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2019 General Election - Match Thread



  • edited December 2019
    Workington man votes Tory.

    Even the Brexit party votes would not have been enough to save Labour here.

    They got it so badly wrong.

    I'm off to bed
  • cabbles said:
    Been out all night with my mates at our Xmas drink get together.  I can’t stand the Tories, they represent everything I stand against from a moral and values perspective, think they will be bad news for the country, but imagine this is similar to when Blair swept to power in 97 and held on in 2001, a clear rejection of Corbyn’s in ideological viewpoints in the same way we saw the last of the Thatcher/Major era.  I think Corbyn means well deep down, but what’s he catastrophically failed to do is realise that anyone who doesn’t hold the same viewpoint as him isn’t racist, a bigot, right wing or is out for themselves, and as been too caught up with his own self righteous, moralistic pedal stall, which ultimately as come across as condescending and to some arrogant.

    I can’t reconcile with the Tories because so many of their flag bearers exhibit everything I hate and I associate them with the antithesis of what I stand for, but have to remember that’s not how to generalise people who voted Tory, however hard that may be.

    social media makes it worse, because it’s increases tribalism and partisanship, you dig in and become more defensive about your beliefs, but I just hope for some sort of togetherness moving forward and pragmatic thinking as a race, because it seems to me that the older I get the more divisive things are becoming and that’s not a world we should be striving to build

    here is a great example.  We’re all part of a club that is something you belong too because of family or your upbringing, as you certainly don’t seek to support us based on glory hunting or glamour, and I like to think I could sit down with any member of this forum and have a drink, despite our different views on race, religion or politics.  And ultimately, I think that’s important because the more engagement I have on Twitter I see some people I follow who are Charlton fans post some stuff that is the complete opposite to my political leanings and outlook, but as an individual I have to try and hold back from just deciding they aren’t as ethically good as me or their opinion is any less righteous.

    i hope that despite the result this country can rebuild and repair and understand that we all share the same planet and move forward as a race that do what we can to think of the collective rather than the individual
    I've deliberately not posted on this thread tonight - apart from a couple of bad jokes - but I will make an exception here. Excellent post. 
  • Voters in my country should take note... if you nominate a Socialist like Sanders or Warren, they will lose moderate voters and had Trump a landslide, impeachment or not.
  • edited December 2019
    Heidi Allen  spouting more bollox. She still doesn't get it. Should have let Government get brexit done instead if trying to stop it. Brexit would have been done (albeit still having to do the trade deal etc etc) & then the next GE (which would have been no later than 2022) would have been about all major of other things.
  • Oggy Red said:I
    se9addick said:
    I think it’s more that Labour supporters tend to be younger and therefore more engaged with social media. Tory voters tend to be older and therefore engage with traditional media (newspapers etc) so you see more Tory representation in the printed press.

    These are generalisations but I think broadly accurate.
    This. A lot of Tory voters are aged 50+ & think a tweet is something a budgie does.

    Dont forget anyone aged 50+ remembers the Labour Government of the 1970's......The winter of discounted & striking workers wanting pay rises of 23%. Corbyn & McDonnell's policies could have take  us back to those days.

    Inflation was up to 25%. That's why.

    Remember the oil crisis, and shortages rip-roaring throughout the western world back in the 70s?

    Yes, afraid I am of that vintage. I have this real problem in that every time I see Corbyn and McDonnell I picture them in a beret and a sheepskin coat a la Wolfie Smith!
  • Heidi Allen  spouting more bollox. She still doesn't get it. Should have let Government get brexit done instead if trying to stop it. Brexit would have been done (albeit still having to do the trade deal etc etc) & then the next GE (which would have been no later than 2022) would have been about all major of other things.
    Sounds very bitter. Now realises that she jumped to the wrong ship. 
  • edited December 2019
    Planning to move to the Republic of Ireland here. 

    Or Finland as a friend just suggested.
  • Conservatives got exactly the same number of votes in Peterborough as they got in 2017, 22,343.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Angela Rayner .. next Labour leader
  • Something about Owen Jones just annoys me.
  • Pleased to hear that Lisa Nandy held her seat. A rare sensible Labour voice. 
  • Laddick01 said:
    Something about Owen Jones just annoys me.
    I agree. Smug git. 
  • Westminster result:

    Con 17k
    LD 13k
    Lab 11k

    What a mess
  • Lewisham East is a Labour hold. London is becoming an enclave.
  • Westminster result:

    Con 17k
    LD 13k
    Lab 11k

    What a mess
    Lab and LD, should've done a deal in parliament, should've done a deal for the election. I hope they do a deal next time. 
  • edited December 2019
    Latest projection

    Tories 357
    Labour 201
    SNP 55
    LD 13
    Plaid 4
    Green 1
    19 Others

    majority of 64
  • Eltham and my home seat Erith and Thamesmead stay Labour. 
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited December 2019
    Edith and thamesmead, Labour hold.
    Clive Efford holds Eltham
    Raab back in.
    Lib dems take Richmond from tory Zac Goldsmith.
    3 good, one bad. 
  • Corbyn "will not lead the Labour party into another General Election", and will be discussing with the party about the process of how they move on from here.
  • Wow, is Corbyn out of touch. In speaking, says they would have won if not for Brexit. Does not believe that his policies had anything to do with his and Labour's loss. I am sure some think he is right but it seems incredibly deluded. If Labour keeps going this direction and pretends they were just unlucky to have to deal with Brexit, they may not see power for a lonnnng time.
  • seth plum said:
    Lewisham East is a Labour hold. London is becoming an enclave.
    Essentially the same as here in the US. Big cities are Democrat and everything else in Republican. Even in California and New York.
  • Don Valley goes Conservative for the first time ever.
  • Staggering result in Don Valley. 
    Would be interesting to know if the Brexit Party vote allowed the Tories to take the seat or, if in their absence, the Tory majority would have been even higher (and in other constituencies). 
  • Boris holds on to his seat quite comfortably with a 7000 majority.
  • My quick math showed that Boris actually got less than 50% in his own seat? :o
  • edited December 2019

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!