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Leon Knight's Twitter



  • edited July 2012
    It's not really about the 'thought police' though, is it? He didn't just 'think' it, he published it. Free speech doesn't mean that you can publicly say what you like about whom you like.

    It really riles me that so many people abuse the concept of free speech by using it to defend the rights of those that bully and abuse individuals - especially in cases like this when it's nothing more than a really aggressive (and not to mention dimwitted) attack.

    That, and I bet that Henderson Scott Recruitment are pretty pleased to have declared the story 'genius'. Wasn't the word that sprang to mind when I read the story.
  • edited July 2012
    She slept with 50 cent apparently, she really has gone round the block if true, its obvious she is a gold digger, went out with teddy sheringham just for his money but they way leon knight is conducting himself letting everyone know is shameful
  • Disgraceful. Also seems his command of the English language is on a par with his football skills.
  • He can't be sued for libel because they would have to prove that his comments were untrue, that might be, er, somewhat tricky for her to do.

    No place for this sort of thing on a public forum but that's the modern world for you.
  • Reason No 246,584 why i don't and never will have a twitter account or follow anyone who does....................................................
  • Asking about OB, He could be arrested for misuse of telecommunications, not sure whether law is different in Norn Iron. Most likely outcome, £80 fine. Released from Glentoran... That is poor.
  • Who the hell does he think he is? From the conversation not only did O'Hara not say anything to Knight he tried to stop him by telling him to "call him if he had a problem". I hope someone knocks some sense into him
  • RC_CAFC said:

    Asking about OB, He could be arrested for misuse of telecommunications, not sure whether law is different in Norn Iron. Most likely outcome, £80 fine. Released from Glentoran... That is poor.

    Not sure how he could be done for anything if what he says is true, dand there is a reasonable chance that it is true at least in part.

    He is not threatening anybody with violence, he is just talking about someone's personal life.

    Legally it's no different to Edwina Currie writing in her autobiography that she had shagged John Major.

    Truth is the ultimate defence in these matters, there is no right to privacy in the UK.
  • Does anyone know what prompted the outburst? From what I can see, it looks like Danielle Lloyd was giving it back a bit. Feel sorry for O'Hara as he seems a decent lad.
  • He is a decent lad, i feel sorry for him as he probably gets this abuse all the time.
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    edited July 2012
    Lad i work with was at School with JOH and said he is pretty down to earth, what on earth he was doing marrying that wind sock i dont know!! ;-)

    And just to add, Leon Knight sounds like really nice chap!! Gawd knows what he was doing, nasty attack in my op, but still made me laugh as i dont have any time for that rotten bint!
  • Like you, Joe, I'm wondering what prompted the cretin to start putting this out. His intellect obviously matches his footballing skills...released by Glentoran - says it all.
  • MCS said:

    Lad i work with was at School with JOH and said he is pretty down to earth, what on earth he was doing marrying that wind sock i dont know!! ;-)

    And just to add, Leon Knight sounds like really nice chap!! Gawd knows what he was doing, nasty attack in my op, but still made me laugh as i dont have any time for that rotten bint!

  • so so funny that is also entirely bizarre and shows how mental knight is
  • Oh sam cooke thats a well funny vid!! lol
  • she has got through legions of footballers and is the town bike but uncalled for
  • heheh, nice vid samcooke91.. Some nutball this Knight fella :>
  • She's got her history and there were a couple of tweets Knight sent that morning that I thought were near the mark but passable...but then last night some of the descriptions & language (as well as mentioning other names & potentially putting them in awkward positions) left a bitter taste in the mouth.

    He went too far especially as she is now married with 2 kids, but god knows why O'Hara settled down with her anyway!
  • so so funny that is also entirely bizarre and shows how mental knight is

    What a complete bell. 'He's only 5 foot six but he can leap like a fish'

  • actually the video is funny he has some clever comedy skills
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  • says it all about today's society in my opinion
  • That video had me pissing myself with laughter!

  • He went too far especially as she is now married with 2 kids, but god knows why O'Hara settled down with her anyway!

    Perhaps because he actually knows her and didn't form an opinion based on gossip and tabloid stories?

  • He went too far especially as she is now married with 2 kids, but god knows why O'Hara settled down with her anyway!

    Perhaps because he actually knows her and didn't form an opinion based on gossip and tabloid stories?
    well said. some on here are judging her without never having met her. so what if, in the past, she slept around? Doesn't make her a bad person.

  • He went too far especially as she is now married with 2 kids, but god knows why O'Hara settled down with her anyway!

    Perhaps because he actually knows her and didn't form an opinion based on gossip and tabloid stories?
    well said. some on here are judging her without never having met her. so what if, in the past, she slept around? Doesn't make her a bad person.

    It does if she didn't give me any!
  • She was a young model who slept with footballers, they were young footballers who slept with models, as far as I know no one was hurt and no laws were broken so why she is getting the stick she does is beyond me. She has now settled down and had two children with a man she loves and who obviously loves her, what the hell any of this has got to do with a has been (or never was) footballer like Leon Knight I don't know.
  • Hmm...let me think for a moment about whether I like Twitter...nope...still hating it.
  • I used to have to listen to a group of schoolgirls on the train to work. The stuff they used to talk about uploading to facebook or their friends uploading and the nasty rows in public was terrifying as a father. I think the growth of social media is quite possibly one of the worst things to have happened in recent years....

    He says posting on a public forum.....
  • yeah but c'mon, she's still a wind-sock
  • Hmm...let me think for a moment about whether I like Twitter...nope...still hating it.

    I understand your point but saying you hate Twitter is actually like saying you hate, for example, talking to people in a pub!

    Of course, if you go to a scum hole pub filled with chavs then you will hate it but if you mix with the right crowd then you can have a great experience.

    I only use Twitter for work and have made some amazing contacts on there, you just need to limit your contact to certain useful groups of people.

    If you follow and interact with Leon Knight et al then.....
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