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Eddie Howe thread (Staying with Bournemouth)



  • [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]We can't appoint Eddie Howe.

    Having a CAFC manager who is five years younger than myself would simply be too much of a body-blow to my already creeking self esteem!!!

    I remember thinking that Lennie, my first ever CAFC manager, was like some ancient old wizard when he was in charge, I never dreamed that one day I would be older than the manager.....

    Ha ha! Well we'd better appoint Dennis Wise then - he's five years older than you!

    (Sorry,Ormy - couldn't resist after earlier exchanges on the subject of your favourite human being !!!)
  • [cite]Posted By: eaststandmike[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: boogica[/cite]appointing eddie howe would be a big mistake ,if he gets job dont think he would last to long and it would be pay out time again .

    Who is your choice then boogica???

    havent got a clue i think its 1 big mess only reason im saying this is because seasoned pros ie dailly and the doc how will they respect howe ,not knocking him but i feel the way the club is at the moment we need someone with higher standing than eddie howe to sort the mess out that we are in .
  • [cite]Posted By: incorruptible addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]We can't appoint Eddie Howe.

    Having a CAFC manager who is five years younger than myself would simply be too much of a body-blow to my already creeking self esteem!!!

    I remember thinking that Lennie, my first ever CAFC manager, was like some ancient old wizard when he was in charge, I never dreamed that one day I would be older than the manager.....

    Ha ha! Well we'd better appoint Dennis Wise then - he's five years older than you!

    (Sorry,Ormy - couldn't resist after earlier exchanges on the subject of your favourite human being !!!)

    Nice one, Nigel.

    Wise has the mentality of a 13 year-old ASBO holder so that's always going to be a challenge.

    Personally, I am all in favour of bringing Lennie back and bringing some hard-earned wisdon back to the managers' job.

    Failing that, isn't Alan Mullery still available?
  • edited January 2011
    Mate just sent me this
    Apologies if posted elsewhere, but what an absolute waste of a web page!
  • [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]We can't appoint Eddie Howe.

    Having a CAFC manager who is five years younger than myself would simply be too much of a body-blow to my already creeking self esteem!!!

    I remember thinking that Lennie, my first ever CAFC manager, was like some ancient old wizard when he was in charge, I never dreamed that one day I would be older than the manager.....

    Orm's the real sign you are getting old is when you have to tick an age box in a survey. They seem to go up in sensible year blocks. E.g. under 16, 19 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 44 then at the end 45 - 106. When you are in that last block you know you really are past it!
  • [cite]Posted By: Cordoban Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]We can't appoint Eddie Howe.

    Having a CAFC manager who is five years younger than myself would simply be too much of a body-blow to my already creeking self esteem!!!

    I remember thinking that Lennie, my first ever CAFC manager, was like some ancient old wizard when he was in charge, I never dreamed that one day I would be older than the manager.....

    Orm's the real sign you are getting old is when you have to tick an age box in a survey. They seem to go up in sensible year blocks. E.g. under 16, 19 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 44 then at the end 45 - 106. When you are in that last block you know you really are past it!

    How true Cordoban, how true.

    On those sorts of things I still find it hard to comprehend that I am no longer in the 25-34 bracket!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: boogica[/cite]havent got a clue i think its 1 big mess only reason im saying this is because seasoned pros ie dailly and the doc how will they respect howe ,not knocking him but i feel the way the club is at the moment we need someone with higher standing than eddie howe to sort the mess out that we are in .

    I don't think age matters, it all boils down to personality/ability. It is a similar argument that is used to claim that only players who have played the game to a high level can make decent managers. Then you look at Wenger and Mourinho and see that its all down to their managerial ability.

    I have no idea what Howe is like personality wise but if I was interviewing him, I'd want to check out his man-management skills just as much as what he knows about the game. Too often football managers are appointed because of their own footballing credo. Unfortunately many of them are too arrogant, or lack basic managerial and inter-personal skills to be able to put into action their footballing knowledge.
  • edited January 2011
    I take a different view about Howe to a big name ,if it were Wise I would expect promotion and no excuses with Howe I agree with the comments about his experience , I feel he needs 18 months at least to deliver .

    Expecting Howe to deliver an instant promotion would be unfair.

    Maybe we will appoint a DOF with Howe.
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]We can't appoint Eddie Howe.

    Having a CAFC manager who is five years younger than myself would simply be too much of a body-blow to my already creeking self esteem!!!

    I remember thinking that Lennie, my first ever CAFC manager, was like some ancient old wizard when he was in charge, I never dreamed that one day I would be older than the manager.....

    Welcome to the club mate, its all down hill from here!


