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Eddie Howe thread (Staying with Bournemouth)



  • I've been hopeful of it being Howe since it was announced that Parkinson had gone, so I remain hopeful and encouraged by the recent speculation.
  • edited January 2011
    Why does everyone ignore sadiejane's posts?

    the link she keeps posting to the Bournemouth local rag says he's also in the frame at Burnley.

    so he has turned down Palace and now has three options:

    a) Charlton

    b) Burnley

    c) stay put

    Having already rejected Southampton and Palace, I wonder if he might end up opting for c) ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Madz[/cite]If Howe does come in then i will support him. He wouldn't be my first choice, but if the board think he can do better than Parkinson then that is their right.

    Are his credentials any better than Parkinsons... i'm not sure. However you have wonder how Parkinson must have presented himself to the board in his meeting before he was sacked if they see Howe as a step up. Again i'm not criticising Howe before he starts (if he does), so don't get me wrong.

    Maybe Parkinson gave a bad impression of himself. Lets face it his pre/post match interviews were hardly inspiring and if he met the board with the same lacklustre approach maybe they didn't have confidence in him.

    Experience and credentials wise Parkinson and Howe are about the same. Replacing one with the other seems a strange choice. Time will tell. this seems more likely to happen, but again it could just be lazy journalism.

    Disagree entirely. Parky had a lot more experience, But Howe has better credentials. Also see NLA post above, There has to be atime when you give an up and coming young manager the chance to see what he can do, i think that Eddie Howe would be an excellent choice..

    I supported Parky but started to fall away with the lack of football the team played (not the results). He deserved to go after the Swindon performance. Howe may or may not come and he may or may not succeed, but he just could be the start of a new era and his credentials show he can manage a player, get a team to play football and vary his tactics.
  • Croydon Observer says its likely hes staying at bournemouth
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Richard J[/cite]Expecting Howe to deliver an instant promotion would be unfair.
    Why? We expected it with Parkinson last year and this year with no money?

    No excuses. If we didnt get promoted this year I'd blame the board for making two wrong decisions:

    - Sacking Parky
    - Appointing a manager not good enough afterwards

    I'd also question the players and their desire to play in a higher league. Not going to blame the new manager.
    Well said.
    And as for the odds and sods comment, don't forget that in the summer the likes of Bailey, Richardson, Burton and Sam left and we were doing our best to find quite a few players well into August.
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Cordoban Addick[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Madz[/cite]If Howe does come in then i will support him. He wouldn't be my first choice, but if the board think he can do better than Parkinson then that is their right.

    Are his credentials any better than Parkinsons... i'm not sure. However you have wonder how Parkinson must have presented himself to the board in his meeting before he was sacked if they see Howe as a step up. Again i'm not criticising Howe before he starts (if he does), so don't get me wrong.

    Maybe Parkinson gave a bad impression of himself. Lets face it his pre/post match interviews were hardly inspiring and if he met the board with the same lacklustre approach maybe they didn't have confidence in him.

    Experience and credentials wise Parkinson and Howe are about the same. Replacing one with the other seems a strange choice. Time will tell. this seems more likely to happen, but again it could just be lazy journalism.

    Disagree entirely. Parky had a lot more experience, But Howe has better credentials. Also see NLA post above,[i aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]There has to be atime when you give an up and coming young manager the chance to see what he can do, i think that Eddie Howe would be an excellent choice.[/i].

    I supported Parky but started to fall away with the lack of football the team played (not the results). He deserved to go after the Swindon performance. Howe may or may not come and he may or may not succeed, but he just could be the start of a new era and his credentials show he can manage a player, get a team to play football and vary his tactics.

    Fair enough about the lot more experience for Parkinson, but not sure about the Howe has better credentials part. Parkinson was seen as an up and coming manager too. Just wonder why they are replacing one with the another.
  • Happy to nail my colours to the mast.

    Howe would probably be in the top two of who i would like the club to approach / interview, and if he gets the job i would be more than happy.

    You are doing a severe disservice to the attitude of someone like Christian Dailly if you don't think he would give anything but 100% respect to an up and coming manager.

    I want a manager who will provide growth and stability for the next 3-5 years, not just the next next 6 months, and this appears a fella who has quietly gone about things the right way.

    I would rather go with someone who appears young, hungry, ambitious and on the up the someone with failures under their bow looking for a route back in.

    Howe may be inexperienced to some, but he has managed in excess of 100 first team games, saved a team with a 17pt deduction from the drop, got them promoted, and with a chance of being promoted again. He's covered more scenarios in 2 years that other managers experience in five.

    He also knows this division, ours and our oppositions strengths and weaknesses, and won't be starting his scouting for new players completely cold.

