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Summer Transfer Rumours 2020 (DEADLINE DAY from pg.258)



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    On the other thread I mentioned John Bostock as well as Watson as a possibilty. 
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    Could be Marcus Maddison
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    edited September 2020
    Scoham said:
    Scoham said:
    Expect the positions we will bring in will be...

    1. RB
    2. CB (left footed)
    3. CB (right footed)
    4. LB
    5. Right Winger
    6. Striker
    In Bowyer’s SLP interview he mentions replacements for Lockyer and Sarr, a midfielder (I’m guessing a winger) and a maybe for a Matthews replacement.

    We also know he wants striker from a previous interview, but we lost out on loaning the Arsenal youngster who went to Doncaster.
    If we are looking for a striker I'm  seriously hoping it's more than an loanee who hasn't player a senior game in his life.  Once again we are lacking up front. Bonne wont get 20 goals nor will Washington.Aneke is mostly used coming off the bench & will chip in with a few, but none will "fire" us out of this division. 
    Bonne definitely could if the squad is strong enough. He did far better in the Championship than BWP (1 goal I think it was). And that’s in a weaker side, possibly in a stronger Championship and after stepping up from non-league.
    People are underestimating Bonne and what he had to do last season after stepping up 3 divisions and playing in a patchwork team. Over 46 league one games I  think he could get a lot more goals this season than people think we need from our main striker. Aneke is another one that will get goals in this division and last week showed that his instinct is to shoot if he has the ball and can see the goal.
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    Watson is a decent player, but central midfield is the last place we need strengthening anyway
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    I think it's Maddison. He's not been picked up and will have had to reduce his ridiculous wage demands. Not sure how I feel about him - good player bad attitude
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    Can't see it being Watson or Maddison. Think Rich mentioned it would be a decent fee too. 
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    I’d take Maddison, lining up like this in league one is tasty:

    Gilbey, Levitt
    Maddison, Bonne, Doughty 
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    edited September 2020
    I reckon it's Maddison, can't deny his quality but his attitude stinks. Think Bows could sort him out though... He verbally agreed to sign in Jan after Bows went round his house, then used the traffic in London as an excuse but with the embargo we couldn't sign him anyway. He's been playing for a local saturday side in peterborough and judging from his instagram and snapchat posts he's getting quite desperate..
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    Maddison is a great signing for L1. Like Lyle he was waiting for a big summer move then covid hit and had to readjust expectations 
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    It won't be Maddison.
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    Who was the Burnley wing back we had on trial? Seemed to be highly rated 
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    Don't want Maddison at all. Good player but he's not a hard worker and moans more than my Mrs. 

    Would rather sign Josh Clarke and play him RW.
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    No inside knowledge but looking at our of contract players, Duncan watmore is available...
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    No inside knowledge but looking at our of contract players, Duncan watmore is available...
    Is this the guy that hasn’t scored for about 4 years?
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    No inside knowledge but looking at our of contract players, Duncan watmore is available...
    Is this the guy that hasn’t scored for about 4 years?
    Barely played , think he's coming off 2 serious knee injuries. 
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    No inside knowledge but looking at our of contract players, Duncan watmore is available...
    Would be a great signing but think his wages are out of league 1 teams price range
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    Madison would be great for the way Bowyer has started to play 4 3 3 
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    MarcusH26 said:
    No inside knowledge but looking at our of contract players, Duncan watmore is available...
    Is this the guy that hasn’t scored for about 4 years?
    Barely played , think he's coming off 2 serious knee injuries. 
    Perfect for us then.
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    edited September 2020
    I expect the "really good player" to be a center back who will cost a decent fee
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    What about Michael Morrison? ;) 
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    Swisdom said:
    I've said it before and I will say it again.  If Bowyer can get through to him and if Marcus Maddison has had a bit of a re-think with the events of the last year, he would be a phenomenal signing,
    Honestly he is a diamond at L1 level and if we are paying some nice expansive flowing football he would be a very welcome addition
    Agree with this, his service into the box would almost guarantee Bonne 20 goals this season.
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    Let's hope someone is in the building before midday 
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    The return of Naby! That would raise some eyebrows!
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    Winnall looks like he is off to Oxford, another one missed!
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    Josh Cullen on a permanent?
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    CH4RLTON said:
    Josh Cullen on a permanent?
    I think of myself as quite optimistic and even I couldn’t see that.

    He’d do well for a top half champ side, we just won’t get him (this year anyway)
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    Laddick01 said:
    CH4RLTON said:
    Josh Cullen on a permanent?
    I think of myself as quite optimistic and even I couldn’t see that.

    He’d do well for a top half champ side, we just won’t get him (this year anyway)
    Yeah his statement at the end of the season was definitely that of a player not expecting to return
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