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2019 General Election - Match Thread



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    Huskaris said:
    I have to say I'm impressed that the UK public, faced with the opportunity to have more or less everything for free, have not been bribed and been able to hold their nerve. 

    For me it restores faith in the British public that I never really lost. 
    We'll have to agree to disagree on that one mate. 
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    edited December 2019

    Brexit party splitting the vote and keeping labour in here.
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    Majority of 712. LD and Green vote totals 3,297...
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    Huskaris said:
    I have to say I'm impressed that the UK public, faced with the opportunity to have more or less everything for free, have not been bribed and been able to hold their nerve. 

    For me it restores faith in the British public that I never really lost. 
    Could not disagree more. 
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    colthe3rd said:
    Rothko, you might not like hearing it but it’s foolish to deny these are real issues that have not been managed in the eyes of a lot of voters and it results in these outpourings.
    What issues? Genuinely I'd like to hear what issues these are. I live in a seat where only 40% of people here were born in this country. Are they responsible for this countries problems? Or is it the lack of funding by successive Tory governments in local services? 
    It might be one or both colthe3rd, you’d have to ask people. And that’s what local politicians in these areas should be trying to ascertain. Rightly or wrongly, a lot of people don’t like change, they don’t like the make-up of their Town/City/Country changing so dramatically in a short period of time. They link local issues with these changes. 

    For the umpteenth time, I’m not suggesting they’re right, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening and is not a factor when it comes to voting day. 
    But is this not the problem? We can ask opinions but surely facts are what matter? Time and time again we can show that migrants to this country are positive on it's growth, we can show they are net contributors to services. White British are a shrinking number in this country. Personally I don't see that as a bad thing but maybe some need educating in why it's not a threat to their way of life. We all live in this country together and we all want a good life, why some might think that it's a zero sum game if someone from Europe might come here to make a better life for themselves needs to be battled. 
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    Majority of 712. LD and Green vote totals 3,297...
    Think we're going to see this ALOT. 
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    Majority of 712. LD and Green vote totals 3,297...
    but then the Brexit party got 3394 which cancels them out
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Tories will ruin this country. 
    Said each and every time they come to power. Will be interesting to see what happens next.

    Theyve given it a good go so far
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    Only 63.4% turnout at Blyth Valley. 

    Seems poor.

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    Am I right in thinking the Blythe Tory MP Is a former NHS worker - oh the irony if so.
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    Brexit party splitting the vote and keeping labour in here.
    Conversely they may have picked up Labour voters who would never vote Tory.

    That seat has been one of Labour's safest traditionally.
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    MrOneLung said:
    I voted conservative and am on way home from work Xmas party so not seen any coverage yet. 

    What I will say is that I am pleased if predictions are true but have always said that to have a strong government you need a strong opposition and Corbyn et al are not that. 

    Cameron fucked up by promising referendum. 
    May fucked up by calling an unnecessary election which caused this Brexit impasse. 
    Labour fucked up by not getting behind Brexit and then positioning themselves to challenge at the next election 
      If this exit poll is correct it appears that Cameron did not fuck up by calling a referendum.

    The Tories will be as strong as they've ever been.
    Yet he resigned pretty much straight away....
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    LenGlover said:

    Brexit party splitting the vote and keeping labour in here.
    Conversely they may have picked up Labour voters who would never vote Tory.

    That seat has been one of Labour's safest traditionally.
    Yep true. Chances are that's exactly who those people are.
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    Am I right in thinking the Blythe Tory MP Is a former NHS worker - oh the irony if so.
    Oh, why should he worry ..... now he'll pick up £80k salary and comforted by £200k annual expenses.

    Gravy train.

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    Tories will ruin this country. 
    Better they do it than Corbyn.
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    Blyth Valley. The Brexit party won the seat for the Conservatives. They took votes from Labour. A lot don't get this.
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    Do all the channels use the same exit poll data? Did each channel call the same majority? 
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    MrOneLung said:
    Do all the channels use the same exit poll data? Did each channel call the same majority? 

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    One exit poll, shared by all broadcast media
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    Oggy Red said:
    Am I right in thinking the Blythe Tory MP Is a former NHS worker - oh the irony if so.
    Oh, why should he worry ..... now he'll pick up £80k salary and comforted by £200k annual expenses.

    Gravy train.

    Surely we don't have to be cynical about every person that seeks public office. Maybe, just maybe, he believes in something. I doubt he went into politics to jump on a gravy train, given that he was standing in a seat the tories would never win...
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    One exit poll, shared by all broadcast media
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    LenGlover said:

    Brexit party splitting the vote and keeping labour in here.
    Conversely they may have picked up Labour voters who would never vote Tory.

    That seat has been one of Labour's safest traditionally.

    Yes it's an over-simplification to suggest that all Brexit voters would normally vote Tory.
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    MrOneLung said:
    Do all the channels use the same exit poll data? Did each channel call the same majority? 
    Was a sky/itv/BBC joint poll. 

    In reality they jointly funded it and ipsos mori carried it out. Very good at this sort of thing are ipsos.
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    This is three things: people like Johnson. He won two elections in London for god's sake, and they hate Corbyn. Also, brexit. No surprises here.
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    I keep hearing tonight that this is a Brexit election.
    If that's so, why are the Lib Dems predicted to do so poorly?
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    I keep hearing tonight that this is a Brexit election.
    If that's so, why are the Lib Dems predicted to do so poorly?
    People have no faith in them to manage the nation beyond cancelling brexit?
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    Not only about Brexit, vote Tory vote food banks.

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    We basically have three countries now - Large English cities (Labour), Scotland (SNP) and everywhere else (Tory).

    This is not going to end well.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    I keep hearing tonight that this is a Brexit election.
    If that's so, why are the Lib Dems predicted to do so poorly?
    People have no faith in them to manage the nation beyond cancelling brexit?
     So it's not a Brexit election then.
This discussion has been closed.

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