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Ohhhhh Jeremy Corrrrrrbyn



  • Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

  • Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?

  • edited December 2018

    Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?


    Sort of like that scene in Rebel Without a Cause.
  • EastStand said:

    Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?


    Sort of like that scene in Rebel Without a Cause.
    Wouldn’t that favour the Tories ? Thought a dagger was part of their welcome pack.
  • Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?

    The 650 MPs vote on the 'Peoples Cabinet' which would include all senior Political roles.

    Better than been chosen by just those in 'power'.
  • Addickted said:

    Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?

    The 650 MPs vote on the 'Peoples Cabinet' which would include all senior Political roles.

    Better than been chosen by just those in 'power'.
    Not realistic though is it.

  • Addickted said:

    Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?

    The 650 MPs vote on the 'Peoples Cabinet' which would include all senior Political roles.

    Better than been chosen by just those in 'power'.
    Not realistic though is it.

    Neither is Brexit.

    What we have got doesn't appear to be working, look at alternatives, don't put up barriers and see where we go.
  • Addickted said:

    Addickted said:

    Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    How would we choose a Prime Minister ?

    The 650 MPs vote on the 'Peoples Cabinet' which would include all senior Political roles.

    Better than been chosen by just those in 'power'.
    Not realistic though is it.

    Neither is Brexit.

    What we have got doesn't appear to be working, look at alternatives, don't put up barriers and see where we go.
    The Party system is in every democracy there is. It’s not going to change. I can tell you that is a fact.

  • Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    But you chose to only highlight one set a few posts earlier.
  • Addickted said:

    So executing Tories is 'a different opinion'.

    Right oh.

    The only politician 'executed' since the referendum was called was Jo Cox.
    The right need not forget that.
  • Sponsored links:

  • iainment said:

    Addickted said:

    So executing Tories is 'a different opinion'.

    Right oh.

    The only politician 'executed' since the referendum was called was Jo Cox.
    The right need not forget that.
    She was killed before the referendum.
  • iainment said:

    Addickted said:

    So executing Tories is 'a different opinion'.

    Right oh.

    The only politician 'executed' since the referendum was called was Jo Cox.
    The right need not forget that.
    She was killed before the referendum.
    But after it was called I’m sure?
  • se9addick said:

    iainment said:

    Addickted said:

    So executing Tories is 'a different opinion'.

    Right oh.

    The only politician 'executed' since the referendum was called was Jo Cox.
    The right need not forget that.
    She was killed before the referendum.
    But after it was called I’m sure?
    Sorry yes
  • seth plum said:

    Future Home Secretary...

    Well in all seriousness she couldn’t possibly do any worse at The Home Office than Theresa May did.

    So it's out of the realms of possibility that Diane 'Carol Vorderman' Abbott could do worse than Theresa May?

    Who's your dealer?
    One improvement is that Abbott does not seem to have the 'hostile environment' kind of mindset that an evil Tory like May has.
    She'd also bring a fresh racist mindset to the role which, it would seem, is okay if it's a Labour politician.

    It's a funny old world.
    Racism is not OK.
  • se9addick said:

    iainment said:

    Addickted said:

    So executing Tories is 'a different opinion'.

    Right oh.

    The only politician 'executed' since the referendum was called was Jo Cox.
    The right need not forget that.
    She was killed before the referendum.
    But after it was called I’m sure?
    Even if that were true would it matter?
  • Addickted said:

    Ahh - I see.

    Not confused, I'm well aware of idiots on both side of the political divide and they all piss me off. Had enough of the petty bitching and infighting and the sooner we get rid of 'party politics' the better. It's all just petty back biting and blaming the other side, rather than 'let's see what we can do to make it better'.

    To my mind the only way forward is with 650 independent MPs.

    But you chose to only highlight one set a few posts earlier.
    I highlight both sides of the abyss.

    For balance.
  • Polls in December

    Opinium (14th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 39%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 6%
    YouGov (7th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 37%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 3%
    Kantar (6th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 38%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 5%
    Ipsos MORI (5th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 38%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 4%
    YouGov (4th Dec) – CON 40%, LAB 39%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 4%
    ComRes (2nd Dec) – CON 37%, LAB 39%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 6%

  • Jints said:

    Polls in December

    Opinium (14th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 39%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 6%
    YouGov (7th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 37%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 3%
    Kantar (6th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 38%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 5%
    Ipsos MORI (5th Dec) – CON 38%, LAB 38%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 4%
    YouGov (4th Dec) – CON 40%, LAB 39%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 4%
    ComRes (2nd Dec) – CON 37%, LAB 39%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 6%

    Mad, Labour should normally be miles ahead at this stage.
  • Vince Cable should be having a long hard look in the mirror as well. Lib Dems should be on 25% plus with this abysmal Government and pathetic opposition.
  • corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.
  • Sponsored links:

  • corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.

    "MPs will vote on the UK's Brexit deal in the week beginning 14 January, Theresa May has told Parliament.

    The vote was due to be held last week but was put on hold after Theresa May admitted she was set to lose.

    Announcing a new date, Mrs May said the EU had made it clear the Irish backstop was "not a plot to trap the UK" and urged MPs to see Brexit through.

    Labour had threatened to force a confidence vote in the PM if she did not set a date for the vote".
  • micks1950 said:

    corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.

