[quote][cite]Posted By: Ledge[/cite]Oh come on Red army - everyone know's a Tube driver is on at least £30- £32k a year. Most tube trains are now automated as well aren't they and the "drivers" are just there in case that fails - highly unlikely.[/quote]
40k is more liek it FACT
I have seen a bulliten and most of the talks were not pay related yesterday.
LU impreoved the offer that was going well with all unions and then RMT threw a load of other things into teh mix totally unrelated to the pay and redundancies.
They want 2 sacked staff reinstated as part of the deal to call of the strike.
Poor attempt to to use blackmail to keep things running.
none of the staff that are striking are part of the cut backs are there jobs are save its all back office staff.
as i said Red i am an ex shopsteward i am still a paid up member of the T&G or unite as they now call it, However i feel that in times like now when people are in fear of losing their homes if they lose their jobs making it harder for those to actually get to work is down right digusting, The point about how much they earn is valid as they are biting the hand that feeds them.
when they strike on the grounds of safety that the tracks the exits are not for purpose they have all my support whilst they are being greedy bstds they dont
A lot of the arguement from what I understand is the fact LU want to seal a 5 year deal with no get out clauses at 1/2% increase each year. However there are still possible plans afoot to run the tube 24 hours during the olympics so the RMT want assurances that if the working requirements change then the pay should reflect that.
[cite]Posted By: RedArmySE7[/cite]I think there's a massive difference my friend from letting someone die and making it difficult for people to get to a football match. Correct me if I'm wrong?!
[cite]Posted By: RedArmySE7[/cite]I think there's a massive difference my friend from letting someone die and making it difficult for people to get to a football match. Correct me if I'm wrong?!
And that is precisely what RMT strikers rely on:
"It's not life or death so tough. Sorry if you can't get home to see your kids before they go to bed and have to leave home before they get up but that's the price you're going to have to pay for OUR actions."
Next thing you'll be telling us is that you're all part of a caring society.
[cite]Posted By: RedArmySE7[/cite]to run the tube 24 hours during the olympics so the RMT want assurances that if the working requirements change then the pay should reflect that.
[cite]Posted By: Ledge[/cite]Oh come on Red army - everyone know's a Tube driver is on at least £30- £32k a year. Most tube trains are now automated as well aren't they and the "drivers" are just there in case that fails - highly unlikely.
40k is more liek it FACT
I thought it was closer to that didn't want to over inflate and be shot down. In that case that's just plain greed however you DRESS IT UP.
Oh and for the record Red Army I think your spot on about what a good job Crowe does for his members can't disagree with that. The taxi tade are very excited to have RMT on board now with him as spokesman - RMT just started a Taxi Trade union - I for one am in another one but monitoring what RMT are doing so may well be a bit of a hypocrite sometime soon and join RMT lol.
What the likes of Bob Crowe and his lemmings of followers don't seem to realise is that more and more office based Industries do have the ability to work from home. If that becomes a viable option then those Employers might make it a permanent arrangement with their staff in which case there will be less commuters.
Less commuters = less revenue = job losses.
There again, that would only result in more strike action.
I'm all for strikes and getting better conditions for workers, but to do it every year, especially when there's a recession on, isn't going to get you much public support. Didn't Ken Livingstone once say that he agreed with all of the terms and they still went on strike!!
[cite]Posted By: charltonkeston[/cite]Anyone on here ever been on strike?
For one day in the late seventies – in support of the Nurses!
There again I was in the that most militant of trade unions, the NGA (but not on Fleet Street – those buggers didn't give a toss for us and vice versa!)
Poor old Andorra, there once in a lifetime chance for some of the players to play at Wembley (i know some did in the last campaign) and they may have to play to an empty stadium!
I'm no expert on the matter but as I see it Tube workers are well paid for their jobs - yet they want a guaranteed pay rise despite us being in the midst of a global recession.
On top of all this they will now go on strike and affect peoples ability to get to work and home again (which will affect the economy), they will impact the football match (this does wonders for our hopes of getting future world cups and big tournaments) and they are also affecting tourism.
We are becoming as bad as the French for striking!
Just a good job our soldiers and ambulancemen don't / can't go on strike - they seem to be proud to do their jobs even in the shittiest of circumstances and for crap wages (I am qualified to speak on this one!)
All in all it's not a great advert for this country
Pensions to be 100% of Salary backdated to first implementation date of DRI and the eradication of the integration factor with opposition to any future pension contribution holidays: 100% since restructing
holiday entitlements and leave arrangements, including annual, maternity,paternity and parental leave: Improving
4 Day week: 9 day over 2 weeks @ 2 depots for FF rosters. Ext to other depots in process.
Retention of the PT&RA with protection for staff in relation to transfer, promotion and redundancy including no compulsory redundancies: renegotiating Nov 07
Job Security and protection for medically restricted Drivers: Sickness 39 weeks full pay plus package MR drivers
Leave Arrangements: 43 days
Retention and improvement of rail travel facilities also bus, coach and aeroplane when holding companies are multi transport based: All staff receive LRT pass. Rights for same sex partner
Proactive recruitment of members of those groups e.g. women and ethnic minorities, which are currently under represented among the Drive Grades in the industry: Pro-active monitoring - good progress
Early retirement with the first stage at 60 years of age: Full pension @ 60. Poss. Retirement @ 50
Improved health safety and work environment for staff: Dealt with at JSC
Maximum Hours: 8.5 hrs (unpaid breaks)
well i would go on strike because that is just not enough money or leave and far too many hours
[cite]Posted By: charltonkeston[/cite]Anyone on here ever been on strike?
