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Post-match Thread: Charlton Athletic v Forest Green Rovers | Tuesday 13 September 2022 7:45PM



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    Incredibly frustrating game to watch, FGR were there for the taking and we never looked like doing it. Can someone please tell Steve Brown that he doesn't have to comment on every bit of play and constantly say what was good or bad, or what tactics each team should use or not use. At first it was interesting but when he literally has a comment or opinion on everything it is so boring and makes him come across as a big headed know all. The kind of bloke you would do anything to avoid being stuck with at the pub. With Brown it's definitely a case of less being more, and he ruins the commentary for me at the moment. 
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    The Robinson era looks like a distant golden memory compared with this season and the last.
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    We need to play 2 up front end like to see 442 but people just lol suggestions of playing 442 nowadays.Think Claydon  and Kirk are good crossers and CBT and RSK have the beating of most fullbacks but final shot or cross is not there.which was evident tonight.I can only think of one cross for leaburn and 2 both over hit to stockley. 
    Someone made the point earlier how the fullbacks are exposed and I agree. The fullback and winger is a partnership and a lot stronger our fullbacks seem to be exposed yet the opposition seem to be able to double up on our wingers. The same as stockley or tonight leaburn they have 2 players on them so where are our free men when this happens. I don’t think it’s as bad as Adkins team last season.but 1 up the middle is not working still. 
    As for mcCrappy well he did jog about a bit tonight which is a improvement  probably why he had to keep lying down though.Really I haven’t seen a midfield player go to ground that much since I played in my school team.Is he really a professional football player. 
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    cabbles said:
    It’s becoming very evident that TS should probably sell up.  I understand his reticence to invest given what he’s put in so far, with fees for Stockley, Kirk, Mansfield, Fraser and Lavelle, but if all he’s given Garner to work with is the budget to bring in a few free transfers from league 2, that don’t look like they’ll be near the top 6 come Jan, then what is the point.  

    You can’t tell me another couple of windows operating on the same budget/format that we’ve just had is going to push on, that’s not factoring in losing our ‘better players’ whoever they are.

    This is absolutely looking like the beginning of the end for the TS era.  He doesn’t want to invest, fair enough, but we are heading to paralysis and keeping our head above water on reputation alone.  All the signs are there.  The crowds, the frustration, the squad.  The only way out of this mess is a new owner and I don’t want to say that after 2 and a bit years, but it’s just not working, nor will it 
    I get your drift here- but where are the potential buyers? They would have to be crazy
    Yes, it’s a valid point.  I don’t know.  All I know is that if that’s the budget/resources TS has put behind us this season, then it’s game over in terms of promotion.  He may change his mind in Jan or next season, but it will have to be another complete rebuild.  

    Not owning the ground and Sparrows Lane makes everything much more difficult 
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    edited September 2022
    I don’t think any criticism should be aimed at BG for using Leaburn as he has no choice.
     I wrote here as soon as Leaburn signed a pro contract our search for a striker was over and it turned out to be correct.

    Thomas is looking to save money wherever he can and when Leaburn scored at Welling and showed early season promise all Thomas could see was pound signs.

     I predicted a tenth place finish this season but I think it could be lower than that.
    At home i a game like last night's he could play Leaburn and Stockley. The problem he has to fit Rak Sakyi and CBT in the team. But at home against a poor side it might have been possible.

    As people have stated, our build up play is a tad slow and when we do get in a position to cross and an accurate ball is needed and we are just hit and hope merchants. I assume we do, but it is not evident watching us that we work on movement and where to make runs to in the box. What was also noteworthy is that CBT had 5 good chances. Yes he scored one, but seeing as he gets in a goal scoring position so often when he cuts in, don't we work with him on that? Again, I assume we do, but it is not evident.

    Seeing as Garner has what he has, he needs to work harder in training. I always say somebody who gets a lot of chances is a potential goalscorer and as we have so few CBT needs a lot of effort going into him. The problem is that when it pays off, if it pays off, he will be off as that is why he is with us in the first place.
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    2 away games in a row now. Our away form has been dreadful the last 2 years. Not picking up a win from these 2 could see us slide down the table towards the bottom 4 and Garner come under real pressure. He’s had his hands tied behind his back but I don’t think TS will accept being near the bottom 4. Can he afford to sack him though? 
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    The pattern is, we get sussed out, then it goes to chite.
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    At least we have no expectations now. It is kind of becalming. Bit like supporting a Shrewsbury, Rochdale or Mansfield.

    Meet mates, have a few beers, chew the cud about life, watch a decent Prem game, shrug your shoulders because you know it will be ordinary at the game, few more beers, takeaway on the way home, watch Match of the Day. Happy days. Low expectations are the key to supporting Charlton and having a good day. 
    Hard to get too worked up. We're a mediocre L1 side and belong in this division.
    I don't agree that we are mediocre. I think we play some pretty decent football & so far this season have been the better team in most of the games. But we fail to capitalise when we go ahead & have dropped points against Accrington, Cambridge, Bolton & tonight when leading. Not only can we not do a Golfie we are now not winning when ahead......something that was unheard of over the past couple of seasons. 

    And if we stay in this division too much longer I don't think I'll be attending many more games. 
    In terms of results we are mediocre. Decent football involves scoring goals not simply having more possession.

    If we don't score more we need a rock solid defence and we haven't got that.
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    Game should have been over in the first 20 minutes of the game, number of good chances, once teams sit back that is when we are in trouble, they sat very deep, no space in behind. 

