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How do the fans get behind the Varney initative?



  • In any business the size of Charlton's you follow up any opportunities to increase revenue that present themselves. I think we are all intelligent enough to work that out despite what Red in SE8 wants to tell us. I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. If Peter Varney had written the e-mail to any other Championship club, he would have got his half hour meeting FFS. To suggest otherwise makes you look a right tool!

    If you think you could get a half hour meeting with the CEO of any championship club simply by e.mailing that you have a proposal it is you who is the Tool!
    If my family are tools we are bright shinny ones Sir David, and Peter are business people who are well respected for what they bring, if the current regime can't even listen to a proposal of investment which takes a small time out of your day what chance has our club got. All I can say is that Peters intentions have always been in the best interests of the Charlton FC which is more I can say for this current shambles.

  • In any business the size of Charlton's you follow up any opportunities to increase revenue that present themselves. I think we are all intelligent enough to work that out despite what Red in SE8 wants to tell us. I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. If Peter Varney had written the e-mail to any other Championship club, he would have got his half hour meeting FFS. To suggest otherwise makes you look a right tool!

    If you think you could get a half hour meeting with the CEO of any championship club simply by e.mailing that you have a proposal it is you who is the Tool!
    when you are also the CEO of a local football club that has serious financial backing like ebbsfleet it really is not unheard of. How else do you organise a meeting? Is there some kind of ritual you must do outside the valley to get a meeting? I can tell you're not that experienced with the corporate world.
    In my experience you organise/arrange the meeting by e.mail. The difficult part is getting people to agree to the meeting in the first place. In this case it seems that RD had agreed to the meeting. That is the hard part. The meeting has still not happened. Yet everyone is blaming, and fuming about the 27 year old glorified PA. If this is a serious proposal her presence and actions should be irrelevant.
    It's a view but one that I disagree with. You condemn an over reaction yet are happy to go along with the view that Miere is and I quote "a glorified PA".

    We are all quite rightly very pissed off with this women but apart from the insult value attached to calling her just a PA there is no real basis in truth or reality.

    She is, like it or not the clubs CEO and a qualified corporate lawyer. She obviously has the trust of the owner.

    In her role it will of course be her responsibility to filter the wheat from the chaff of speculative e mails from chancers, nutters and in Peter Varney's case from the serious business people. Some like an e mail from perhaps you, a serious yet minor enquiry can be dealt with by her or delegated and others like in this case from a former CEO of Charlton now acting as CEO for very seriously wealthy Kuwaiti businessmen. She is obliged with the latter to deal with that enquiry respectfully and pass the information up the chain.

    How she has got away with not arranging a meeting after RD has requested one is the issue. Not that she fields the numerous business proposals the club gets.

  • edited December 2015

    In any business the size of Charlton's you follow up any opportunities to increase revenue that present themselves. I think we are all intelligent enough to work that out despite what Red in SE8 wants to tell us. I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. If Peter Varney had written the e-mail to any other Championship club, he would have got his half hour meeting FFS. To suggest otherwise makes you look a right tool!

    If you think you could get a half hour meeting with the CEO of any championship club simply by e.mailing that you have a proposal it is you who is the Tool!
    when you are also the CEO of a local football club that has serious financial backing like ebbsfleet it really is not unheard of. How else do you organise a meeting? Is there some kind of ritual you must do outside the valley to get a meeting? I can tell you're not that experienced with the corporate world.
    In my experience you organise/arrange the meeting by e.mail. The difficult part is getting people to agree to the meeting in the first place. In this case it seems that RD had agreed to the meeting. That is the hard part. The meeting has still not happened. Yet everyone is blaming, and fuming about the 27 year old glorified PA. If this is a serious proposal her presence and actions should be irrelevant.
    It's a view but one that I disagree with. You condemn an over reaction yet are happy to go along with the view that Miere is and I quote "a glorified PA".

    We are all quite rightly very pissed off with this women but apart from the insult value attached to calling her just a PA there is no real basis in truth or reality.

