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Sandgaard Out! - massive secondhand embarrassment warning for p7.



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    I'm glad he's not MY dad
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    That’s certainly one of the videos on the internet.
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    Initially I thought it was CGI, then when the reality dawned on me……..well I didn’t know what to think.
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    I very nearly went to Stockport yesterday. It’s about an hour from where I live but decided against having to make the return journey across the pennines late at night in freezing conditions. Never have I ever been as grateful for sub zero temperatures. Quite how this club we support manages to keep finding new ways to plumb the depths is a mystery. I suppose the lack of any immediate threat of the club disappearing is the only positive I can currently think of. Everything else stinks to high heaven. I couldn’t make much sense of last nights team selection and am now genuinely worried that we’re going to get relegated. I’ve no idea if Sandgaard is going to sell or how close any sale might be but the club I support is dying on its arse in full view of everyone and it hurts to see it. I feel no connection to any of the players and have never been so apathetic towards Charlton. Not even sure if I can get the fire in my belly back. 
    I’m in Lytham St Anne’s for the weekend, less than 30 mins to Morecambe , am I going? Not likely.
    I live in St. Anne's. Lovely place but it's bloody freezing at the moment.
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    I work in SEND, see this every day!
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    The gift that keeps on giving…..,,,,,,
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    Humour is a tremendous weapon for bringing the powerful to heel.

    Hope this goes viral all over the Internet.
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    Humour is a tremendous weapon for bringing the powerful to heel.

    Hope this goes viral all over the Internet.
    That assumes he's embarrassed by it rather than proud. I wouldn't count on that.
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    What an embarrassing freak of a human being. Scary that he probably doesn't have the basic self-awareness to realise how pitiful he looks to everyone else.
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    He really is a prick of the highest order 
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    I wonder if we’d have seen a clip like that at the time he bought us we’d have been still quite as elated.
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    I am speechless, an absolute self indulgent moron!
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    Christ alive, we really are cursed.
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    Solidgone said:
    I think there are some nasty comments on here about TS in this video clip. The guy is obviously being directed by the photographer to get the right photograph. I’m sure if you saw similar videos of other photo shoots  by models there would be some similarity with awkward poses, although a lot more prettier 🥸 
    I agree somewhat. However, models are used to posing & having to do shot after shot with them in slightly different poses but knowing that the bad/awful ones wont be shown in SM for all to see.
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