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How do the fans get behind the Varney initative?



  • How much would it cost to buy Charlton?
    And how much would RD be willing to sell for?
  • Valley11 said:

    How much would it cost to buy Charlton?
    And how much would RD be willing to sell for?

    Depends how many horses heads are involved.
  • Valley11 said:

    How much would it cost to buy Charlton?
    And how much would RD be willing to sell for?

    £15 to £25m would be my guestimate on a fair price in this division.

    How much he would sell it for at all I haven't got a clue.

  • Valley11 said:

    How much would it cost to buy Charlton?
    And how much would RD be willing to sell for?

    £15 to £25m would be my guestimate on a fair price in this division.

    How much he would sell it for at all I haven't got a clue.

    Does that figure include the £7m to Murray?
  • Valley11 said:

    How much would it cost to buy Charlton?
    And how much would RD be willing to sell for?

    We just need 30,000 people to put in £1000 each and we'll have bought the club.

    After that, I don't know how we'd survive...
  • I can't for the life of me see any evidence that RM has been influential in blocking the proposed meeting. Have I missed it, or is this simply conjecture?

    When all else is said though, isn't it a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling to have a tiny glimmer of hope that PV might rescue us from the Belgian torture circus!
  • edited December 2015
    The black and white scarfs have been a roaring success
    and as you say fanny, wave them around while singing the
    Varney and email songs.
    I admit now i went too far when i appeared as Al Johnson outside the west stand,
    I may have taken the Black and white theme too far.

  • Sponsored links:

  • The black and white scarfs have been a roaring success
    and as you say fanny, wave them around while singing the
    Varney and email songs.
    I admit now i went too far when i appeared as Al Johnson outside the west stand,
    I may have taken the Black and white theme too far.

    You ?

    Take things too far ?

    Never !

  • Valley11 said:

    How much would it cost to buy Charlton?
    And how much would RD be willing to sell for?

    £15 to £25m would be my guestimate on a fair price in this division.

    How much he would sell it for at all I haven't got a clue.

    Does that figure include the £7m to Murray?
    No, any buyer would have to take on that debt but it's only repayable when we return to the Prem or at least it is as things currently stand.

    And Murray is "only" owed £3m of that £7M. The rest is owed to other previous directors.

  • Has a copy of V.O.V. been sent to Roland?
  • This all reminds me a bit of when the Republicans on the Benghazzl committee were grilling Hilary Clinton about her emails and she had to politely remind them that a lot of important business/communication is not necessarily done by email.

    This is the first time you have made any sense. The important stuff is done face to face in what I like to call a meeting.

    That is correct, SHG. For similar reasons, neither Richard Murray nor Peter Varney are going to talk to the Trust about such a delicate matter if they think the Trust has to announce such meetings on CL and provide a running commentary on how such meetings went.

    and if you really want to make a "polite request " about the above to the Trust board, then you know where to find us easily enough. Doing this on a public CL thread doesn't look very polite to me, especially as it implies that we are all too thick to work out the role we could play here, without you suggesting it in a highly emotive couple of threads.
    Ouch ! I'm surprised by that curt response. The Trust Board have been conducting its business and commenting on posts and suggestions on this thread and others for days. Did my polite question touch a nerve.

    The statement issued by the trust a few days ago satisfied me but was not universally approved of. Perhaps people now think that the VOTV revelation is s turning point. Not everyone has the same access to Richard Murray as several of the Trust Board do. People are very angry that Richard Murray appears to have thwarted Varneys attempt to talk with Duchatelet and are very keen to know why. A good reason eludes me at this moment.

    Where did I suggest that you or others are to thick to realise you have a role to play in this tragedy ? Of course you do. I suggest that you get of the fence and exercise that role.

    I'm fairly confident RM isn't to keen to get his part in this spread all over CL but am confident that PV doesn't have a problem given the e mails he released to be published in a fanzine.