    Of course every appointment is a risk, there is no magic managing formula, but if the new board manage to attract this fella and sell the club to him when he was courted by other clubs a league above us, i will be extremely impressed that they have gone about things the right way IMO.
  • If he did reject Southampton, maybe there is more to it then just not fancying the job, big local rivals, and he's probably been warned about Nicola Cortese and what a nut case he seems to be.
  • It's a risk. Any appointment is a risk.

    He has some talent and a track record of success. Can he transfer that with him if he comes to the Valley?

    Well, that is partially down to the people already at Charlton. Not just the players although they are very important in this but the other coaches, the board and the fans.

    If he is given the same type of support and continuity that he was getting when he was first there (something that seems to have been lost since the takeover at AFCB) then he will thrive. If we mess him about or the likes of TJ or Wise start buying his players for him (as they did at Newcastle) then it can and will go wrong.

    The Spurs performance shows we are not a premiership side or even close so lets not expect that of Howe's CAFC (for a couple of seasons at least). But White Hart Lane, and some of the league games this season, also showed that this group of players aren't all rubbish either. Especially with 3 or four additions we are capable of closing the gap on Brighton and Southampton and make a real fist of a promotion run.

    And much as the target this season has to be a least the play-off position that we will be in when he arrives (assuming he comes this week) we as fans and the board also need to give Howe time and make allowances for mistakes and bad days at the office.

    That's if it is him. I'll believe it when it's on the OS leaked to Sky by our spin doctor
  • [cite]Posted By: incorruptible addick[/cite]Why does everyone ignore sadiejane's posts?

    the link she keeps posting to the Bournemouth local rag says he's also in the frame at Burnley.

    so he has turned down Palace and now has three options:

    a) Charlton

    b) Burnley

    c) stay put

    Having already rejected Southampton and Palace, I wonder if he might end up opting for c) ?
    Thank you IA. i even started a new thread and nobody paid attention lol. (I think it's because I am female)

    According to a Croydon newspaper however, he has decided to stay put and has turned up at training this morning as normal.
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  • What AFKA said, well put sir.
  • The Burnley thing has come from nowhere
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]I'm sold on that NLA, Howe in[/quote]

    Yep. Me too.
  • [cite]Posted By: Richard J[/cite]Expecting Howe to deliver an instant promotion would be unfair.

    Like others, I can't agree with that.

    Howe (or whoever comes in) will arrive knowing the new board dermand and expect ''instant promotion''.

    That's the only reason they sacked Parkinson - they were far from convinced he could deliver it and decided to bring in someone they can have more confidence in achieving it.

    Howe can surely be in no doubt that the pressure will be on him big time, because S&J will have told him that nothing less than ''instant promotion'' will do.

    If he ends up staying at Bournemouth, the extreme expectation he would be under at the Valley will no doubt form part of his thinking...
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]The Burnley thing has come from nowhere

    No, Burnley has always been mentioned but Eddie indicated he did not want to move north.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]I want a manager who will provide growth and stability for the next 3-5 years, not just the next next 6 months, and this appears a fella who has quietly gone about things the right way.
    Felt that about Parky, would be happy with Howe on the same basis - but since the Parky sacking was attributed to a five game dip in form, this presumably isn't the basis the new owners are working too.
  • I think with Howe got to try and keep an open mind
    do people not agree ! when Lambert took over at Norwich - he didn't achive much before that and he has turned out a good appointment !
    Weather it's Howe or anyone else lets try and keep open minded
    CAFC !!
  • As I've previously said I'd happily write this season off in favour of getting the right man in (who I believe Eddie Howe to be) and then letting him start building a team ready for automatic promotion next season.

    And a chance to do the double over Palace too!
  • Breaking News - He's turned up at Bournemouth training as normal. My source at the Crodon Advertiser says he's staying put.
    You heard it here first.
  • He was taking training this morning and has a meeting with their chairman this afternoon as he tries to convince him to stay.

    It's 50-50 right now.

    From my understanding of the situation there is more going on at bournemouth than is publicly out there and perhaps Eddie feels they are holding him back.

    I think If he comes and given the correct support from our Club both Financially and moraly Eddie Howe will be a huge coup for us.

    J i do understand the point but if we dont get Howe then i fear more than if we do.

    Right move for a club trying to grow to get a man who can grow with it Ala curbs when he started

    it all seems to fit really well to people who have a plan.

    Was Pep Gaurdiola the wrong choice for Barca what had he done? how young was he?and his task was huge going into Barca

    We are Charlton in the 3rd division having a man who can grow Charlton into his domain his club like he has Bournemouth would show me that this Board are serious about the rebuilding and doing it the right way.

    And That Eddie Howe knows and understands the ambition and wants to try it himself.

