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Nigel Adkins - confirmed as permanent Tranmere manager (p52)



  • JamesSeed said:
    It's quite rare for goalkeepers to turn to management, I wonder if he's our first?
    We had a goalie who made a bid to be our manager, once upon a time. 
    Keith Day?
  • Really great appointment, I hope any way. I suppose we'll all find out now! Initial thoughts were positive when he became odds on yesterday. From his interview & from what I can remember when he was at Southampton he seems to build a good team spirit & doesn't manage by fear. Really pleased JJ is staying on if this happens. 
  • I am very sceptical about 5 year plans, even 3 year plans. Of course you have to have long term elements to plans relating to youth development and growing the club, but every plan has to be a one season one. Things happen in football and we can't plan for the season after next until we know how next season pans out as how it pans out affects what you do. 

    To be fair, we don't know how this season will pan out. I'm sure the plan will be very different if we get promoted.
    I know what you mean about being sceptical, but the reality is that, using the old cliche, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail".  I'm sure there will have to be a degree of flexibility, built in to them - Plan B if you like, but if there aren't targets, hopes, and aspirations that form a plan, then what's the point of our football club?

    We now have an owner who has a plan, is willing to spend his money carefully on the calculated risks that are the game of football with an aim of not just reaching the Prem but staying there. Such a different place to August and early September last year when we thought that we were quite seriously headed for administration and, very likely, for non-existence.
    Yes, but to illustrate my point, what is the plan for year 3 exactly? And how is it different for year 2? I am totally positive about Sandgaard and anticipate nothing but good coming from his ownership, and I get a 5 year target but not a plan. Saying that, I appreciate there are long term decisions and short term decisions but even with the longer ones, it is hard to put dates to them.

    I believe JJ is 38. It feels like he has had ambitions to be a manager for quite a while. But he doesn't need to rush. Even if he was to become our manager in 5 or 6 years he will still be in his early forties. And he will have 5 or 6 years more experience behind him. When everything goes for you, maybe not a benefit, but I think Bowyer showed how hard it can be when it doesn't. I also believe in life that you can learn just as much from mistakes as successes. Sometimes more as it can make you really think hard as to why they were mistakes where you are less prone to do that when things go well.


    A longer read but gives you a good idea of his philosophies and his journey
  • Chunes said:
    Massive boost for the youth players knowing they're going to be given a chance under this manager.

    And it will no doubt work wonders for our recruitment of young players also.
    Imagine Aaron Henry would get a chance whoever the manager is. Be interesting to see whether we see any others youth players before end of the season.
  • Lots of quotes to be happy about in that chat. Exciting that the academy was mentioned and he’s already spoken to Euell. Also like that he says younger players need to make mistakes to learn, which is exactly how talented players like Morgan and Lapslie needed to be managed in the last couple of years. 
  • cafc_se7 said:
    Well yesterday I was underwhelmed at the prospect of Nige and set pulses racing with sone by suggesting I'd rather have Kenny Jacket or was it Kenny G??

    Anyway having watched the interview with Nigel he comes across very well and keeping Jacko is a bonus so I'm prepared to eat that humble pie and support Nige 110%.
    Honestly? You would have preferred Kenny Jackett? 
    I was just a bit miffed... I wanted a current manager not someone that has been missing for two years. Anyhow big enough to admit I was not in my right mind and want to give Nigel the full support he deserves. 
  • siblers said:
    KBslittlesis said:
    Boss, welcome Boss.
    Can’t say it, won’t say it, never.

    And JJ stays................well that’s kept my Fanny happy 😎
    My other half said JJ should have gotten the job because he's so handsome 
    And the problem there is? 🤔

    Tingles don’t win trophies.
    Oh I dunno 😘
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  • That was a bolt out of the blue! Intelligent and a motivator - Good choice TS - Good luck Nigel -
    To the players - Keep your hands out of your pockets and listen when Nigel speaks! 
  • Liked the interview. Very positive attitude and even just listening to him has got me looking forward to our game saturday. Think the players will respond and be hyped up. COYA
  • colthe3rd said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Sorry, but this is absolute bollocks.

    Adkins did brilliantly for Southampton TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO - he has not worked for two years and failed at his last three clubs.

    This is just so gutting, I am sure he is a lovely bloke and all that but come on people if Sunderland appointed him after sacking Parky we’d have thought them mad.

    Obviously he knows Ged Roddy from working together at Reading and that’s why he got the job, and that is just not good enough I am afraid.

    Feels like a real kick in the teeth and confirms what others have said about tension between Bowyer and Roddy with the former fearing a replacement was being lined up.

    I would love to be wrong but this looks like an awful appointment, please show me a manager that has failed at his last three clubs and then suddenly finds success after two years on his arse. You won’t be able to.

    Really quite angry about this, feels like a complete piss take to be honest.
    Is that the Roddy who worked and Reading in 2018 and the Adkins that left in 2014?  Or a different pair? 
    Yep - fair enough - that’s my mistake.

    But sorry, there has to be a link somewhere because someone two years out of the game and three failures in a row behind them doesn’t just get appointed 48 hours after the last manager walks.

