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Fans / Club meeting tonight



  • 'Foreign players need time to settle in' - Richard Murray.

    'Diawara is supposed to be the best centre half you've never heard of' - Richard Murray.

    Diawara would walk into this team
  • I think, Rikofold, you did get the balance of assertiveness right but was surprised that the regime wasnt challenged more forcefully about the constant change of managers. That might have been the time to enlist jj to say[if he dared] what effect that has on the players.
    Whilst all voices were of equal value i'm not sure that included syd who seemed like a decent old bloke you would avoid down the pub.The disability issue really is a matter for fans forum and whilst I had never heard about it before appeared very clear "if you cant do the stairs you cant sit at the top of the stand".
    I think you dealt well at the end with the fact that the protest was as a result of the shortcomings of the board and may well continue if things dont improve.
  • Essex_Al said:

    I'd rather gone into administration. At least I'd have the Charlton I love back. Never been disconnected from my club

    If we had gone into administration, we may not have had a Charlton to get back!

    Obviously I wouldn't of wanted us to go in to admin but how many teams actually fold after going into administration ?

    Didn't do palace or Southampton any harm. They became more attractive club to buy
  • Has our attendance actually increased then?!

    She says it's been improvement on last season, season ticket sales.

    Find that very hard to believe but I'm not the one with the facts and figures.
  • Yeah that didn't sit right with me. She said 1,000 new season tickets. Is that an overall increase or is that just new supporters that didn't have one before. Does that figure take into account those that didn't renew. I didn't renew my 3.
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  • Essex_Al said:

    Yes, I know people have genuine grievances, but there is currently something distinctly unsavoury about this BB and indeed others. Add to that the embarrassment I felt watching and listening to protesters on Saturday. No problems with "Roland Out", "Miere Out", but when it dropped to gutter level with references to where one might stick the sofa I thought "I'm Off". Add to that the overtly racist anti-Belgian chants and I thought this lot are losing the plot. It had hints of a lynch mob. I've been through thick and thin (more thin than thick, I might add) with Charlton, having followed them loyally for 52 years at all three of their home grounds and I have actively fought many just causes on the fans' behalf, but somehow, the behaviour I witnessed on Saturday, and what I am seeing repeated on many BBs, doesn't quite square with reality. Yes, communications have been poor. No, I don't think Katrien is guilty of deliberately lying, just guilty of being the proverbial "meat in the sandwich". I'm sure Roland has undermined her on more than one occasion and will do so again. I don't think it matters one iota whether it's Katrien or a Varney who is the CEO, ultimately the power resides across the water. For her own peace of mind she may well walk, but her successor will be similarly neutered. Ultimately discontent correlates with results on the pitch. Go on a winning run and play excellent football (which for the first time this season we did on Saturday) and discontent simply evaporates. Return to losing ways and the clamour will return and intensify. All well and good, but where is the Plan B for the board's detractors? Who is going to take over and why? It's my understanding that buyers are currently few and far between at the moment (there are several clubs up for sale, many of which are more attractive than Charlton), so it might be a long time before Roland is dislodged. For all of his faults (and there are many) he has at least kept the club afloat and for that alone I'm grateful, having seen us first hand flirt with extinction in the High Court (saved with 30 minutes to go). I'm sure my views will go down like a lead balloon with many of you, but at least I know I'm not alone in thinking this way. Call us the "silent majority".

    One of the best posts I have seen on here for some time and echo's my thought's entirely.

    We all know that things have not gone smoothly since RD took us over, but he's still here and continually funding our losses. However people want to spin it, we were in deep shit with the spivs and almost certainly would have gone into administration without RD.

    I think dialogue is the way forward and it appears that KM is now willing to engage. As above it made me cringe to see our so called fans giving wanker signs and shouting obscenities to KM. I would love to know how those people would feel if the same was done to their girlfriend/wife/sister/mum by a group of yobs in the street?

    I can't believe some of the vitriol spouted on here over the past few weeks. I for one are glad to be one of the silent majority!
    I take it you are on a wind up with the third paragraph.
    Why would I be?

    I take it you condone those actions then?

