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Fans / Club meeting tonight



  • Just received an e-mail from the Club after some serious chasing up and contacting different angles (quite unbelievably) and at the bottom of their response was this attached;

  • Just received an e-mail from the Club after some serious chasing up and contacting different angles (quite unbelievably) and at the bottom of their response was this attached;


    not showing up here sorry
  • I've pulled my thoughts into one article at - Mutually Assured Incomprehension.

    Absolute gem of an article. Well put Rick. Very good.
  • Just finished watching. Definitely should have been pushed on the fact we've spent £9m on rubbish. And if only Katrien would just admit mistakes have been made in the past.

    Certain points where a question was asked such as 'what are you going to to about that' and they responded with 'what would you do' or 'what would you like us to do' was met with silence. Why didn't anyone tell them what we want them to do? (Apart from fuck off)
  • I've pulled my thoughts into one article at - Mutually Assured Incomprehension.

    Excellent take on it, Rick.
  • My feeling after that video is that KM's tenure here may not be that long lasting. I get the feeling she might be moved in a sideways promotion somewhere else.
    Because I honestly do not think it was a very impressive performance from her. I actually wanted it to be. It may well have been a tough meeting to face, but that goes with the territory of the job. Personally, I think highlighting the personal abuse issue was ill judged, I think she would have been much better advised to dismiss it for what it is. I also think trying to proclaim 5 managers in 2 years as progress was a ludicrous decision, when it is clearly evidence of failure to appoint the right person for the job.

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  • Essex_Al said:

    Essex_Al said:

    Yes, I know people have genuine grievances, but there is currently something distinctly unsavoury about this BB and indeed others. Add to that the embarrassment I felt watching and listening to protesters on Saturday. No problems with "Roland Out", "Miere Out", but when it dropped to gutter level with references to where one might stick the sofa I thought "I'm Off". Add to that the overtly racist anti-Belgian chants and I thought this lot are losing the plot. It had hints of a lynch mob. I've been through thick and thin (more thin than thick, I might add) with Charlton, having followed them loyally for 52 years at all three of their home grounds and I have actively fought many just causes on the fans' behalf, but somehow, the behaviour I witnessed on Saturday, and what I am seeing repeated on many BBs, doesn't quite square with reality. Yes, communications have been poor. No, I don't think Katrien is guilty of deliberately lying, just guilty of being the proverbial "meat in the sandwich". I'm sure Roland has undermined her on more than one occasion and will do so again. I don't think it matters one iota whether it's Katrien or a Varney who is the CEO, ultimately the power resides across the water. For her own peace of mind she may well walk, but her successor will be similarly neutered. Ultimately discontent correlates with results on the pitch. Go on a winning run and play excellent football (which for the first time this season we did on Saturday) and discontent simply evaporates. Return to losing ways and the clamour will return and intensify. All well and good, but where is the Plan B for the board's detractors? Who is going to take over and why? It's my understanding that buyers are currently few and far between at the moment (there are several clubs up for sale, many of which are more attractive than Charlton), so it might be a long time before Roland is dislodged. For all of his faults (and there are many) he has at least kept the club afloat and for that alone I'm grateful, having seen us first hand flirt with extinction in the High Court (saved with 30 minutes to go). I'm sure my views will go down like a lead balloon with many of you, but at least I know I'm not alone in thinking this way. Call us the "silent majority".

    One of the best posts I have seen on here for some time and echo's my thought's entirely.

    We all know that things have not gone smoothly since RD took us over, but he's still here and continually funding our losses. However people want to spin it, we were in deep shit with the spivs and almost certainly would have gone into administration without RD.

    I think dialogue is the way forward and it appears that KM is now willing to engage. As above it made me cringe to see our so called fans giving wanker signs and shouting obscenities to KM. I would love to know how those people would feel if the same was done to their girlfriend/wife/sister/mum by a group of yobs in the street?

    I can't believe some of the vitriol spouted on here over the past few weeks. I for one are glad to be one of the silent majority!
    I take it you are on a wind up with the third paragraph.
    Why would I be?

    I take it you condone those actions then?
    You strike me with your comments as being very pro the regime.

    The woman is fair game for flak quite frankly after the total disregard for the supporters. She opens her mouth and words come out.

    Can you not see that this club is falling apart and she needs to be accountable for this, forget all the cobblers blaming everything on Duchatelet, squirrel face cannot be immune to criticism.

    Who do you think runs things on a Monday-Friday, or do you think she is on the phone 24/7 to Duchatelet getting instructions.

