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Next Manager??



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    Rothko said:
    is there really a preception of us being short cash? Or is it people who have just got a bug bear over not blowing loads of cash in the window? 
    But thats not true... We spent over £1m on Kirk | Stockley | Lavelle | Clare

    You've got the wages and signing on fees for Souare | Henderson | Blackett-Taylor | Dobson | MacGillivray (not to mention those who renewed) - It makes our position worse as apart from Ipswich | Wigan, we're probably in the top six for spending this summer.
    It's nonsense, especially as we've just lost to ACCRINGTON, not Manchester City! Their wage bill is a fraction of ours, I imagine all our players earn more than Pell
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    Rothko said:
    is there really a preception of us being short cash? Or is it people who have just got a bug bear over not blowing loads of cash in the window? 
    I think you answered your own question.
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    Its a interest free loan isn’t it. So he just joins the Q of people who are owed money ?
    Yes it is but do you think he really thinks he is going to get it repaid? At what point is that likely to happen ?

    People do these interest free loans as it is an effective way of doing it from a tax point of view not because they want it repaid
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    edited October 2021
    Biggest problem for me is TS, in Atkins, went with someone who matched his general positivity. 

    Given he is unlikely to have known much if anything about him, he will have been introduced to him by, most likely, Roddy who saw a kindred spirit fit between the two. 

    Its no good then if you fill up the team with players the manager didn't want. That is self evident with most of the summer signings.

    We need a manager that does not try to spin positivity when clearly behind the scenes are not good. We need a manager who can make a silk purse out of a sows ear. 

    If he will do it, it has to be Curbs with Jacko as no 2.

    I don't buy the "we must look forward not back" line.

    Our club will drop into the fourth tier for the first time in our history if TS does not get this right. We need someone who has done it before. Someone who will be able to engender the spirit of the club and get them pulling together. 
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    edited October 2021
    I wouldn't presume to know.  I like how the AFC Wimbledon manager sets his team up, and unlike Adkins responds tactically in matches with simple effective changes.  But I wouldn't want him mid season.  Now we need all our players in who fight, and Curbs who'll not be a prat playing 3 midfielders against 6:  And no playing CBT and Leko who are useless defenders Nige doesn't help the midfield at all.

    Hopefully someone identifies a near complete energetic 24-25 year old midfielder too.  The next Kinsella please Curbs.
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    Does anybody really expect TS to bin his 4 man black box set-up at the first sign of trouble?
    I think he has been forced into a decision on Adkins, but I doubt the basic set-up will be changed, yet.
    Why in your wildest dreams would anybody expect the likes of Chris Wilder to be attracted to us?
    One interview in which he said he wants a PL job, expects a Championship job and maybe would consider a League One job if it was a special case where the club were looking to invest to go straight through The Championship.

    I didn't see him mention a relegation battle in League One....
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    CL When it gets announced Adkins is still in post:

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    Steve Bruce! With his 8million quid pay out he could buy us some proper players in the transfer window!! 


    Fiona Bruce has more chance! 

    We will be getting news at 10.
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    edited October 2021
    Leuth said:
    Simonsen said:
    I'm not saying who I think will get the job but these are the names I'd be happy with....

    Chris Wilder or Tony Pulis....people who won't take any shit from poor players. Experienced, plain speakers who can get the best out of what they have and can build teams. 

    Our biggest problem is being 3rd Division and seemingly being short of cash. Being bottom of the league isn't so much of a problem, as it makes it easier for someone to come in and make a visible impact. 
    Why is it that at times like these, so many people shit the bed and call for a tactical dinosaur just because he's seen as hard, or something 
    Because the current crop of players are clearly taking the piss. If they worked harder collectively and in an organised way, they would start to dominate matches rather than be chasing matches. When you are in crisis (which we are) then you have to stop conceding goals first and you do that by working harder to close people down, regain your shape and throw your bodies in the way when needed.

    And how is Chris Wilder a tactical dinosaur? The man who used over-lapping centre-backs in The Championship.

    And Tony Pulis would definitely sort out the defensive side and make us more of a threat from set-pieces. It might not be pretty but neither is losing 2-3 at home to Accrington. Hands-up who would prefer a shitty 1-0 win right now? 

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    Obviously I meant Pulis not Wilder, and if you think appointing Pulis would automatically mean winning loads of games 1-0 then you're in for a rude surprise. Here's how his last job went:

    On 28 December 2020, Pulis was sacked as Wednesday manager after having secured just one victory from ten league games.[130]
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    Simonsen said:
    Leuth said:
    Simonsen said:
    I'm not saying who I think will get the job but these are the names I'd be happy with....