    Poyet wont leave Brighton because not only is he loyal but he can see the long term vision, new stadia increased crowds more money, he proberly can see the same with us in the long term views from TJ/MS but thats where the loyalty kicks in

    we need someone hungry, someone able to have vision, someone able to undetstand we want to watch football not hoofball, Someone here for the long haul

    If it cant be Poyet then Eddie Howe is a great 2nd
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  • I don't think that the board will be expecting guaranteed promotion, it would be 100% bonkers if that's what they asked for. Desirable obviously, essential no.
  • Any new man must have the aim to get promotion. Otherwise there was very little point in sacking Parky.

    If it is Howe hopefully he'll have an impact, our players under Parky we're normally a hard side to beat (Swindon and Brighton aside this season) so the basis is there, it's up the other end where we have come up short in creating chances etc. He'll also be given some money to spend in January.

    He obviously loves Bournemouth so if he decides to stay I won't be surprised.
  • Anyone else think this is starting to become a little messy. Wise, Hoddle, Clarke, Poyet, Zola all seem to now be out of the frame(if indeed they were ever in it) and looking at the most recent posts, Howe as well. Oh well, I'm sure the new owners know what they are doing.
  • [cite]Posted By: stilladdicted[/cite]I don't think that the board will be expecting guaranteed promotion, it would be 100% bonkers if that's what they asked for. Desirable obviously, essential no.

    I agree.

    It's a "nice to have" but shouldn't be regarded as a necessity. That's for next season
  • edited January 2011
    Strange how suddenly promotion isn't important whereas when Parky was manager it was imperative.

    Some people seem to want it both ways!
  • edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: stilladdicted[/cite]I don't think that the board will be expecting guaranteed promotion, it would be 100% bonkers if that's what they asked for. Desirable obviously, essential no.

    If that is true, then there wasn't much point in getting rid of Parkinson.

    I supported his sacking on the basis that the new owners were determined to bring in someone who would deliver promotion come next May.

    If they are prepared to suffer a third season in div three, then I would change my view over the sacking and say that Parkinson should have been given until the end of the season. Otherwise , what was the point?

    However, I'm pretty sure when J&S interview for the job, one of their lead questions will be , ''Can you deliver us promotion?'' Those who say ''may be'' or ''I'll try'' will be eliminated from the shortlist at that stage, IMO. The job will go to someone who has the self-confidence to tell them ''yes'' or, at the very least, ''yes, if you give me the money to bring in the right players.''
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Strange how suddenly promotion isn't important whereas when Parky was manager it was imperative.

    Some people seem to want it both ways!
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]He was taking training this morning and has a meeting with their chairman this afternoon as he tries to convince him to stay.

    It's 50-50 right now.

    From my understanding of the situation there is more going on at bournemouth than is publicly out there and perhaps Eddie feels they are holding him back.

    I think If he comes and given the correct support from our Club both Financially and moraly Eddie Howe will be a huge coup for us.

    J i do understand the point but if we dont get Howe then i fear more than if we do.

    Right move for a club trying to grow to get a man who can grow with it Ala curbs when he started

    it all seems to fit really well to people who have a plan.

    Was Pep Gaurdiola the wrong choice for Barca what had he done? how young was he?and his task was huge going into Barca

    We are Charlton in the 3rd division having a man who can grow Charlton into his domain his club like he has Bournemouth would show me that this Board are serious about the rebuilding and doing it the right way.

    And That Eddie Howe knows and understands the ambition and wants to try it himself.

    Poyet wont leave Brighton because not only is he loyal but he can see the long term vision, new stadia increased crowds more money, he proberly can see the same with us in the long term views from TJ/MS but thats where the loyalty kicks in

    we need someone hungry, someone able to have vision, someone able to undetstand we want to watch football not hoofball, Someone here for the long haul

    If it cant be Poyet then Eddie Howe is a great 2nd

    dont care wont be happy ok he could do well done superb at bournemouth ,but we have higher expectation levels than bournemouth , he seems like a parky sort of manager to nicey nicey ,we need someone who is gonna take no shite he doesnt seem that way to me.
  • [cite]Posted By: mistrollingin[/cite]Anyone else think this is starting to become a little messy. Wise, Hoddle, Clarke, Poyet, Zola all seem to now be out of the frame(if indeed they were ever in it) and looking at the most recent posts, Howe as well. Oh well, I'm sure the new owners know what they are doing.

    It's messy because that's the media and the fans, and what the media nicks from fans forum comments with no substance. As you say "If indeed they were in it". We know nothing of what's going on.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: mistrollingin[/cite]Wise, Hoddle, Clarke, Poyet, Zola all seem to now be out of the frame(if indeed they were ever in it[/quote]

    But that's the point ... were they ever even in the frame? ... they have all been mentioned purely because of the Jiminez / Chelski link.
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