    One of the reasons I liked Les Reed as the manager was suddenly older than me again.
    edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Richard J[/cite]Expecting Howe to deliver an instant promotion would be unfair.
    Why? We expected it with Parkinson last year and this year with no money?

    No excuses. If we didnt get promoted this year I'd blame the board for making two wrong decisions:

    - Sacking Parky
    - Appointing a manager not good enough afterwards

    I'd also question the players and their desire to play in a higher league. Not going to blame the new manager.
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  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: boogica[/cite]havent got a clue i think its 1 big mess only reason im saying this is because seasoned pros ie dailly and the doc how will they respect howe ,not knocking him but i feel the way the club is at the moment we need someone with higher standing than eddie howe to sort the mess out that we are in .

    I don't think age matters, it all boils down to personality/ability. It is a similar argument that is used to claim that only players who have played the game to a high level can make decent managers. Then you look at Wenger and Mourinho and see that its all down to their managerial ability.

    I have no idea what Howe is like personality wise but if I was interviewing him, I'd want to check out his man-management skills just as much as what he knows about the game. Too often football managers are appointed because of their own footballing credo. Unfortunately many of them are too arrogant, or lack basic managerial and inter-personal skills to be able to put into action their footballing knowledge.

    Dailly and Doc also showed a highly professional approach when things weren't going well for PP. It wouldn't be the seasoned pros that worried me, more the 'getting older and I should be playing for Barca' types as they seem to be the ones that can, and will, poison the dressing room. However, the attitude of the Bournemouth players seems to suggest that this won't be a problem either.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Richard J[/cite]Expecting Howe to deliver an instant promotion would be unfair.
    Why? We expected with Parkinson last year and this year with no money?

    No excuses. If we didnt get promoted this year I'd blame the board for making two wrong decisions:

    - Sacking Parky
    - Appointing a manager not good enough afterwards

    I'd also question the players and their desire to play in a higher league. Not going to blame the new manager.

    totally agree if they appoint howe .
  • I'm with you on this ome boogica. Not saying I wouldn't want Eddie Howe as manager but currently he has been managing an odds & sods team of players and have no-one of any standing there............where we would hopefully targertting afew "named" players , either now or in the summer, and wondered how they would re-act to him.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ormiston Addick[/cite]

    Personally, I am all in favour of bringing Lennie back and bringing some hard-earned wisdom back to the managers' job.

    Failing that, isn't Alan Mullery still available?

    I have to say that the closer I get to the grave, the more I realise that experience and wisdom are vastly over-rated!

    I see Robert Plant said the other day that there was no way he was going to do any more Led Zeppelin reunion gigs, because he's approaching a time when he's soon going to need helping across the road.

    Wisdom? Experience? I think I'd swap 'em for being able to walk without a stick any day !!!
  • He's managing a team of odds and sods and they're higher than us in the league!

    I'm VERY happy if we get him
  • Not sure what to think about Howe. His record at Bournemouth is outstanding, but he was a legend there as a player. Not sure he would command the same respect in SE7.

    He can't be a mug though, looking at what he's done there. It's no wonder so many clubs have been after him. We can't know how it will turn out but I'm keeping an open mind about what is clearly a good young manager and am just glad it's not Dennis Wise.

    And if he chooses us over Palace he clearly has his head screwed on.
  • TBF to Howe, he's managed good players at Bournemouth, certainly got the most out of Pitman who was then sold from under him, and has got them playing well.

    Better then Parky? probably, as good as you'll get in this league other then Adkins and Poyet? I think so
  • Ormy said; "On those sorts of things I still find it hard to comprehend that I am no longer in the 25-34 bracket!!!"

    To true, my hand always waivers over that box.
  • [cite]Posted By: Cordoban Addick[/cite]

    my hand always waivers over that box.

    your hand shaking like that is another sign of old age : - )
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  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Cordoban Addick[/cite]

    my hand always waivers over that box.

    your hand shaking like that is another sign of old age : - )

    I'll set 'em up Henners, you knock 'em in.
  • There has to be atime when you give an up and coming young manager the chance to see what he can do, i think that Eddie Howe would be an excellent choice.

    His record speaks for itself at Bournemouth as did Harry's and look what he has gone on to achieve.

    Footballers respond when they have respect, eddie Howe will have to work at getting the respect from Daily and doc but TBH i wouldnt think he would have to work to hard.

    People within the game talk, they talk about players and managers, i put a question to a pal to ask Harry after yesterdays game as he is good mates with the twitcher and the response i got this morning was.

    " charlton need an Eddie Howe, they have some good people at Chralton real football people in and around the club, I aint saying he will go there but i tell you what Eddie Howe will be a big name in football one day and thats the sort of club you can grow your repretation at,"

    Says enough to me that comment from a text recieved this morning

    Eddie Howe In
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]There has to be atime when you give an up and coming young manager the chance to see what he can do, i think that Eddie Howe would be an excellent choice.