    Chris Wilder or Tony Pulis....people who won't take any shit from poor players. Experienced, plain speakers who can get the best out of what they have and can build teams. 

    Our biggest problem is being 3rd Division and seemingly being short of cash. Being bottom of the league isn't so much of a problem, as it makes it easier for someone to come in and make a visible impact. 
    Why is it that at times like these, so many people shit the bed and call for a tactical dinosaur just because he's seen as hard, or something 
    Because the current crop of players are clearly taking the piss. If they worked harder collectively and in an organised way, they would start to dominate matches rather than be chasing matches. When you are in crisis (which we are) then you have to stop conceding goals first and you do that by working harder to close people down, regain your shape and throw your bodies in the way when needed.

    And how is Chris Wilder a tactical dinosaur? The man who used over-lapping centre-backs in The Championship.

    And Tony Pulis would definitely sort out the defensive side and make us more of a threat from set-pieces. It might not be pretty but neither is losing 2-3 at home to Accrington. Hands-up who would prefer a shitty 1-0 win right now? 

    As Curbs has said we need to stop the rot and make ourselves hard to beat. Organise the defensive shape, so that everyone (as in all 11 players) know their roles.

    I'd like a young, progressive coach, but I'm not sure now is the right time, as we're sadly in a relegation scrap at the moment
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    Steve Bruce! With his 8million quid pay out he could buy us some proper players in the transfer window!! 


    Fiona Bruce has more chance! 

    We will be getting news at 10.

    Play it again Sam.
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    TS likes cheap solutions - so it will probably be JJ
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    Wilder was asking for £4m a year at Sheffield United, the idea he’ll come is for the birds
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    masicat said:
    TS likes cheap solutions - so it will probably be JJ
    That's my take on it, I just said on another thread I bet nobody at The Valley today is working on a new manager spread sheet. 
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    Simonsen said:
    Leuth said:
    Simonsen said:
    I'm not saying who I think will get the job but these are the names I'd be happy with....

    Chris Wilder or Tony Pulis....people who won't take any shit from poor players. Experienced, plain speakers who can get the best out of what they have and can build teams. 

    Our biggest problem is being 3rd Division and seemingly being short of cash. Being bottom of the league isn't so much of a problem, as it makes it easier for someone to come in and make a visible impact. 
    Why is it that at times like these, so many people shit the bed and call for a tactical dinosaur just because he's seen as hard, or something 
    Because the current crop of players are clearly taking the piss. If they worked harder collectively and in an organised way, they would start to dominate matches rather than be chasing matches. When you are in crisis (which we are) then you have to stop conceding goals first and you do that by working harder to close people down, regain your shape and throw your bodies in the way when needed.

    And how is Chris Wilder a tactical dinosaur? The man who used over-lapping centre-backs in The Championship.

    And Tony Pulis would definitely sort out the defensive side and make us more of a threat from set-pieces. It might not be pretty but neither is losing 2-3 at home to Accrington. Hands-up who would prefer a shitty 1-0 win right now? 

    As Curbs has said we need to stop the rot and make ourselves hard to beat. Organise the defensive shape, so that everyone (as in all 11 players) know their roles.

    I'd like a young, progressive coach, but I'm not sure now is the right time, as we're sadly in a relegation scrap at the moment
    We’ve got 33 games left, we don’t need to play like we’re in a relegation scrap. We need the players to show confidence and belief. A Pulis type manager isn’t necessarily the way to do that. Does that approach even work with young players today?
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    masicat said:
    TS likes cheap solutions - so it will probably be JJ
    Turun Palloseura would probably want compensation though 
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    Michael Laudrup anyone?
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    I don't think it is out of the question that we appoint a new manager before Saturday. It sounds as if there is lots happening in the background.
    Interesting. Just manager related?
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    masicat said:
    TS likes cheap solutions - so it will probably be JJ
    Spent more on fees than we have in years. Cheap compared to Ipswich but he’s hardly Roland in his last year either.
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    Hear Hayden Mullins is finally coming home.
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    This is very expensive- paying NA off-2 yrs of contract left-?? ???£400k I'm guessing
    I expect TS to look for young talent from lower leagues- unproven. Just hope they are strong on defending.
    Got to say NA was decent bloke but it din't work out fast enough- and was the recruitment right?....
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    edited October 2021
    Unfortunately Sandgaard has seen how many LOLs Chris Wilder posts on here get, which means he won't be our next manager. 
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    Thomas has confirmed they are in no rush to look for a new manager and that JJ will get a fair crack to see what he can do. 
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    This will not end well. We need a very experienced manager and TS has gone cheap. Poor JJ, better to
    inherit a team in 10th place than this. I bet Pearce is back in at Sunderland.
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