    One of the reason we got Payne in is to unlock defence, and tonight it just didn't come off for him. Games like this, makes or breaks the season, and at the moment it is breaking them.

    I would have liked to have seen JFC come on, in games like this, he can certainly put on in the top bins
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    At least we have no expectations now. It is kind of becalming. Bit like supporting a Shrewsbury, Rochdale or Mansfield.

    Meet mates, have a few beers, chew the cud about life, watch a decent Prem game, shrug your shoulders because you know it will be ordinary at the game, few more beers, takeaway on the way home, watch Match of the Day. Happy days. Low expectations are the key to supporting Charlton and having a good day. 
    Hard to get too worked up. We're a mediocre L1 side and belong in this division.
    I don't agree that we are mediocre. I think we play some pretty decent football & so far this season have been the better team in most of the games. But we fail to capitalise when we go ahead & have dropped points against Accrington, Cambridge, Bolton & tonight when leading. Not only can we not do a Golfie we are now not winning when ahead......something that was unheard of over the past couple of seasons. 

    And if we stay in this division too much longer I don't think I'll be attending many more games. 
    In terms of results we are mediocre. Decent football involves scoring goals not simply having more possession.

    If we don't score more we need a rock solid defence and we haven't got that.
    Totally agree.

    I was looking at our Goals For column. No one better than our 12 scored outside the top 7.......however, that is masked by the 5 we scored against Plymouth. Take those out of the equation and its 7 goals in 7 games - 5 single goal games, 1 blank & 1 where we scored 2 (first game of the season). Arsenal might be able to win the Premier League by winning 1-0 every week but you wont win League 1 by only scoring a goal a game. 

    And this is Garnerball. 
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    The few matches I’ve seen (which include the Plymouth aberration which has to be put down as a fluke) suggest that the football is slightly more appealing on the eye compared to last year but that’s like saying a non smelly shit is more appealing than a smelly shit. We have a nucleus of league 2 freebies, “yoof” and bog standard league 1 players.  The only players we have who I think are promotion class are Dobson (only just as I think he is being overrated cos he’s the best of a bad bunch), CBT when he learns some composure and Sessegnon.  We have a small squad which is rendered effectively smaller by the fact that we have a couple of players who are always injured (one of whom is a nutter who will be suspended if he isn’t injured) and luxuries like Kirk who is a dud. The only way we will get out of this league under the current ownership is downwards. And he can’t sell as he’s got nothing to sell. He doesn’t own anything except “the football club” which is bang in debt. Even if he sold off the entire academy squad at a million quid a man (nurse, nurse!!!!!!!) he wouldn’t get back what he’s lost so far. He could only sell to a deluded egocentric with more money than sense who knows fuck all about running a football club. Lightning striking twice and all that……
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    Anyone blaming/criticising Garner for the performances in the last 3 weeks are missing the bigger picture. 

    He's a great manager and it's clear that his style of play was working, he just needed to be given the resources to take us up the table. That hasn't happened so now he's rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic with mid-table League One players and youth in the hope that we find the next Gomez or Grant. 
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    edited September 2022
    My patience with this bloody OCD (Obsessive Charlton Disorder) is wearing very very VERY thin, i have been a supporter for 65 years and I've had enough, figuratively speaking of course, because I love the club, and will continue to do so.
    Can't say too much about yesterday that hasn't already been said over and again, and how we get ourselves back to some sort of respectful position, ie out of this shite league is beyond me, I have always supported Thomas and what he has done for our great club, but i fear for our future with him at the helm, we are league one for the foreseeable future...
    Happy days eh, oh for just a little bit of this...

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    Can we sign up the fella who won the crossbar challenge (£11.5k) 
    Apparently he's injured. 
    Out for six months...
    Actually we signed him for a club record fee just before……..
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    Oh.....and just to point out that Colby Bishop scored again for Pompey last night. That's 5 for the season so far. Not an "out of the world" return but Miles better (see what I did there) than our front 2 combined. 

    I'll re-start the front 2 comparison between Stockley&Aneke v Bishop&Piggott once Chuks actually takes the field. Dont really think it's fair otherwise 🤭.

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    Charlton manager Ben Garner admits that reaching the play-offs this season would be an overachievement with the squad he has available.  

    I guess this nullifies everything we post on here.  Until better players are brought bought in we can't expect much more from the sides he puts out.  :/

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    Charlton manager Ben Garner admits that reaching the play-offs this season would be an overachievement with the squad he has available.  

    I guess this nullifies everything we post on here.  Until better players are brought bought in we can't expect much more from the sides he puts out.  :/

    I doubt many Charlton fans are expecting playoffs. A fit Aneke might make a difference...
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    Then bloody overachieve.
    Pissed off with excuses.
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    My man of the match was the bloke that hit the crossbar during half time. 

    So, you pays your money and you takes your choice. Sandgaard paid no money this last transfer window - he cannot wonder why we have ended up with the footballing equivalent of synthetic cubic zirconia rather than diamonds.

    Then there's Fraser. Didn't play because his wife gave birth the previous day. WTF! Get your wife tupped so she gives birth in the close season, It's not rocket science is it!  Maybe he should give up football and become a local government official or something. 

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    Better get used to it. There's gonna be much more like this as the season progresses.

    It's like the natural order of football in London has changed permanently. The team forever in the third division used to be Brentford. Now, it's us. Owners may change, managers may change, but our luck?

    Answers on a post card please.... 
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