  • edited December 2015
    I know we are getting ahead of ourselves but Richard Murray
    would have more chance of getting the 3 to 7 million back if
    Peter Varney and his middle east connections took charge,
    Or is it that Murray when he falls out with someone;
    Say Simon Jordan for example, will make decisions more to do with his own ego than his own pocket, despite the impact this will have on the interests of CAFC ?
  • Sorry SHG but you are being obtuse on two fronts.

    If you are dissatisfied with the actions ( or perceived lack of them) of your former colleagues on the Trust Board, get on to them. Why do it here?

    Not the least of the reasons why you might want to do it " face to face" ( at least in net terms) is that then we might be able to share a bit more than we are able to do in public.

    And secondly re RM and PV, Airman is clearly implying that there is very bad blood between them. Mediation is called for. Mediation is never, ever conducted in front of a public audience. Especially one like this.
  • I know we are getting ahead of ourselves but Richard Murray
    would have more chance of getting the 3 to 7 million back if
    Peter Varney and his middle east connections took charge,
    Or is it that Murray when he falls out with someone;
    Say Simon Jordan for example, will make decisions more to do with his own ego than his own pocket, despite the impact this will have on the interests of CAFC ?

    I think you've answered your own question there @soapboxsam
  • Sorry SHG but you are being obtuse on two fronts.

    If you are dissatisfied with the actions ( or perceived lack of them) of your former colleagues on the Trust Board, get on to them. Why do it here?

    Not the least of the reasons why you might want to do it " face to face" ( at least in net terms) is that then we might be able to share a bit more than we are able to do in public.

    And secondly re RM and PV, Airman is clearly implying that there is very bad blood between them. Mediation is called for. Mediation is never, ever conducted in front of a public audience. Especially one like this.

    Ok I take your point but this is first and foremost a Charlton fans forum. Of course this revelation is going to be aired on here. I suppose it's lucky that CL is frequented by people like yourself providing easy and instant gratification for Trust related issues. I do know the fine line you walk but you can't run with the fox and hunt with the hounds.

    As for mediating between RM and PV. Do you really think that part of The Trust role ?

    I'm afraid this one won't go away and at some point the fan base is going to look at The Trust for leadership. I respect the position of waiting a bit longer but sooner or later people will look elsewhere if it isn't forthcoming.

  • TelMc32 said:

    I know we are getting ahead of ourselves but Richard Murray
    would have more chance of getting the 3 to 7 million back if
    Peter Varney and his middle east connections took charge,
    Or is it that Murray when he falls out with someone;
    Say Simon Jordan for example, will make decisions more to do with his own ego than his own pocket, despite the impact this will have on the interests of CAFC ?

    I think you've answered your own question there @soapboxsam
    Thanks Telmc32 and Redchaser for confirming it was a rhetorical question after all :smile:
  • edited December 2015
    Nug said:

    Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.

    If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.

    As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.

    peter Varney is an ex CEO of the club - one in a very successful period - that affords him attention surely. How he can be seen as any other Delboy is incredible, they could ask anybody and be told who he is! The problem is, they probably asked the wrong man - which they need to take blame for. A man who needs to go now with his head in shame. He has ruined all the good he has done and has become a pathetic disgrace. I hope he never sees a penny of his 7 million. He doesn't deserve it!
    There's about as much chance of him getting his £7 million back as there is of me becoming the next interim head coach....oh wait!
    are you Belgian?
    Cos that will deffo affect your chances.

    PS Can you also confirm you have no knowledge of Championship management?

    your application has been received. Please dont expect any meeting or response for 3 months
  • Sponsored links:

  • I know we are getting ahead of ourselves but Richard Murray
    would have more chance of getting the 3 to 7 million back if
    Peter Varney and his middle east connections took charge,
    Or is it that Murray when he falls out with someone;
    Say Simon Jordan for example, will make decisions more to do with his own ego than his own pocket, despite the impact this will have on the interests of CAFC ?

