LBC.
  • seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.

    They WERE aware. It was THEIR dossier. They did NOTHING. In fact they did WORSE than NOTHING.

    They HID the dossier and didn't inform the victims of the THREATS.

    They only took action when the DOSSIER was LEAKED to LBC.
    From reading the piece it looks like Labour had passed things on to the police at an early stage.
    Is that wrong?
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.

    They WERE aware. It was THEIR dossier. They did NOTHING. In fact they did WORSE than NOTHING.

    They HID the dossier and didn't inform the victims of the THREATS.

    They only took action when the DOSSIER was LEAKED to LBC.
    From reading the piece it looks like Labour had passed things on to the police at an early stage.
    Is that wrong?
    Yes, completely wrong.
  • Sponsored links:

  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a uring my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.

    They WERE aware. It was THEIR dossier. They did NOTHING. In fact they did WORSE than NOTHING.

    They HID the dossier and didn't inform the victims of the THREATS.

    They only took action when the DOSSIER was LEAKED to LBC.
    From reading the piece it looks like Labour had passed things on to the police at an early stage.
    Is that wrong?
    Yes, completely wrong.
    Wrong that Labour had passed it on at all, or wrong because it wasn't passed on?
  • seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    seth plum said:

    To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a uring my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    No surprise that the internet is chite.
    Personally I don't have twitter.
    From a distance and an admitted position of ignorance Twitter seems a platform for morons and liars...Trump for example.
    who isn't a racist... since he hasn't said or done anything racist and says he doesn't like racism.
    I said morons and liars.
    I didn't actually say racist did I?
    Good that we're on the same page, trump hasn't done anything or said anything to incite racism. Neither has corbyn... right?
    Trump in my view gives a sense of empowerment to racists, for example his anti Muslim immigration policy, or when the car was driven into anti racist demonstrators he was going on about there being good/bad people in all sides.
    These publicly held and widely expressed attitudes invite racism and give racists confidence.
    There simply is no equivalence I know of with Corbyn.
    I invoked Trump as a comment regarding twitter, you have chosen to make some kind of link between Trump and Corbyn as a result.
    it's exactly the same. He's allowed these anti semites to grow and empower them through his inaction. Not to mention his bungling opposition to the implementation of the IHRA def of anti semitism.
    I am afraid I disagree.
    It isn't exactly the same.
    For a start I am describing Trumps actions, you are describing Corbyn's inaction.
    Semantics, Seth.

    Qui tacet consentire videtur.
    Not just keeping quiet but hiding the evidence from those being threatened and only taking action when it become public.

    "Labour has been accused of an “inexplicable” failure to inform up to 10 MPs — including Luciana Berger and Dame Margaret Hodge — about a series of “credible” threats made against them by party members.

    The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.

    In one Facebook post, a Labour member, who is an online friend of Derby North MP Chris Williamson, was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!” It is unknown if Williamson read the post.

    The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

    But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.

    Ms Berger was at no stage notified of the latest threats to be made against her, despite the apparent serious nature of the evidence, which is now being investigated by the police.

    David Wolfson QC, a barrister at One Essex Court said: “This is serious. Neither to inform the Police, nor the intended victims, of credible threats of serious violence appears inexplicable.”

    Labour MP John Mann said it was a “scandal beyond comprehension” that Labour had failed to notify its own MPs of “direct named threats.”

    Dame Margaret Hodge — who was herself the subject of threats made known to Labour’s disputes panel — said: “They (Labour) are not informing MPs and I think their failure to do so means they are not really fulfilling their duty of care to their members.

    “And they are also not properly, I would have thought, following their own guidelines on safeguarding individual party members.”

    Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.

    Mak Chishty, former hate crime investigator for the Met, said nearly half of the dossier would be deemed evidence of race-hate material.

    Adam Wagner, human rights lawyer at Doughty Street Chambers said: “What do you think would happen if the threats were then carried out and they hadn’t told them?”

    A Labour spokesperson said: “When the party is made aware of a serious and possible criminal threat against an MP or party member that individual is informed and the matter is referred to our Safeguarding Unit to report it to the police.”
    When Labour is aware it takes action, like most organisations.

    They WERE aware. It was THEIR dossier. They did NOTHING. In fact they did WORSE than NOTHING.

    They HID the dossier and didn't inform the victims of the THREATS.

    They only took action when the DOSSIER was LEAKED to LBC.
    From reading the piece it looks like Labour had passed things on to the police at an early stage.
    Is that wrong?
    Yes, completely wrong.
    Wrong that Labour had passed it on at all, or wrong because it wasn't passed on?
    "But despite the alleged weight of evidence against them, it has emerged that the individual , who admitted targeting Ms Berger, was only suspended by Labour last week after radio station LBC was handed a dossier of 45 antisemitism cases presented to the Party’s disputes panel.
  • seth plum said:

    Wrong that Labour had passed it on at all, or wrong because it wasn't passed on?