  • Essex_Al said:

    I'd rather gone into administration. At least I'd have the Charlton I love back. Never been disconnected from my club

    If we had gone into administration, we may not have had a Charlton to get back!

    Obviously I wouldn't of wanted us to go in to admin but how many teams actually fold after going into administration ?

    Didn't do palace or Southampton any harm. They became more attractive club to buy
    Yes and Charlton fans are first to remind Palace fans that they went into admin and didn't pay all the local businesses who obviously suffered at the hands of Palace then being brought out cheaply!
  • edited November 2015
    Amazed that the new comms manager is not going to be in place till February?
    Having agreed that communication or the lack of it was one of the issues going forward, I would have thought that
    was a major issue. This should have been an immediate priority when KM came to the club, especially when Matt Wright and Jimmy Stone left.
    In fact Jimmy reminded me on Saturday that he Matt was not here when Roland came...... Why has this been allowed to drag on for so long.?
    Frankly astonished that Ollie can do so much as he does. Even Km remarked on it in the video.
  • Watched the meeting on the ipad last night even my Mrs who has no interest or clue about football/charlton commented that KM is crap and never actually really answers the question.

  • edited November 2015

    Amazed that the new comms manager is not going to be in place till February?
    Having agreed that communication or the lack of it was one of the issues going forward, I would have thought that
    was a major issue. This should have been an immediate priority when KM came to the club, especially when Matt Wright and Jimmy Stone left.
    In fact Jimmy reminded me on Saturday that he Matt was not here when Roland came...... Why has this been allowed to drag on for so long.?
    Frankly astonished that Ollie can do so much as he does. Even Km remarked on it in the video.

    Is 3 months notice (or even 6) that peculiar ?

    Perhaps they should get an interim in.....
  • Didn't Roly hire a group wide head of coms? WTF has he been doing all this time
  • Didn't Roly hire a group wide head of coms? WTF has he been doing all this time

    Probably been on a course to learn how to swallow their pride and talk corporate bullshit
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  • cafctom said:

    this fanbase is TOO BLOODY NICE for any real changes to occur.

    100% correct.

    I don't doubt that Murray used this as a selling point to Roland when he enquired about buying us.
  • PL54 said:

    Amazed that the new comms manager is not going to be in place till February?
    Having agreed that communication or the lack of it was one of the issues going forward, I would have thought that
    was a major issue. This should have been an immediate priority when KM came to the club, especially when Matt Wright and Jimmy Stone left.
    In fact Jimmy reminded me on Saturday that he Matt was not here when Roland came...... Why has this been allowed to drag on for so long.?
    Frankly astonished that Ollie can do so much as he does. Even Km remarked on it in the video.

    Is 3 months notice (or even 6) that peculiar ?

    Perhaps they should get an interim in.....
    No issue with someone having a notice period, but that can often be agreed., unless they are coming from a rival football club, does not seem to have been an issue with Jimmy Stone going to Westham does it!. The issue was why KM did not get someone in when she arrived, and allowed the matter to continue, neither a good use of your existing staff or fair to be honest.
    I am sure there could have been an interim person, after all the 'pitch side romp video' was outsourced, was it not?. Why launch the new so called ' better future then' without someone heading this? Is that not a key platform for the comms manager?
    After all this was one of her main presentation points in the opening presentation was it not?
    After all she is ultimately 'in charge of comms', but in fairness being new to the club she would have wanted to know the business more, there was nothing to stop her getting in an able person, or even a consultant to do this. Perhaps she did?
    If so why not communicate it..........
  • edited November 2015
    Curb_It said:

    Anyway the way forward I believe is those that want to seek further conversation with the Board do and those that want to protest do. And make sure the protests get louder and louder, as it clearly rattled them. Perhaps leaving aside hand gestures as you look a bit of a nob doing that.

    Yep, I think that's the only thing we can do now. Louder and louder and different types of action imo.

    Although two more wins and it'll be the majority of Charlton fans giving hand gestures to and abusing the protesters.

  • A turn round in results and only a hardened few will continue Imo
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Roland Out Forever!