    "MPs will vote on the UK's Brexit deal in the week beginning 14 January, Theresa May has told Parliament.

    The vote was due to be held last week but was put on hold after Theresa May admitted she was set to lose.

    Announcing a new date, Mrs May said the EU had made it clear the Irish backstop was "not a plot to trap the UK" and urged MPs to see Brexit through.

    Labour had threatened to force a confidence vote in the PM if she did not set a date for the vote".
    yes they had, but they haven't gone through with their threat (watch bbc parliament now).

    Justine greening going further than the leader of the opposition in criticising may. Her own backbenches in more open oppisition than the leader of the opposition. Dear me
  • micks1950 said:

    corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.

    "MPs will vote on the UK's Brexit deal in the week beginning 14 January, Theresa May has told Parliament.

    The vote was due to be held last week but was put on hold after Theresa May admitted she was set to lose.

    Announcing a new date, Mrs May said the EU had made it clear the Irish backstop was "not a plot to trap the UK" and urged MPs to see Brexit through.

    Labour had threatened to force a confidence vote in the PM if she did not set a date for the vote".
    yes they had, but they haven't gone through with their threat (watch bbc parliament now).

    Justine greening going further than the leader of the opposition in criticising may. Her own backbenches in more open oppisition than the leader of the opposition. Dear me
    Because she has set a date?
  • CAFCsayer said:

    micks1950 said:

    corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.

    "MPs will vote on the UK's Brexit deal in the week beginning 14 January, Theresa May has told Parliament.

    The vote was due to be held last week but was put on hold after Theresa May admitted she was set to lose.

    Announcing a new date, Mrs May said the EU had made it clear the Irish backstop was "not a plot to trap the UK" and urged MPs to see Brexit through.

    Labour had threatened to force a confidence vote in the PM if she did not set a date for the vote".
    yes they had, but they haven't gone through with their threat (watch bbc parliament now).

    Justine greening going further than the leader of the opposition in criticising may. Her own backbenches in more open oppisition than the leader of the opposition. Dear me
    Because she has set a date?
    Yup next year. Bloody good that does us. Article 50 is still active
  • CAFCsayer said:

    micks1950 said:

    corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.

    "MPs will vote on the UK's Brexit deal in the week beginning 14 January, Theresa May has told Parliament.

    The vote was due to be held last week but was put on hold after Theresa May admitted she was set to lose.

    Announcing a new date, Mrs May said the EU had made it clear the Irish backstop was "not a plot to trap the UK" and urged MPs to see Brexit through.

    Labour had threatened to force a confidence vote in the PM if she did not set a date for the vote".
    yes they had, but they haven't gone through with their threat (watch bbc parliament now).

    Justine greening going further than the leader of the opposition in criticising may. Her own backbenches in more open oppisition than the leader of the opposition. Dear me
    Because she has set a date?
    Yup next year. Bloody good that does us. Article 50 is still active
    I assume that this is tongue in cheek?... it is less than 3 weeks time
  • CAFCsayer said:

    micks1950 said:

    corbyn bottles no confidence vote.

    Prime minister and the leader of the opposition are both gutless cowards.

    "MPs will vote on the UK's Brexit deal in the week beginning 14 January, Theresa May has told Parliament.

    The vote was due to be held last week but was put on hold after Theresa May admitted she was set to lose.

    Announcing a new date, Mrs May said the EU had made it clear the Irish backstop was "not a plot to trap the UK" and urged MPs to see Brexit through.

    Labour had threatened to force a confidence vote in the PM if she did not set a date for the vote".
    yes they had, but they haven't gone through with their threat (watch bbc parliament now).

    Justine greening going further than the leader of the opposition in criticising may. Her own backbenches in more open oppisition than the leader of the opposition. Dear me
    Because she has set a date?
    And Corbyn believes her? Come on.

  • I’m starting to think May has actually played a blinder, albeit not necessarily intentionally. The longer this process drags on, it’s beginning to look more likely the EU and the Euro are going to go into a meltdown. We could step in and propose a new type of EU to sort it out, a sort of common me why we didn’t just sign up for that in the first place,..

    She's played a blinder but perhaps for a different reason. She can't get more than 200 to support her WA so she will have to " reluctantly" allow MPs a free vote.

    Revoke Article 50, no deal or a referendum are the options... and it appears that there's a majority for a People's vote.

    Corbyn and Labour won't support the WA and they haven't got the numbers to win a no confidence. So perhaps they will go for a People's vote which is, of course, part of their policy.

    There are plenty of other possible outcomes but this one might deliver a soft landing?

    For those interested this piece in the Guardian talks to the policies of Sanders and Corbyn.

    We should all recognise that there's a broad spectrum and that many voters will not shift home immediately, even if it's actually in their interests. Corbyn and Labour were stuck on 26% back in 2016 and the combined Tory UKIP vote exceeded 55%. They've lost 10% in three years or five million votes!

    Back in the 1990s New Labour toned down their message so as to attract the centre but we are in a very different situation today with centrists being hammered at the ballot box across Europe.
  • You made a joke earlier today casually linking antisemitism to justice for Palestine. If the shoe had been on the other foot, you would have blown this thread up.

    If you make a joke of other people's concerns, why do you expect those same people to listen to you?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!