    This didn’t just happen this week.
    The way him and Olly kept saying this has been a whirlwind week and happened quickly, makes it sound like not as pre-planned as you think. 
    Yeah it sounded like he was on Sandgaard's list but maybe only contacted this week. 
    I'm not so sure. Olly says about it being a whirlwind week, Adkins agrees it's been a whirlwind but doesn't actually say when he spoke to Sandgaard. I still suspect initial contact was made earlier than this week. Probably only finalised once Bow resigned.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if Bows had been saying to TS for a few weeks that he was on the verge of resigning, as no matter what he tried he couldn’t get the performances he expected - I imagine TS would have said, don’t worry, it takes time to get where we want - but having picked up on Bows ‘vibe’ and also his Valley Pass post match interviews, TS decided he needed to have a back up if Bows did resign
    It's what any decent owner would do, even in the good times do your research as you never know what's around the corner. Not the exciting appointment that some were looking for but good solid experience at this level with three promotions plus managing in the top two divisions. I think he's a great appointment & possibly the best we could have hoped for. Far too early for JJ imo but great to have him around the players who all seem to love him. Would still like a defensive coach to come in. Step by step TS is building  :D  
    Could that be Steve Brown
  • One thing I've noticed about our play this season, and the reason why we find it so hard to open up the opposition and create chances, is because our build up play is too slow.
    We need to up the tempo.
    Whether that is down to a lack of confidence, ability, or a combination of both, I'm not sure.
    It sounds like Adkins likes his team's to play at a higher tempo and that his positivity and personality, gives players more confidence in their own ability. If he can bring those qualities to us, he could be an inspired appointment.
  • A good combination 
  • One thing I've noticed about our play this season, and the reason why we find it so hard to open up the opposition and create chances, is because our build up play is too slow.
    We need to up the tempo.
    Whether that is down to a lack of confidence, ability, or a combination of both, I'm not sure.
    It sounds like Adkins likes his team's to play at a higher tempo and that his positivity and personality, gives players more confidence in their own ability. If he can bring those qualities to us, he could be an inspired choice 
    Agree with this. We showed on Tuesday that we can play at a higher tempo and looked a lot better for it.  Hopefully Adkins can instill more of that mentality quickly
  • I'm happy and hopeful that he and Johnny Jackson will make a good combination.
  • One thing I've noticed about our play this season, and the reason why we find it so hard to open up the opposition and create chances, is because our build up play is too slow.
    We need to up the tempo.
    Whether that is down to a lack of confidence, ability, or a combination of both, I'm not sure.
    It sounds like Adkins likes his team's to play at a higher tempo and that his positivity and personality, gives players more confidence in their own ability. If he can bring those qualities to us, he could be an inspired appointment.

    It's interesting that this is the way it has gone. That was exactly our problem under Robinson. When Bowyer took over, the main change he made (apart from ditching the rigid insistence on playing 4-2-3-1 was to get the players moving the ball forwards more quickly. We played that way all through 2018/19 and the first part of 2019/20, but since November 2019 we've lost that verve and haven't been able to get it back.
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  • edited March 2021
    colthe3rd said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Sorry, but this is absolute bollocks.

    Adkins did brilliantly for Southampton TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO - he has not worked for two years and failed at his last three clubs.

    This is just so gutting, I am sure he is a lovely bloke and all that but come on people if Sunderland appointed him after sacking Parky we’d have thought them mad.

    Obviously he knows Ged Roddy from working together at Reading and that’s why he got the job, and that is just not good enough I am afraid.

    Feels like a real kick in the teeth and confirms what others have said about tension between Bowyer and Roddy with the former fearing a replacement was being lined up.

    I would love to be wrong but this looks like an awful appointment, please show me a manager that has failed at his last three clubs and then suddenly finds success after two years on his arse. You won’t be able to.

    Really quite angry about this, feels like a complete piss take to be honest.
    Is that the Roddy who worked and Reading in 2018 and the Adkins that left in 2014?  Or a different pair? 
    Yep - fair enough - that’s my mistake.

    But sorry, there has to be a link somewhere because someone two years out of the game and three failures in a row behind them doesn’t just get appointed 48 hours after the last manager walks.

    This didn’t just happen this week.
    The way him and Olly kept saying this has been a whirlwind week and happened quickly, makes it sound like not as pre-planned as you think. 
    Yeah it sounded like he was on Sandgaard's list but maybe only contacted this week. 
    I'm not so sure. Olly says about it being a whirlwind week, Adkins agrees it's been a whirlwind but doesn't actually say when he spoke to Sandgaard. I still suspect initial contact was made earlier than this week. Probably only finalised once Bow resigned.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if Bows had been saying to TS for a few weeks that he was on the verge of resigning, as no matter what he tried he couldn’t get the performances he expected - I imagine TS would have said, don’t worry, it takes time to get where we want - but having picked up on Bows ‘vibe’ and also his Valley Pass post match interviews, TS decided he needed to have a back up if Bows did resign
    It's what any decent owner would do, even in the good times do your research as you never know what's around the corner. Not the exciting appointment that some were looking for but good solid experience at this level with three promotions plus managing in the top two divisions. I think he's a great appointment & possibly the best we could have hoped for. Far too early for JJ imo but great to have him around the players who all seem to love him. Would still like a defensive coach to come in. Step by step TS is building  :D  
    Could that be Steve Brown
    Hopefully not. The entire training session would be taken up by him talking 
    Fair enough, but it might make a change if the defence learnt how to comunicate on the pitch, we have seen a few times mix ups because of lack of communication, so learn to talk the game as well as play it
  • I was a bit underwhelmed at first hearing this, but after doing a bit more research I'm pretty happy. Seems like an intelligent bloke, we're keeping JJ involved, he's got a very good record, TS is clearly happy. What's not to like? COYA
  • Chunes said:
    Massive boost for the youth players knowing they're going to be given a chance under this manager.

