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and now in paris



  • Wow... This is crazy!
  • Bearing in mind they knew what car they were in etc I am surprised it has taken so long to find them
  • PL54 said:

    Bearing in mind they knew what car they were in etc I am surprised it has taken so long to find them

    Sounds like they abandoned their first car and jacked another one this morning.
  • Who's trying to find them? The Keystone cops?
  • I wonder where Queensland copied and pasted that from?
  • colthe3rd said:

    I wonder where Queensland copied and pasted that from?

  • edited January 2015
    Why would you bother living your life by a book that has so much hate in it anyway? I dont care if you just cherry pick the nice bits and leave the rest.

    Its like saying "Mein Kampf is my favourite book, I just leave out the racist bits and then its great!"....

    If weve moved on from the time the book was written, maybe we should just leave the whole book behind as well?
  • CAFCTrev said:

    Why would you bother living your life by a book that has so much hate in it anyway? I dont care if you just cherry pick the nice bits and leave the rest.

    Its like saying "Mein Kampf is my favourite book, I just leave out the racist bits and then its great!"....

    If weve moved on from the time the book was written, maybe we should just leave the whole book behind as well?

    Or: "The Bible is my favourite book, I just leave out the violent bits and then its great!"....
  • These people aren't living their lives by the book, they are using it as an excuse to terrorise innocent people.
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  • Chizz your in cloud cuckoo I am saying anyone who thinks that these events are OK and justifiable are as bad as the person who done it and to ensure that though don't go on to do the same, get rid of them

    It just seems like you're saying that the people who have used Facebook to express support of what has happened are wrong. (Of course, I agree with that). But you're also using a public forum to say they should be killed for having those views. ("Every person on that Facebook thread that enjoys or is supporting the shootings should be rounded up put on a tiny island and then have that island napalmd until it's clear of the vermin on it").

    Either you support free speech (in which case you have to put up with views you don't agree with), OR you don't support free speech (in which case, you can't use forums like this to call for people to be killed).
  • These people aren't living their lives by the book, they are using it as an excuse to terrorise innocent people.

    I would disagree, I would say that both Christianity and Islam has a lot of very very hate filled passages in their books. I would say they are living their life by the book. It is after all, the blasphemy against their prophet which has supposedly motivated them to do this.

    I really don't like people who jump on an anti Islam bandwagon etc when things like these happen, but there are genuinely horrible things written in these books.

    Having said that, they are also using it as an excuse to terrorise innocent people.
  • It looks like they French armed forces have corralled the suspects and are entering the denouement of this horrible story. Let's hope this finishes soon, with no more loss of life. And let's hope the French don't cut a deal that enables the perpetrators to walk away.
  • Religious people need to look at what they are truly worshipping. As far as i'm concerned there is no such thing as 'moderate christians/muslims/other' - they are simply people not following their religion correctly.
  • Chizz said:

    It looks like they French armed forces have corralled the suspects and are entering the denouement of this horrible story. Let's hope this finishes soon, with no more loss of life. And let's hope the French don't cut a deal that enables the perpetrators to walk away.

    Lol. Yeah, that'll happen.
  • Chizz said:

    It looks like they French armed forces have corralled the suspects and are entering the denouement of this horrible story. Let's hope this finishes soon, with no more loss of life. And let's hope the French don't cut a deal that enables the perpetrators to walk away.

    this isn't an episode of The Wire
  • I believe in free speech as long as the free speech is not glorified or people getting gratification at the loss of life to others in atrocities like this one

    Anyone who believes that what happens in the name of any religion that causes harm and loss of life is a good thing are not the sort of person that deserves the right to have free speech in a democracy as they give out the impression that these murderers are right and that they woukd do the same if needed

    Free speech shouldn't cost life,

    The wars we enter under the governments who lead us are not right and I won't ever say that those who die are just and good riddance I would rather the pen be mighty and the sword be weak and they get resolution around a table

    As a species we have learnt nothing from our past and in fact we are in a more dangerous world than ever

  • edited January 2015

    I believe in free speech as long as the free speech is not glorified or people getting gratification at the loss of life to others in atrocities like this one

    Anyone who believes that what happens in the name of any religion that causes harm and loss of life is a good thing are not the sort of person that deserves the right to have free speech in a democracy as they give out the impression that these murderers are right and that they woukd do the same if needed

    Free speech shouldn't cost life,

    The wars we enter under the governments who lead us are not right and I won't ever say that those who die are just and good riddance I would rather the pen be mighty and the sword be weak and they get resolution around a table

    As a species we have learnt nothing from our past and in fact we are in a more dangerous world than ever

    Freedom of speech means basically you are free to say whatever you like, but just because youre free to say it doesnt make what you say right, morally or factually. Freedom of speech also means you need to be prepared to have ppl disagreeing with you, as they have the same right. That definitely doesnt mean you should kill them for disagreeing with you.

    Essentially its "some ppl dont share your views, get over it...."
  • But anyone who disagrees that the killing of people in the manor in which we witnessed is anything other than disgusting and totally unacceptable are not really people of a civilised society and there for shouldn't have the freedom of that view as it means they are capable of doing those same crimes imo
  • But anyone who disagrees that the killing of people in the manor in which we witnessed is anything other than disgusting and totally unacceptable are not really people of a civilised society and there for shouldn't have the freedom of that view as it means they are capable of doing those same crimes imo

    "I believe in free speech as long as it's restricted speech"
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  • I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the free speech point but I assume those disagreeing with nla, agree with Loco.

    It's a tough one, that's for sure.
  • The gunmen have reportedly said they want to go out as martyrs.

    French media reporting that the man who killed the policewoman yesterday is connected to these two. Worrying for the people of Paris that he still hasn't been located.
  • But anyone who disagrees that the killing of people in the manor in which we witnessed is anything other than disgusting and totally unacceptable are not really people of a civilised society and there for shouldn't have the freedom of that view as it means they are capable of doing those same crimes imo

    Well Hitler was free to tell ppl that he didnt like jews, if you want freedom of speech you have to accept that views will be expressed that are morally wrong. As long as there are plenty of moral and just ppl telling him hes wrong (because they are free to do so) ppl like that will be prevented from acting on their views.
  • Worryingly this is terrorism in 2015 and it will reach here of that I am certain
  • Free speech is free speech. Your free speech entitles you to voice your approval or displeasure, it doesn't come with stipulations.
  • It will no doubt return one of these days, it's purely when not if.
  • Worryingly this is terrorism in 2015 and it will reach here of that I am certain

    The head of MI5 pretty much confirmed as much yesterday NLA.

    It's inevitable that someone will slip through the net at some point unfortunately.
  • Worryingly this is terrorism in 2015 and it will reach here of that I am certain

    It did, 7/7...
  • But anyone who disagrees that the killing of people in the manor in which we witnessed is anything other than disgusting and totally unacceptable are not really people of a civilised society and there for shouldn't have the freedom of that view as it means they are capable of doing those same crimes imo

    "I believe in free speech as long as it's restricted speech"
    Tbf free speech in the UK is restricted.
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