    His record speaks for itself at Bournemouth as did Harry's and look what he has gone on to achieve.

    Footballers respond when they have respect, eddie Howe will have to work at getting the respect from Daily and doc but TBH i wouldnt think he would have to work to hard.

    People within the game talk, they talk about players and managers, i put a question to a pal to ask Harry after yesterdays game as he is good mates with the twitcher and the response i got this morning was.

    " charlton need an Eddie Howe, they have some good people at Chralton real football people in and around the club, I aint saying he will go there but i tell you what Eddie Howe will be a big name in football one day and thats the sort of club you can grow your repretation at,"

    Says enough to me that comment from a text recieved this morning

    Eddie Howe In

    sorry mate i wont be happy i hope im wrong but i feel its gonna be a big mistake .
  • I'm sold on that NLA, Howe in
  • I remember when Eddie Howe was linked with us when he was a player.
  • Eddie Howe has turned down Palace! Talks with Charlton were approved Saturday, he will be making a decision either later today or tomorrow.
  • If Howe does come in then i will support him. He wouldn't be my first choice, but if the board think he can do better than Parkinson then that is their right.

    Are his credentials any better than Parkinsons... i'm not sure. However you have wonder how Parkinson must have presented himself to the board in his meeting before he was sacked if they see Howe as a step up. Again i'm not criticising Howe before he starts (if he does), so don't get me wrong.

    Maybe Parkinson gave a bad impression of himself. Lets face it his pre/post match interviews were hardly inspiring and if he met the board with the same lacklustre approach maybe they didn't have confidence in him.

    Experience and credentials wise Parkinson and Howe are about the same. Replacing one with the other seems a strange choice. Time will tell. this seems more likely to happen, but again it could just be lazy journalism.
  • Brian Clough was 32 or 33 when he moved from Harltepool to Derby.
  • CommentAuthoradamtheaddickCommentTime1 hour ago quote# 383
    i dont get this eddie howe worship by a few on here. yes he has done well but at bournemouth! he was a player and was given the job when they went into admin so of course the players rallyed around they did brilliantly but at us he would be unkown and the pressure and expectations would be massive and not somthing he would have ever faced, would he want that or would he cope? this has to be a really thought out appointment and a little bit of experince is dearly needed i think. Eddie will be leaving dean court where he is worshiped and going into the unknown and if things dont go well and we drop out of the playoffs he could be bang in trouble. if it is him i hope he does well and turns out to be a legend in the making just cant see it myself.

    This is the second post in a couple of days that I find myself agreeing 100% with you Adam.

    Undoubtedly Howe has done well at Bournemouth, but is in his own comfort zone with little expectation. If he came here, from day one the expectation would be far greater, could he hack it, I'm not so sure. I don't really see the point of sacking Parky to be honest if he is to be replaced by an unproven manager at this level. Not sure he is what we need at this moment in time!
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]No excuses. If we didnt get promoted this year I'd blame the board for making two wrong decisions:

    - Sacking Parky
    - Appointing a manager not good enough afterwards

    My own view and not based on any inside knowledge is that sacking Parky when they did was not a foolhardy decision, I think it was a much more strategic one.

    Imagine if you will, the new owners have, after much deliberation, decided to invest in a football club. Football clubs are usually seen as cash burners. Very high risk in terms of a return on investment. On the other hand a club like Charlton has less risk than some because it has dealt with its toxic debts and has some long term debts, much of which is conditional upon return to the big time. The club has a fantastic local community profile, a loyal fan base and a very large potential catchment area. On the other hand the club needs the finances to pay its way in the third tier.

    So as a new owner/investor are they looking for an instant return? If they are then they should have bought into Gold, not a football club. Assuming they realise this, their investment has to be sustainable/affordable in the short to medium term with returns some way down stream.

    Lets just assume that they have a five year plan for the club to return to the Premier League. I think that would be a realistic aiming point.

    I think they would be looking at Parky & Co with a long term view in mind. He may be capable in tier 3 of getting us promoted but is he the bloke to steer the team all the way to the premier league? If they have significant doubts about that, they will already have been thinking about a new manager in the next couple of seasons? If as was the case, Parky's team was out of form at a crucial stage in the season, with the window opening up, it may well be that they have concluded it is better to deal with a change of manager sooner rather than later.

    My point is that they will be looking to the long term and finding the right bloke now, even if he takes a while to organise the team his way, and that may dent or even halt our promotional chances this season, may actually be better in the long run. I think that's why they have done what they have done.
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