Yes. Led several as chair of the Trade Union Side in a previous role. That was represeneting people earning 10 grand a week for manual work with no chance of progression, shabby working conditions and a management cutting staff - not 40 grand a year for sitting on your arse saying 'mind the closing doors'
[quote][cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite][url=[url]http://www.aslef.org.uk/information/102222/102225/103142/london_underground/[/url]]Is this right?[/url] £40k a year on a 35 hour week?[/quote]
On that wage it is totally unaceptable to bang on about more money,
I dont use the tube to go about my business so i dont have to face the bstds on their picket line, If any of you do why dont you strike up a conversation with them and then inform them of your real feelings without having to resort to violence
40k is more liek it FACT
I have seen a bulliten and most of the talks were not pay related yesterday.
LU impreoved the offer that was going well with all unions and then RMT threw a load of other things into teh mix totally unrelated to the pay and redundancies.
They want 2 sacked staff reinstated as part of the deal to call of the strike.
Poor attempt to to use blackmail to keep things running.
none of the staff that are striking are part of the cut backs are there jobs are save its all back office staff.
when they strike on the grounds of safety that the tracks the exits are not for purpose they have all my support whilst they are being greedy bstds they dont
Any payrises should be on a merit basis and earned.
Not according to Bill Shankly!
Therein lies part of the the problem. Bankers, MP's expenses etc have hardly set a good example.
And that is precisely what RMT strikers rely on:
"It's not life or death so tough. Sorry if you can't get home to see your kids before they go to bed and have to leave home before they get up but that's the price you're going to have to pay for OUR actions."
Next thing you'll be telling us is that you're all part of a caring society.
I agree that definitely.
I thought it was closer to that didn't want to over inflate and be shot down. In that case that's just plain greed however you DRESS IT UP.
Oh and for the record Red Army I think your spot on about what a good job Crowe does for his members can't disagree with that. The taxi tade are very excited to have RMT on board now with him as spokesman - RMT just started a Taxi Trade union - I for one am in another one but monitoring what RMT are doing so may well be a bit of a hypocrite sometime soon and join RMT lol.
If its not true dont shoot the messenger or call me a pratt
Just what im over hearing
Less commuters = less revenue = job losses.
There again, that would only result in more strike action.
Thats on sky news now , very odd
How to win friends and influence people Bob!
There again I was in the that most militant of trade unions, the NGA (but not on Fleet Street – those buggers didn't give a toss for us and vice versa!)
There is a mainline station that can be got from Marylebone
So why behind clsoed doors
of course there will de delays to peoples journeys and some may decide against it fair enough but of teh rest are willing the try let them
£40k a year on a 35 hour week?
I'm no expert on the matter but as I see it Tube workers are well paid for their jobs - yet they want a guaranteed pay rise despite us being in the midst of a global recession.
On top of all this they will now go on strike and affect peoples ability to get to work and home again (which will affect the economy), they will impact the football match (this does wonders for our hopes of getting future world cups and big tournaments) and they are also affecting tourism.
We are becoming as bad as the French for striking!
Just a good job our soldiers and ambulancemen don't / can't go on strike - they seem to be proud to do their jobs even in the shittiest of circumstances and for crap wages (I am qualified to speak on this one!)
All in all it's not a great advert for this country
Current Pay: £40,111.00
Next Claim: 1st April 2009
35 Hour Week: Yes 35 Hour Week since May 1996
Rest Day Working: None
Pensionable Pay: 100% since restructuring
Clean Salary: Yes
Pensions to be 100% of Salary backdated to first implementation date of DRI and the eradication of the integration factor with opposition to any future pension contribution holidays: 100% since restructing
35 Hour wk, Sundays inside: 35 hours Sundays inside
holiday entitlements and leave arrangements, including annual, maternity,paternity and parental leave: Improving
4 Day week: 9 day over 2 weeks @ 2 depots for FF rosters. Ext to other depots in process.
Retention of the PT&RA with protection for staff in relation to transfer, promotion and redundancy including no compulsory redundancies: renegotiating Nov 07
Job Security and protection for medically restricted Drivers: Sickness 39 weeks full pay plus package MR drivers
Leave Arrangements: 43 days
Retention and improvement of rail travel facilities also bus, coach and aeroplane when holding companies are multi transport based: All staff receive LRT pass. Rights for same sex partner
Proactive recruitment of members of those groups e.g. women and ethnic minorities, which are currently under represented among the Drive Grades in the industry: Pro-active monitoring - good progress
Early retirement with the first stage at 60 years of age: Full pension @ 60. Poss. Retirement @ 50
Improved health safety and work environment for staff: Dealt with at JSC
Maximum Hours: 8.5 hrs (unpaid breaks)
well i would go on strike because that is just not enough money or leave and far too many hours
Greedy Bstds
£40k a year on a 35 hour week?[/quote]
sorry the report is wrong by £1 its 112
I dont use the tube to go about my business so i dont have to face the bstds on their picket line, If any of you do why dont you strike up a conversation with them and then inform them of your real feelings without having to resort to violence