    She is, like it or not the clubs CEO and a qualified corporate lawyer. She obviously has the trust of the owner.

    In her role it will of course be her responsibility to filter the wheat from the chaff of speculative e mails from chancers, nutters and in Peter Varney's case from the serious business people. Some like an e mail from perhaps you, a serious yet minor enquiry can be dealt with by her or delegated and others like in this case from a former CEO of Charlton now acting as CEO for very seriously wealthy Kuwaiti businessmen. She is obliged with the latter to deal with that enquiry respectfully and pass the information up the chain.

    How she has got away with not arranging a meeting after RD has requested one is the issue. Not that she fields the numerous business proposals the club gets.

    exactly, see my comment above yours
  • In any business the size of Charlton's you follow up any opportunities to increase revenue that present themselves. I think we are all intelligent enough to work that out despite what Red in SE8 wants to tell us. I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. If Peter Varney had written the e-mail to any other Championship club, he would have got his half hour meeting FFS. To suggest otherwise makes you look a right tool!

    If you think you could get a half hour meeting with the CEO of any championship club simply by e.mailing that you have a proposal it is you who is the Tool!
    when you are also the CEO of a local football club that has serious financial backing like ebbsfleet it really is not unheard of. How else do you organise a meeting? Is there some kind of ritual you must do outside the valley to get a meeting? I can tell you're not that experienced with the corporate world.
    In my experience you organise/arrange the meeting by e.mail. The difficult part is getting people to agree to the meeting in the first place. In this case it seems that RD had agreed to the meeting. That is the hard part. The meeting has still not happened. Yet everyone is blaming, and fuming about the 27 year old glorified PA. If this is a serious proposal her presence and actions should be irrelevant.
    RD agreed to the meeting but delegated KM to deal with the issue. She hasn't. It really isn't that difficult to grasp.
    You don't seem to be able to grasp that if it is a serious proposal by serious people RD will have a meeting or at least will be made aware of what the proposal is. It should not matter what KM does or does not do!
    does roland possess psychic powers? How else can he find out what the proposal is unless PV tells him? It's an investment oppurtunity in the emails and seems like PV is trying to set up a very brief initial meeting (30 mins - a very short period of time) to inform him of the proposal. This email chain just seems like katrien fobbing PV off until Roland replies and seemingly approves the meeting and (you would assume) tells katrien to set up the meeting.

    Email chain sums up the club at the moment, chasing its own tail.
    stonemuse said:

    In any business the size of Charlton's you follow up any opportunities to increase revenue that present themselves. I think we are all intelligent enough to work that out despite what Red in SE8 wants to tell us. I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. If Peter Varney had written the e-mail to any other Championship club, he would have got his half hour meeting FFS. To suggest otherwise makes you look a right tool!

    If you think you could get a half hour meeting with the CEO of any championship club simply by e.mailing that you have a proposal it is you who is the Tool!
    when you are also the CEO of a local football club that has serious financial backing like ebbsfleet it really is not unheard of. How else do you organise a meeting? Is there some kind of ritual you must do outside the valley to get a meeting? I can tell you're not that experienced with the corporate world.
    In my experience you organise/arrange the meeting by e.mail. The difficult part is getting people to agree to the meeting in the first place. In this case it seems that RD had agreed to the meeting. That is the hard part. The meeting has still not happened. Yet everyone is blaming, and fuming about the 27 year old glorified PA. If this is a serious proposal her presence and actions should be irrelevant.
    RD agreed to the meeting but delegated KM to deal with the issue. She hasn't. It really isn't that difficult to grasp.
    You don't seem to be able to grasp that if it is a serious proposal by serious people RD will have a meeting or at least will be made aware of what the proposal is. It should not matter what KM does or does not do!
    I think the point that is being missed here is that RD has probably insisted KM vet the enquiry first before he gives up any of his time.

    And KM has been 'advised' by her CAFC 'team' to defer, if not deter, any such talks so that they do not get to RD's ears. In that way, KM and her advisers keep their job for a while longer.