    But to make you laugh and feel as you are winning the joust, I will contradict myself by saying that in life violence is never the answer.
  • rikofold said:

    Well that was a jolly "talking shop" with lots of first-name use, bonhomie ("tell us about the goal Jacko") and not a lot of substance. The presentation was there to be picked at, for instance "please outline the key objectives over the next five years that will help us meet the strategic targets you have outlined", but all we seemed to get was a glut of questions focusing on operational stuff and things that had obviously been done to death on previous fans' forums. Later there were opportunities to ask about whether £9m on transfers, compared to £1.1m, was reflected on the team's performance and also getting Murray's view on Duchalet's judge of character bearing in mind that his comment about the key relationship in a football club being between the owner and the manager, the former needing to have implicit trust in the latter. Duchalet has sacked three guys he has picked in the last 18 months. Also, If you are going to a meeting with prepared questions, always have a follow-up. The panel was let off the hook on a number of occasions, for instance the initial question about access to the QPR game was allowed to die a death.

    In my view the guy that opened from the fans' side of the table set the wrong tone by outlining how the meeting would be run and then asking Katrien what she felt were the fans' main issues. Just tell her. Finally, there were clearly people there with individual agendas, namely; " the Crossbars fiasco has turned my footballing life upside down". Ok, but not for this forum. And then we had "VIPs feel disenfranchised and the club should do something for them". Bollocks, I was a VIP once, felt it was a good deal, was happy to sign-up to it and didn't expect anything once it had concluded.

    The upshot was that the panel was never ruffled, one guy said absolutely nothing, Katrien had an easy ride and kept a smile on her face and Murray just sat there playing with his phone. I wasn't there on the night or involved in the process so can't comment on how the fans' side of things was organised and prepared but feel that this was a massive opportunity that was wasted.

    The opening question was specifically designed to tell us if the club was able to articulate what the problem was. KM repeated her opening thought that it was all about not knowing the strategy, and RM twice avoided the question entirely.

    You may disagree, but I think that's hugely significant. If you cannot define a problem, it makes it pretty tricky to solve it and pretty tricky to be sure it's still solved later on. To me what it betrayed is that they genuinely didn't know the answer, and that speaks of a team trying desperately to be understood but giving nowhere near enough energy to seeking to understand. No wonder supporters feel disenfranchised.

    Leaving the soft stuff to one side, if you're running a business and don't know your market you are likely to fail.
    We, as fans, are the ones telling them that there are major problems. Not the other way around.

    From the off that question set the tone that it was going to be too nicey nicey without anyone willing to properly ruffle any feathers. Sorry.
  • Good post razil, but, increasing the budget just means they have to increase the incomings (sales of players and ticket sales) or cut the budget elsewhere, as they have been doing, to increase the on-field/coaching budget. In essence increasing the budget will do nothing but increase their 'factory size'.
  • edited November 2015
    cafctom said:

    rikofold said:

    Well that was a jolly "talking shop" with lots of first-name use, bonhomie ("tell us about the goal Jacko") and not a lot of substance. The presentation was there to be picked at, for instance "please outline the key objectives over the next five years that will help us meet the strategic targets you have outlined", but all we seemed to get was a glut of questions focusing on operational stuff and things that had obviously been done to death on previous fans' forums. Later there were opportunities to ask about whether £9m on transfers, compared to £1.1m, was reflected on the team's performance and also getting Murray's view on Duchalet's judge of character bearing in mind that his comment about the key relationship in a football club being between the owner and the manager, the former needing to have implicit trust in the latter. Duchalet has sacked three guys he has picked in the last 18 months. Also, If you are going to a meeting with prepared questions, always have a follow-up. The panel was let off the hook on a number of occasions, for instance the initial question about access to the QPR game was allowed to die a death.

    In my view the guy that opened from the fans' side of the table set the wrong tone by outlining how the meeting would be run and then asking Katrien what she felt were the fans' main issues. Just tell her. Finally, there were clearly people there with individual agendas, namely; " the Crossbars fiasco has turned my footballing life upside down". Ok, but not for this forum. And then we had "VIPs feel disenfranchised and the club should do something for them". Bollocks, I was a VIP once, felt it was a good deal, was happy to sign-up to it and didn't expect anything once it had concluded.

    The upshot was that the panel was never ruffled, one guy said absolutely nothing, Katrien had an easy ride and kept a smile on her face and Murray just sat there playing with his phone. I wasn't there on the night or involved in the process so can't comment on how the fans' side of things was organised and prepared but feel that this was a massive opportunity that was wasted.