    And it will no doubt work wonders for our recruitment of young players also.
    Imagine Aaron Henry would get a chance whoever the manager is. Be interesting to see whether we see any others youth players before end of the season.
    The thing is Henry and Barker are just 18.  Throwing them into "must win games" is probably not a great idea. It's one thing I think Bowyer got right this season re Barker.

    If we have nothing to play for in the last couple of games it's a bit different, in fact it's very different.

    The older u23s like Mingi is a bit different but I don't think Bowyer could have actually played them under the cap if he wanted to.

    It will be very intresting that's for sure. 
  • For those underwhelmed, I understand - he doesn't set your excitement levels on fire. But that's exactly what we need, we need stability and we need experience from the top. He has a track record getting out of this league and he has before gone even further than that.

    The fact he's had a break from management and not hopped at any old job, I'm very hopeful he wants a project and he wants to stabilise this club. From that, with financial support we can get back to where we want.

    Whatever happens this season, it's good news he gets a good glimpse of the Club ready to fire next season if we fail to get promoted. Bring it on!
  • Jonniesta said:
    What kind of muppet owners leave a clause in the contract saying 'you can walk away any time anywhere, no compensation?'. 

    Ah, think I've answered my own question.

    Anyway, welcome Adkins, he's one for the long term I reckon... another stepping stone on the road to being a sensibly run club.

    Apparently he's a nice guy, too, someone said...
    Especially as they'd be eagerly hoping to pocket the compensation. 
  • colthe3rd said:
    Dazzler21 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Sorry, but this is absolute bollocks.

    Adkins did brilliantly for Southampton TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO - he has not worked for two years and failed at his last three clubs.

    This is just so gutting, I am sure he is a lovely bloke and all that but come on people if Sunderland appointed him after sacking Parky we’d have thought them mad.

    Obviously he knows Ged Roddy from working together at Reading and that’s why he got the job, and that is just not good enough I am afraid.

    Feels like a real kick in the teeth and confirms what others have said about tension between Bowyer and Roddy with the former fearing a replacement was being lined up.

    I would love to be wrong but this looks like an awful appointment, please show me a manager that has failed at his last three clubs and then suddenly finds success after two years on his arse. You won’t be able to.

    Really quite angry about this, feels like a complete piss take to be honest.
    Is that the Roddy who worked and Reading in 2018 and the Adkins that left in 2014?  Or a different pair? 
    Yep - fair enough - that’s my mistake.

    But sorry, there has to be a link somewhere because someone two years out of the game and three failures in a row behind them doesn’t just get appointed 48 hours after the last manager walks.

    This didn’t just happen this week.
    The way him and Olly kept saying this has been a whirlwind week and happened quickly, makes it sound like not as pre-planned as you think. 
    Yeah it sounded like he was on Sandgaard's list but maybe only contacted this week. 
    I'm not so sure. Olly says about it being a whirlwind week, Adkins agrees it's been a whirlwind but doesn't actually say when he spoke to Sandgaard. I still suspect initial contact was made earlier than this week. Probably only finalised once Bow resigned.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if Bows had been saying to TS for a few weeks that he was on the verge of resigning, as no matter what he tried he couldn’t get the performances he expected - I imagine TS would have said, don’t worry, it takes time to get where we want - but having picked up on Bows ‘vibe’ and also his Valley Pass post match interviews, TS decided he needed to have a back up if Bows did resign
    It's what any decent owner would do, even in the good times do your research as you never know what's around the corner. Not the exciting appointment that some were looking for but good solid experience at this level with three promotions plus managing in the top two divisions. I think he's a great appointment & possibly the best we could have hoped for. Far too early for JJ imo but great to have him around the players who all seem to love him. Would still like a defensive coach to come in. Step by step TS is building  :D  
    Could that be Steve Brown
    Hopefully not. The entire training session would be taken up by him talking 
    Fair enough, but it might make a change if the defence learnt how to comunicate on the pitch, we have seen a few times mix ups because of lack of communication, so learn to talk the game as well as play it
    Tongue in cheek on my part. I agree with you. Defensively we have been a shambles for a while now and communication is the key. Hopefully Inniss will get back in soon - we have missed him. 
  • Gonna take some hard core drugs to shout "Come on Nigel!!!!"

    Considering how pony we are and where we are, a very pleasant surprise.

    I thought it would be someone from abroad with mutiple consonants  in his name.

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