    They are protecting their position and keeping RD ignorant - it can't last for long and they will get found out - but they will still play the game.
    considering the way varney left the club and the split at the very top of the club at the time i actually, unfortunately, wouldn't be surprised.
  • As a supporter boy, man and now 50 plus man. Valley Gold, VIP, Season ticket holder, prolific buyer of club merchandise even if it is tat, a supporter who christened his son at the Valley etc... A supporter who has introduced my brother, wife and son to be season ticket holders at the Valley. If things don't change, I am not buying a season ticket for me or my family next season. As it stands at the moment, I will also not go to any matches next season. Lose somebody like me and you are going to lose a lot more. I attended Sellout (every game). I am loyal, and I love Charlton, but I have to do something and giving these idiots my money is not the answer - that is clear. Saying this breaks my heart.

    You're not alone muttley our Dad will be turning in his grave right now.
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  • edited December 2015

    no one renew season tickets at all only way club will listen.

    Are you an ex-Spurs fan by any chance?

    Edit: Ignore that feeble attempt at humour - just seen the other thread!
  • if they didn't want to meet him, why not just say they didn't want to meet him at the off instead of engaging in a drawn out sporadic dialogue RD to KM to KM's PA to RD to KM?

    I think you're missing the point @Red_in_SE8

    Spot on Suzi. I know various people who had things to say of much less significance who were granted meetings in that time. Had us fans groups known of the interest, I dare say we might well have allowed her to postpone the fans' meeting to make time for a chat with PV. He made every effort to fit in with their schedule. KM's response is nothing short of disrespectful I'm afraid, whatever she might think of her predecessor. Don't shit on people you might need in the future.

    There's little hope for RD to do anything other than burn money in the coming years. If someone else is prepared to do it with some genuine football objectives, and to explain it in half hour at a time and location of your choosing - including your overseas office - at least bloody listen to them, or politely decline.
  • cafc999 said:

    @Red_in_SE8 - As CEO of CAFC it is Katrien's job to know who Peter Varney is extremely well.

    She should have been begging to meet him.

    That's how ludicrous this situation is.

    She didn't want to know. Didn't want a chance to speak to probably the best CEO we've had, certainly in recent times. Work that out.

    She doesn't want to learn.

    She doesn't care.

    She doesn't deserve to be the CEO of this great club.

    She also thinks that she knows best
    Agreed, I don't use a Google anymore I ask Katrien, trouble is never get a reply :open_mouth:
  • Nug said:

    Yet more overreaction on CL!

    Just to be clear I would love Varney to come back to Charlton as CEO or some other capacity. I am not a supporter of the current owners or CEO. I wasn't implying that he is a Del Boy ( although reading it back I can understand how people might infer that I was) I was making the point that KM would receive many unsolicited personal e.mails from Del Boy types every week. It is easy to buy name, address and e.mail address lists for CEOs and FDs for every company in the UK.

    As previously stated I, typically, did not even receive a response when I approached CEOs and FDs in this way. And my e.mails were almost identical to Varney's first e.mail in that I established who I was, my background and provenance, and maybe the names of businesses and CEOs I had worked with. But I was a small one man business. Multi-billion dollar businesses do not pitch proposals by sending unsolicited e.mails to CEOs. They employ people and agencies who know people who know people, and pay them a lot of money, to facilitate face-to-face meetings.

    If the group that Varney is working for are serious, and have a serious proposal that affects the long term future of Charlton then RD would be fully aware of it by now.

    Overreaction? Have you looked at the table, the squad, the bloke in the suit standing by the dugout?
    And the pain and desperation on the faces of CS & JJ at the final whistle yesterday ?

  • edited December 2015

    @Red_in_SE8 - As CEO of CAFC it is Katrien's job to know who Peter Varney is extremely well.

    She should have been begging to meet him.

    That's how ludicrous this situation is.

    She didn't want to know. Didn't want a chance to speak to probably the best CEO we've had, certainly in recent times. Work that out.

    She doesn't want to learn.

    She doesn't care.

    She doesn't deserve to be the CEO of this great club.