    It wasn't passed on.

    The Labour party said it had not been contacted by the police but was ready to cooperate with the investigation. The Labour party has a robust system for investigating complaints of alleged breaches of Labour party rules by its members,” a spokesman said. “Where someone feels they have been a victim of crime, they should report it to the police in the usual way.”

    That last bit is totally nonsensical - in other words "we robustly investigate then bury the evidence - it's up to the victims to raise it with the police"
  • I am not sure of the date of the LBC stuff, but Cressida Dick seems to say investigations from long before the LBC became aware.
    Do you know the timelines?
  • seth plum said:

    I am not sure of the date of the LBC stuff, but Cressida Dick seems to say investigations from long before the LBC became aware.
    Do you know the timelines?

    I quote:

    Cressida Dick said officers had reviewed a leaked party dossier detailing 45 cases of alleged antisemitism that was passed to her in September by the radio station LBC.
  • bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    I am not sure of the date of the LBC stuff, but Cressida Dick seems to say investigations from long before the LBC became aware.
    Do you know the timelines?

    I quote:

    Cressida Dick said officers had reviewed a leaked party dossier detailing 45 cases of alleged antisemitism that was passed to her in September by the radio station LBC.
    The article mentions police involvement from July doesn't it?
  • seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    I am not sure of the date of the LBC stuff, but Cressida Dick seems to say investigations from long before the LBC became aware.
    Do you know the timelines?

    I quote:

    Cressida Dick said officers had reviewed a leaked party dossier detailing 45 cases of alleged antisemitism that was passed to her in September by the radio station LBC.
    The article mentions police involvement from July doesn't it?
    If it does then I can't see it.
  • To quote part of a recent speech made in the House of Commons on April 16 by Ruth Smeeth, a Jewish Labour MP. She spoke during a lengthy parliamentary session devoted to anti-Semitism, when many fine speeches were made, and at the end she received a standing ovation. Her words shocked everyone in the chamber:

    Over the past two years, however, I have experienced something genuinely painful: attacks on my identity from within my own Labour family. I have been the target of a campaign of abuse, attempted bullying and intimidation from people who would dare to tell me that people like me have no place in the party of which I have been a member for over 20 years, and which I am proud to represent on these Benches. My mum was a senior trade union official; my grandad was a blacklisted steelworker who became a miner. I was born into our movement as surely as I was born into my faith. It is a movement that I have worked for, campaigned for and fought for during my entire adult life, so it was truly heart-breaking to find myself in Parliament Square just over three weeks ago, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community against the poison of anti-Semitism that is engulfing parts of my own party and wider political discourse.

    If the House will indulge me, I would like to read out a small sample of what I have received on social media...

    "Hang yourself you vile treacherous Zionist Tory filth. You are a cancer of humanity."

    "Ruth Smeeth is a Zionist—she has no shame—and trades on the murder of Jews by Hitler—whom the Zionists betrayed."

    "Ruth Smeeth must surely be travelling 1st class to Tel Aviv with all that slush. After all, she's complicit in trying to bring Corbyn down."

    "First job for Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow—expel the Zionist BICOM smear hag bitch Ruth Smeeth from the Party."

    "This Ruth Smeeth bitch is Britainophobic, we need to cleanse our nation of these types."

    "#JC4PM Deselect Ruth Smeeth ASAP. Poke the pig—get all Zionist child killer scum out of Labour."

    "You are a spy! You are evil, satanic! Leave! #Labour #Corbyn."

    "Ruth you are a Zionist plant, I'm ashamed you are in Labour. Better suited to the murderous Knesset! #I Support Ken."

    "Your fellow traitor Tony Blair abolished hanging for treason. Your kind need to leave before we bring it back #Smeeth Is Filth."

    Awful abuse on show here, but I don't see how random twitter trolls abusing Ruth online qualifies as proof that the Labour party or specifically Corbyn are Anti-Semitic.
  • I must be misunderstanding this bit:
    'Last week it emerged that Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police, had confirmed that her officers were investigating the contents of the leaked dossier from the July disputes panel meeting.'
  • seth plum said:

    bobmunro said:

    seth plum said:

    I am not sure of the date of the LBC stuff, but Cressida Dick seems to say investigations from long before the LBC became aware.
    Do you know the timelines?

    I quote:

    Cressida Dick said officers had reviewed a leaked party dossier detailing 45 cases of alleged antisemitism that was passed to her in September by the radio station LBC.
    The article mentions police involvement from July doesn't it?
    No it doesn't. I think you need to read it again.

    "The threats, openly antisemitic messages and images were all presented to Labour’s disputes panel, which is overseen by head of legal affairs, Gordon Nardell QC, at a meeting in July.
This discussion has been closed.

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