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Holden sacked?! (Ed. Yes - Confirmed)



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    IdleHans said:
    I'd like to express my opinion that Charlie Methven is a useless slimy arsehole full of just as much shit as the serial uselessnesses that preceded him (just in case he reads this)
    And I wonder what his salary is when he's actually not required to be here. Did his job of setting up the takeover.
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    BigDiddy said:

    Do we have to keep going over the same old crap … CM had no say in this he not making them decisions .. this come from high down to Andy Scott and Rodwell … New manager will be decided by Andy Scott and Peter Storrie who is still at the club till Friday 

    If you believe that, good luck.

    CM is the chief architect of this takeover and what is following.

    No manager, no time left in the window, no squad, no hope.

    Pearce and Hayes will do their best.

    Are you confident in the new ownership and SMT?
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    BigDiddy said:
    BigDiddy said:

    Do we have to keep going over the same old crap … CM had no say in this he not making them decisions .. this come from high down to Andy Scott and Rodwell … New manager will be decided by Andy Scott and Peter Storrie who is still at the club till Friday 

    If you believe that, good luck.

    CM is the chief architect of this takeover and what is following.

    No manager, no time left in the window, no squad, no hope.

    Pearce and Hayes will do their best.

    Are you confident in the new ownership and SMT?
    So Methven has the same control Sandgaard had and is running the show with everyone else involved his puppets. It's  all on him alone is what you're saying.
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    We have to hope at some stage there is a plan. Seems an utter farce at present and it seems unlikely the new manager will be much good.

    Sad times for Charlton.

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    Well we aren't getting any more players in now.

    Most managers do t get a say in the players anyway. 

    I was out with a womble last week
    amd he told me that signing players has been taken away from Jackson. He tells their DoF what position he wants, what type of player and it's done for him. He can concentrate on coaching. It's the modern way with most clubs following this approach
    I never hear of DoF getting the sack? or is just me
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    BigDiddy said:

    Do we have to keep going over the same old crap … CM had no say in this he not making them decisions .. this come from high down to Andy Scott and Rodwell … New manager will be decided by Andy Scott and Peter Storrie who is still at the club till Friday 

    God you are weird.
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    We have to hope at some stage there is a plan. Seems an utter farce at present and it seems unlikely the new manager will be much good.

    Sad times for Charlton.

    Do you know who it is then??
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    We have to hope at some stage there is a plan. Seems an utter farce at present and it seems unlikely the new manager will be much good.

    Sad times for Charlton.

    Do you know who it is then??
    Probably just a prediction based on all our recent appointments.
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    If there is an actual recruitment process for hiring a new manager rather then one of their mates, then with the transfer window about to end it has to be a manager who has a plan of how to use this squad as is.

    The season really is over if the new manager comes in and decides some of our stronger players don't fit their system or style of play.
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    Can it really be true the sackings were by text messages?
    Stay classy us.
    Burger boy poison has spread and spread through our club.
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    seth plum said:
    Can it really be true the sackings were by text messages?
    Stay classy us.
    Burger boy poison has spread and spread through our club.
    This is just how the mega-wealthy operate, with absolute heartlessness, you know this 
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    Anyway I sort of agree with the sacking lol (even if they could have really said it to his face ffs). EFL sack race officially ours baby, whooo
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    Swisdom said:
    It WONT be Lee Johnson
    Thank you Obi-Wan 😉
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    Well yeah, true.
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    We've been unlucky with some poor refereeing but the defending has been bizarre and the team selection on Saturday was from Alice in Wonderland.  If we get in Darren Moore or someone similar I'll give the owners the benefit of the doubt this once.
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    It would be cruel for them, but I would try to get an in work manager if possible. Principally the bloke at Cambridge.
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    It was going to happen sooner or later better to get it done now before he done to much damage 
    Here we go again on the Charlton merry go round 
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    edited August 2023
    We've been unlucky with some poor refereeing but the defending has been bizarre and the team selection on Saturday was from Alice in Wonderland.  If we get in Darren Moore or someone similar I'll give the owners the benefit of the doubt this once.
    Yep, getting shot of Dean only makes sense if you are bringing someone better in, if we go for a completely inexperienced coach / manager,  then start to worry, and the chickens coming home to roost, will finally catch up with us.

    I wouldn’t be unhappy with Darren Moore, but would he want to come?
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    @Swisdom how confident are you it won’t be Johnson? 
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