    Do you believe that KM should be "begging" to meet PV ?

    Edit - and I am a few pages behind but is there any clarity around what the investment opportunity is ? If anyone else mooted the idea of moving to some peninsula in Kent people would go (even) mad (der). Is PV's plan about relocation ?
  • Nug said:

    Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.

    If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.

    As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.

    peter Varney is an ex CEO of the club - one in a very successful period - that affords him attention surely. How he can be seen as any other Delboy is incredible, they could ask anybody and be told who he is! The problem is, they probably asked the wrong man - which they need to take blame for. A man who needs to go now with his head in shame. He has ruined all the good he has done and has become a pathetic disgrace. I hope he never sees a penny of his 7 million. He doesn't deserve it!
    There's about as much chance of him getting his £7 million back as there is of me becoming the next interim head coach....oh wait!
    Peter Varney's Red and White Army.
    got to be sung loudly on Saturday

    Sounds like a plan, Large !

  • PL54 said:

    @Red_in_SE8 - As CEO of CAFC it is Katrien's job to know who Peter Varney is extremely well.

    She should have been begging to meet him.

    That's how ludicrous this situation is.

    She didn't want to know. Didn't want a chance to speak to probably the best CEO we've had, certainly in recent times. Work that out.

    She doesn't want to learn.

    She doesn't care.

    She doesn't deserve to be the CEO of this great club.

    Do you believe that KM should be "begging" to meet PV ?

    Edit - and I am a few pages behind but is there any clarity around what the investment opportunity is ? If anyone else mooted the idea of moving to some peninsula in Kent people would go (even) mad (der). Is PV's plan about relocation ?
    PV didn't indicate any plan, only a proposed level of investment
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  • In any business the size of Charlton's you follow up any opportunities to increase revenue that present themselves. I think we are all intelligent enough to work that out despite what Red in SE8 wants to tell us. I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. If Peter Varney had written the e-mail to any other Championship club, he would have got his half hour meeting FFS. To suggest otherwise makes you look a right tool!

    If you think you could get a half hour meeting with the CEO of any championship club simply by e.mailing that you have a proposal it is you who is the Tool!
    when you are also the CEO of a local football club that has serious financial backing like ebbsfleet it really is not unheard of. How else do you organise a meeting? Is there some kind of ritual you must do outside the valley to get a meeting? I can tell you're not that experienced with the corporate world.
    In my experience you organise/arrange the meeting by e.mail. The difficult part is getting people to agree to the meeting in the first place. In this case it seems that RD had agreed to the meeting. That is the hard part. The meeting has still not happened. Yet everyone is blaming, and fuming about the 27 year old glorified PA. If this is a serious proposal her presence and actions should be irrelevant.
    RD agreed to the meeting but delegated KM to deal with the issue. She hasn't. It really isn't that difficult to grasp.
    You don't seem to be able to grasp that if it is a serious proposal by serious people RD will have a meeting or at least will be made aware of what the proposal is. It should not matter what KM does or does not do!
    She is CEO of a company where there is an investment proposal; regardless of whether she is a puppet, she is still the CEO.
  • edited December 2015
    Surely the way it would work is that Varney has a short meeting with KM, she reports back to RD - a decision is made on whether to explore further or not and it moves on from there. Well that is how it should work, and I don't think you need a businessman or CEO to tell you it would be done differently. Any credible investment proposal should at least be explored. What does KM do with her time that she can't spare a few hours? It certainly doesn't seem to be answering e-mails!
  • Surely the way it would work is that Varney has a short meeting with KM, she reports back to RD - a decision is made on whether to explore further or not and it moves on from there. Well that is how it should work, and I don't think you need a businessman or CEO to tell you it would be done differently. Any credible investment proposal should at least be explored. What does KM do with her time that she can't spare a few hours? It certainly doesn't seem to be answering e-mails!