    How true , he appointed Dowie as a smack in the bollocks to Simon Jordan , gave Dowie a stack of money to spend on players and got rid of players who were 'Charlton' players , who knew what we were about I use to have a lot of time for Richard Murray but now he just part of this rotten regime
  • Has anyone tried to contact Peter Varney to see if we could do something similar to what rangers did a few years ago where we get enough people to give him to hold our season ticket money until we are happy with the state of the club and the direction. If we make this public enough sponsors and advertising would surely go down for the business.

    May be on to something there..
  • edited December 2015

    The black and white scarfs have been a roaring success
    and as you say fanny, wave them around while singing the
    Varney and email songs.
    I admit now i went too far when i appeared as Al Johnson outside the west stand,
    I may have taken the Black and white theme too far.

    Flags have to be the way forward.
    black and white flags - look much more impressive and passionate - must be cheap too.
  • Addickted said:

    I gave up on RM when he sold the shareholders down the river as part of the Slater/Jiminez deal.

    Everything he seems to have touched since then has been purely for RM, which is so disappointing. His treatment of his close associates in PV, SK as well as turning his back on so many people who helped him build his 'Empire' is disgraceful.

    His current sycophantic behaviour to RD and fawning knight in shining armour attitude for KM only reinforces my view.

    The release of the E Mails and PVs interview in VOTV is quite obviously the beginning of a serious move in galvanising supporters who feel disenfranchised. I'd lay money on the fact that this is an opening gambit by PV and his backers, using the conduit of VOTV.

    I don't expect Airman to divulge anything further - and I don't blame him, but the sum total of 5 columns in an A5 publication surely only scratches at the surface and lays the seeds for future revelations. I only hope that this doesn't mean PV and his backers have given up on direct contact with RD, otherwise they may have burnt their bridges - at least as far as KM is concerned.

    Because of the breakdown in his relationship with RM and thus KM, perhaps PV thinks this is a justified move and part of the long game. It would, after all, be superb timing considering our current predicament and the obvious frustrations from 'the 2%'. And you can't knock PV for his timing.

    My one big concern since the days of the 'G21' - of which I was one of the biggest critics - was if not RD, then who? I have continued down this line and tried to be a devils advocate, particularly with some of the opines of CAST Board members.

    The introduction of PV and his backers to the party, brings a whole new dimension to the situation. I hope it's more than a proposal for stadium rights.

    I can't wait for the next instalment and look forward to Airman's future postings on the subject.

    As Winnie said in November '42, “This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning.”

    Agree with all of that
  • well said Nick, I hope your right
  • Not personally close enough to know how many games being played ineptly here by either party.

    It remains clear that KM is currently displaying the behaviour that would be expected of a CEO. Not just in relation to this approach which appears sincere enough to either accept a meeting or to reject but also in almost every other area.

    Not even really acceptable performance from that expected of a 'puppet' CEO. Which is disappointing and, if I were in that role, I would be making efforts out of personal pride to do better. I would be extremely personally disappointed with my performance and it would be keeping me awake at nights.

  • For what it is worth, and I can't evidence this. I was led to understand almost two years ago that there was a desire to communicate with Roland regarding investment. This was even in the early days (by that I mean around the time of the Powell sacking), when the G21 was first (and for the only time as a one off it turns out) happening . I was led to believe that RM was a gatekeeper, and that he had heavy influence in giving the new regime advice as to who is who and what is what.
    There was an intimation that to get to Roland it would need to be through RM.

    As I have said I have no evidence for these historic suggestions, well until now when present events throw light on past mutterings.

    I spoke to one lifer yesterday at the match, who I believe was aware of the kind of stuff I was aware of two years ago, who assumed the VOTV revelations would be rather historic. Said person was surprised, as was I, that there has still been efforts to engage with Roland this year, indeed this season.

    I wrote only a few days ago that I thought outside interest in our club had dwindled away long ago, and the choice was only Roland and me winning Euromillions. The fascinating thing regarding the VOTV revelations for me, is how recent these reported events are.
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