    The opening question was specifically designed to tell us if the club was able to articulate what the problem was. KM repeated her opening thought that it was all about not knowing the strategy, and RM twice avoided the question entirely.

    You may disagree, but I think that's hugely significant. If you cannot define a problem, it makes it pretty tricky to solve it and pretty tricky to be sure it's still solved later on. To me what it betrayed is that they genuinely didn't know the answer, and that speaks of a team trying desperately to be understood but giving nowhere near enough energy to seeking to understand. No wonder supporters feel disenfranchised.

    Leaving the soft stuff to one side, if you're running a business and don't know your market you are likely to fail.
    We, as fans, are the ones telling them that there are major problems. Not the other way around.

    From the off that question set the tone that it was going to be too nicey nicey without anyone willing to properly ruffle any feathers. Sorry.
    No way to run a business - I appreciate your view, we'll agree to disagree.
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  • razil said:

    In my view the reason the questioning wasnt as strong as it could have been was due the deliberate divide and rule strategy of structuring the meeting the way it was, watering down with randoms, adding the fans forum which is 99% concerned with operational issues like VE, potholes, tickets etc to divert from the bigger strategic questions. Altho i think they still did a reasonable job despite that.

    think you are doing the FF members a big dis-service there, do they not have other concerns as well?
  • edited November 2015
    Watched the whole video last night.

    Katrien or Katreen tries to look like the wounded young girl too much, but made some good points. She was quite rude to Sid.

    Murray made some good points.

    I love Steve Avory, my old P.E teacher don't you know.

    Jackson looked bored stiff most of it.

    Mick was brilliant, no nonsense straight to the point.

    Not sure who the little fella on the end was but he wasn't inspiring confidence.

    Too many fans seem to think the behaviour during the protests was acceptable. It wasn't.

    Sadly the club doesnt understand we were pushed to breaking point and thus protests were inevitable.

    I agree the personal attacks etc were threatening and cruel but far worse, that people defend that behaviour... Charlton Athletic Choice TV for example.

    Charlton life got tons of mentions... Whilst other pretenders got none.

  • rikofold said:

    Well that was a jolly "talking shop" with lots of first-name use, bonhomie ("tell us about the goal Jacko") and not a lot of substance. The presentation was there to be picked at, for instance "please outline the key objectives over the next five years that will help us meet the strategic targets you have outlined", but all we seemed to get was a glut of questions focusing on operational stuff and things that had obviously been done to death on previous fans' forums. Later there were opportunities to ask about whether £9m on transfers, compared to £1.1m, was reflected on the team's performance and also getting Murray's view on Duchalet's judge of character bearing in mind that his comment about the key relationship in a football club being between the owner and the manager, the former needing to have implicit trust in the latter. Duchalet has sacked three guys he has picked in the last 18 months. Also, If you are going to a meeting with prepared questions, always have a follow-up. The panel was let off the hook on a number of occasions, for instance the initial question about access to the QPR game was allowed to die a death.

    In my view the guy that opened from the fans' side of the table set the wrong tone by outlining how the meeting would be run and then asking Katrien what she felt were the fans' main issues. Just tell her. Finally, there were clearly people there with individual agendas, namely; " the Crossbars fiasco has turned my footballing life upside down". Ok, but not for this forum. And then we had "VIPs feel disenfranchised and the club should do something for them". Bollocks, I was a VIP once, felt it was a good deal, was happy to sign-up to it and didn't expect anything once it had concluded.

    The upshot was that the panel was never ruffled, one guy said absolutely nothing, Katrien had an easy ride and kept a smile on her face and Murray just sat there playing with his phone. I wasn't there on the night or involved in the process so can't comment on how the fans' side of things was organised and prepared but feel that this was a massive opportunity that was wasted.

    The opening question was specifically designed to tell us if the club was able to articulate what the problem was. KM repeated her opening thought that it was all about not knowing the strategy, and RM twice avoided the question entirely.

    You may disagree, but I think that's hugely significant. If you cannot define a problem, it makes it pretty tricky to solve it and pretty tricky to be sure it's still solved later on. To me what it betrayed is that they genuinely didn't know the answer, and that speaks of a team trying desperately to be understood but giving nowhere near enough energy to seeking to understand. No wonder supporters feel disenfranchised.

    Leaving the soft stuff to one side, if you're running a business and don't know your market you are likely to fail.
    We'll have to agree to disagree here. It's a weak question to ask because a smart person wouldn't have answered it. Why risk bringing issues to the table that others may not of thought of? We should have had a focused meeting targeting the key issues and demanding answers but it never happened.
  • Watched the meeting on the ipad last night even my Mrs who has no interest or clue about football/charlton commented that KM is crap and never actually really answers the question.