    Web summits in Dublin.
  • Nug said:

    Don't quite understand the outrage that this e.mail exchange has caused. RD/KM don't know Varney from any other Del Boy trying to get get a meeting to propose an idea that is beneficial for all parties. I used to try to get meetings with CEOs and FDs with unsolicited e.mails and letters and I was lucky if I got a response, never mind a firm appointment, from 1 in 100. If I was to receive an unsolicited e.mail requesting a meeting and proposing 3 or 4 different venues and dates and specifying it needs to happen soon because the sender was going to be out of the country for a few weeks and if they were to meet at my office it would have to be in a specific part of my office building as opposed to another part, I would view it as extremely rude.

    If Peter Varney has a serious proposal that he wants Charlton fans to know about and support (and he clearly does since he has released the e.mail exchange; again something I consider to be an extremely rude and and unprofessional thing to do) then he should make an effort to let Charlton fans know the exact nature of this proposal.

    As far as what the Trust should do next? Well at the moment I am not interested in the views of KM or RD or other Charlton fans on this matter. I am only interested in finding out more about this proposal. Perhaps the Trust could arrange an interview with Varney where he can provide more details.

    peter Varney is an ex CEO of the club - one in a very successful period - that affords him attention surely. How he can be seen as any other Delboy is incredible, they could ask anybody and be told who he is! The problem is, they probably asked the wrong man - which they need to take blame for. A man who needs to go now with his head in shame. He has ruined all the good he has done and has become a pathetic disgrace. I hope he never sees a penny of his 7 million. He doesn't deserve it!
    There's about as much chance of him getting his £7 million back as there is of me becoming the next interim head coach....oh wait!
    Peter Varney's Red and White Army.
    Like it immensely
  • Surely the way it would work is that Varney has a short meeting with KM, she reports back to RD - a decision is made on whether to explore further or not and it moves on from there. Well that is how it should work, and I don't think you need a businessman or CEO to tell you it would be done differently. Any credible investment proposal should at least be explored. What does KM do with her time that she can't spare a few hours? It certainly doesn't seem to be answering e-mails!

    She was asked to spend time over a coffee - she is avoiding a meet.
  • PL54 said:

    @Red_in_SE8 - As CEO of CAFC it is Katrien's job to know who Peter Varney is extremely well.

    She should have been begging to meet him.

    That's how ludicrous this situation is.

    She didn't want to know. Didn't want a chance to speak to probably the best CEO we've had, certainly in recent times. Work that out.

    She doesn't want to learn.

    She doesn't care.

    She doesn't deserve to be the CEO of this great club.

    Do you believe that KM should be "begging" to meet PV ?

    Edit - and I am a few pages behind but is there any clarity around what the investment opportunity is ? If anyone else mooted the idea of moving to some peninsula in Kent people would go (even) mad (der). Is PV's plan about relocation ?
    You're damn right I do.

    What she's doing as CEO isn't working. Mistake after mistake. Comment that alienates the fans after comment that alienates the fans.

    Can you think of anyone better to talk to for advice in her role?
  • PL54 said:

    @Red_in_SE8 - As CEO of CAFC it is Katrien's job to know who Peter Varney is extremely well.

    She should have been begging to meet him.

    That's how ludicrous this situation is.

    She didn't want to know. Didn't want a chance to speak to probably the best CEO we've had, certainly in recent times. Work that out.

    She doesn't want to learn.

    She doesn't care.

    She doesn't deserve to be the CEO of this great club.

    Do you believe that KM should be "begging" to meet PV ?

    Edit - and I am a few pages behind but is there any clarity around what the investment opportunity is ? If anyone else mooted the idea of moving to some peninsula in Kent people would go (even) mad (der). Is PV's plan about relocation ?
    To respond to your second point, maybe so.

    At which point it should have been quashed and ignored.

    We don't know what it was though do we?

    We don't know because Katrien was too arrogant/scared of what she might hear to give Varney the courtesy of meeting him and/or proper and professional replies.
  • RM will have been pulling Katriens blouse and advising her against it from the moment he got wind of PV contacting her/RD. The man is happy to watch our Club rot, and shoot anyone else down who dare comment to him. Bitter man.
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