    My Mrs said exactly the same thing.
  • cafctom said:

    rikofold said:

    cafctom said:

    rikofold said:

    Well that was a jolly "talking shop" with lots of first-name use, bonhomie ("tell us about the goal Jacko") and not a lot of substance. The presentation was there to be picked at, for instance "please outline the key objectives over the next five years that will help us meet the strategic targets you have outlined", but all we seemed to get was a glut of questions focusing on operational stuff and things that had obviously been done to death on previous fans' forums. Later there were opportunities to ask about whether £9m on transfers, compared to £1.1m, was reflected on the team's performance and also getting Murray's view on Duchalet's judge of character bearing in mind that his comment about the key relationship in a football club being between the owner and the manager, the former needing to have implicit trust in the latter. Duchalet has sacked three guys he has picked in the last 18 months. Also, If you are going to a meeting with prepared questions, always have a follow-up. The panel was let off the hook on a number of occasions, for instance the initial question about access to the QPR game was allowed to die a death.

    In my view the guy that opened from the fans' side of the table set the wrong tone by outlining how the meeting would be run and then asking Katrien what she felt were the fans' main issues. Just tell her. Finally, there were clearly people there with individual agendas, namely; " the Crossbars fiasco has turned my footballing life upside down". Ok, but not for this forum. And then we had "VIPs feel disenfranchised and the club should do something for them". Bollocks, I was a VIP once, felt it was a good deal, was happy to sign-up to it and didn't expect anything once it had concluded.

    The upshot was that the panel was never ruffled, one guy said absolutely nothing, Katrien had an easy ride and kept a smile on her face and Murray just sat there playing with his phone. I wasn't there on the night or involved in the process so can't comment on how the fans' side of things was organised and prepared but feel that this was a massive opportunity that was wasted.

    The opening question was specifically designed to tell us if the club was able to articulate what the problem was. KM repeated her opening thought that it was all about not knowing the strategy, and RM twice avoided the question entirely.

    You may disagree, but I think that's hugely significant. If you cannot define a problem, it makes it pretty tricky to solve it and pretty tricky to be sure it's still solved later on. To me what it betrayed is that they genuinely didn't know the answer, and that speaks of a team trying desperately to be understood but giving nowhere near enough energy to seeking to understand. No wonder supporters feel disenfranchised.

    Leaving the soft stuff to one side, if you're running a business and don't know your market you are likely to fail.
    We, as fans, are the ones telling them that there are major problems. Not the other way around.

    From the off that question set the tone that it was going to be too nicey nicey without anyone willing to properly ruffle any feathers. Sorry.
    No way to run a business - I appreciate your view, we'll agree to disagree.
    We're not running a business, we are questioning those who are supposedly running one and are meant to be letting them know how we feel and getting their explanations for it.

    Again, this whole 'communication' obsession has just led us to into trying too hard to win them over - it is not going to happen.
    I'll say it one more time. The question was aimed at understanding whether the issue was one of the club not understanding the problem. It was informative in that we learned they didn't really understand it. We took opportunity to help them understand the issue as a result of discovering that.

    But more to the point, it explains why their 'solutions' haven't worked for people - it's because they're applying an aspirin to a cut.
  • The one good thing to come out out this is we have learned that we have an abundance of wannabe Paxmans and QCs waiting in the wings for when the next meeting occurs.

    Hope someone is jotting down all the names of those whose only real comments on what is going wrong at Charlton is that some fans in a difficult situation didn't deliver enough hammer blows that they would have done.

    I also think that we are also seeing a gap between the general feeling on here and other fans who do not come on here. My dad occasionally reads this site but would never post, and he tends to read the game related threads and stuff do with the team, ie transfers etc. I don't think he was aware of the general feeling of discontent and obviously the regular posters on here are talking about it everyday, reading one another's comments etc.

    So generally speaking we (regular CL posters) might have more of a stronger opinion on what needs to be said to KM given (I would say generally negative) feeling on here, but one of the invited fans who doesn't come on here, wouldn't have perhaps sensed or even agreed with the general opinion of those upset.

    It's what makes this whole situation and process actually an incredibly difficult thing to manage and probably why KM got the easier ride than she might've been expecting. Someone earlier referenced what they thought were inane questions about Valley Express, but to others this was the opportunity to talk about that.

    I am just interested to see what happens if we win at Brum and how that will affect the Ipswich game.
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Roland Out Forever!